Chapter 10

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I had evidently been silencing myself more and more for the last few days, I had been able to control my outbursts to the level I can and keep it on the minimum but I wasn't having the ultimate power to stop the rumors and they kept spreading every time with different theories each worse than the before. But I had (BF/N) and for me, that was enough. We had been friends forever, she knew me like the back of her hand and vice-versa, I had gone to her for everything from advice on silly things to the most vital decision I would be taking in my life and I listened to her without a second thought.

I was strolling through the corridors, fresh breeze hitting my face and ruffling my hair that flew free, my ankle had completed heel which meant I could hop up and down and show off my two good ankles, arms swinging freely and feeling relaxed for a few minutes before I came face to face with a disgruntled Moony.

"Hello, Professor" I greeted him as he just recognized my presence.

"Ah, (Y/N), how are you?"

I stared at his tired and sad face; this month's full moon had fallen on the day of Christmas and the feeling of missing the Christmas feast just could not be described in words. Besides that, I also knew the reason for his exhausted demeanor.

I smiled pleasantly before sighing. "I am great but miss (BF/N). She had to go back home since her parents wanted her there to manage that shop of theirs."

"Ah, I know how it feels when your friends leave you alone"


"He heard James' voice for the first time, begging Lily to save Harry and that he would hold off Voldemort, wandless. Brave man he was. Harry asked about Black too -"

"Sirius. He was your friend too"

"But he betrayed them, me, Harry, everyone."

"Let me tell you something, Moony, One is known to be a true friend only if he knows them in and out and you don't know Sirius Black in and out."

"I don't mind not being a true friend for someone who betrayed me"

"Remus, the only thing I am telling you is: read the book and you will regret every single word you had spoken. Good night, Professor." With that being the final words, I went back to the common room.

It's been a few days since that conversation and I wished I never had one such that in the future and I would much rather prefer the teasing ones.

(BF/N) was back from holidays with a whole bunch of chocolates and candies all being rare to get in Hogwarts and especially the milk chocolates I had asked her for since it was my most favorite one and was unavailable here.

One night I was sitting on the common room couch next to Hermione and (BF/N) as I completed my transfiguration essay which was due in 2 days when Harry came in with his new firebolt.

I smiled knowing who had gotten him that. The crowd was gathered around him to hold or touch or just even watch his firebolt.

"I got it back," said Harry as he made his way to sit next to Hermione

"See, Hermione? There wasn't anything wrong with it!" said Ron.

"Well — there might have been! I mean, at least you know now that it's safe!"

"Yeah, I suppose so, I'd better put it upstairs," said Harry.

"I'll take it!" said Ron eagerly. "I've got to give Scabbers his rat tonic."

I tried my best to keep a poker face and concentrate on my essay.

After a few minutes, I heard that strangled yell from the boys' staircase. Ron came running down with a bedsheet.

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