Chapter 1

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Today, September 1. I am going back to Hogwarts. As my parents and brother dropped me at the station each of them having wide grins.

"Bring me chocolate frogs, will you?" (B/N) asked.

"I will get you two only if you promise I get your headphones for a week after I come," I smirked, knowing this is going to be a win-win situation. My brother huffed and agreed.

(BF/N) and I walk through the divider between platforms nine and ten, onto platform nine-and-three-quarters just to meet with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys! How was your summer?" (BF/N) asked for which I giggled because I knew what happened at the Dursleys'. "Yeah, it was good," Harry replied. I hummed. "Totally."

We boarded the train as the three of them were speaking about what happened to Aunt Marge.

We entered the same empty compartment where Remus was fast asleep, or so they thought. For a moment I felt my body freeze at the overwhelming thoughts after seeing Moony in his patched clothes, his suitcase above head with his name written in peeling letters-

(BF/N) placed a hand on the small of my back steering me into the compartment. I tried to change my mood by focusing on anything and everything other than the marauders but that's not possible when I take a seat next to Moony.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron asked, breaking me from my trance.

"Remus John Lupin. The great Messr.Moony." (BF/N) whispered in my ears, making me giggle.

"Why are you two giggling?" Ron asked, looking confused.

I pointed to the suitcase above head and leaned back against the seat to get comfortable.

"Seriously, Ron? Look around," I said to him as he blushed furiously.

"Sirisly" I leaned and whispered in (BF/N)"s ears

"Did you just...?" I smirked at her as she chuckled and shook her head.

Harry explained all the things that happened at the leaky cauldron when he finished. I was slightly mad and (BF/N) looked disappointed (which she masked as a shock when Harry turned to look at her) and the rest two looked absolutely shocked.

I tuned out what Hermione said since they were definitely going to be worried ramblings except for the last line which caught my attention.

"...don't go looking for trouble, Harry..." "I don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me"

Not being able to contain my laughter anymore I burst out laughing along with (BF/N) before Ron shushed us saying Remus was sleeping and was afraid we would wake him up.

"He wouldn't wake up, he looks fast asleep," I said, not looking back at Moony.

"Oh, now do I?" a hoarse voice asked behind me. Startled, I jumped out of my seat and bumped my head against the rack in the process.

"Oh, gods Moony, You scared me," I said without even thinking. (BF/N)'s jaw dropped and eyes wide while Remus' forehead was scrunched in confusion and his eyes filled with skepticism.

I started stuttering and glanced side to side awkwardly.

"I and this young lady are having some talkings to do. Come on," he said as he dragged me out of the compartment.

"Wh-h-how did you know that?" he asked.

"I don't know if I can say that"

"Please, I need to know"

I gave him the synopsis of what happened to me and promised him that I would let him read the book knowing he was one to be trusted and wise enough to know the consequences.

As we were walking back to the compartment, I zoned out questioning myself whether the option I chose was right, when somebody's back roughly collided with me, catching me off guard before I regained my balance by holding onto the person's arm.

I looked up to see the Hogwarts heartthrob, Hufflepuff, wide-eyed in front of me, I glanced back catching a glimpse of his giggling friends as a smile etched itself on my face, I patted his arm as I sidestepped and briskly walked back to the compartment.

"Do you like that guy?" the same hoarse voice whispered startling me again.

"Moony, for God's sake, do not scare me!" I whispered yelled

"You still didn't answer me"

"It's not important," a sly smirk formed on his face which I ignored.

When we came back to the compartment we found Malfoy bickering with Ron and Harry. It came to a halt only when Remus coughed. Draco knowing better left the place without another word but I eagerly expected a classic Wait-till-my-father-hears-about-this.

Hermione asked me questions just with her eyes which I waved off telling it was alright.

As I took my seat next to (BF/N), she poked my cheeks. "What happened? Did you meet the pretty boy?" she asked as a light pink brushed my cheeks again as I hissed a "Shut up".

That's when the train slowed down and stopped with a jolt. The lights suddenly went out as I snapped my fingers for my wand (Oh, Yeah, me and (BF/N) found a spell that could bring our wands with a snap of our fingers).

The compartment door opened and Nevile came in falling at Harry's feet, rambling excuses as Harry pulled him up. Then next came Ginny whom, after all the ruckus she caused, I pulled behind me and Moony lit flames in his hand. I gave him an incredulous look before rolling my eyes.

And then comes the real problem: Dementors. I felt my hands go clammy as I held my wand even more tightly and inched forward, making the rest of them behind me as I stood like a shield. Before Moony could protest the door opened as I held out my wand. That is all I knew before I heard his voice, Voldemorts's, commanding those words to the traitor who killed the Triwizard champion.

Before I knew it I collapsed on the floor against the seat, (BF/N) hovering above me as she furiously wiped my tears.

I locked my eyes with (BF/N), "I heard him, his commands," I said, my words barely a whisper but loud enough for my lifelong best friend to decipher it.

She sighed and she engulfed me in a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"It's okay," she said as she pulled away.

I looked around to make sure everyone was safe. "You alright?" I asked Harry who nodded and then I looked over to Ginny who looked absolutely fine.

Remus gave me a piece of chocolate. "Eat it, you will better," he said, as I gently smiled, "I need to speak to the driver"

The rest of the journey back to Hogwarts went with them pestering me with questions to understand what is happening here. Half of those I zoned out allowing (BF/N) to do the answering which she gladly did. This was one of the things she was superior to me, she could handle a situation wiser than me at times.

Dumbledore's speech, Lupin and Hagrid's introduction, Snape's glaring, Malfoy's taunting everything went in a blur as that one scene played in my head again and again urging me to glance at the Hufflepuff table every now and then making me anxious for that was yet to come in a year...

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