Chapter 11

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I am fine. When I say that I mean - 'I am not okay so don't disturb me!' but nobody understands that code language.

Today "I am fine" because of Buckbeak's execution, which I came to know from a broken Hermione who brought the letter from Hagrid.

I dreaded going to the Care of Magical creatures class. I was never good at comforting people and I was definitely not good with temper.

"S'all my fault. Got all tongue-tied. They was all sittin' there in black robes an' I kep' droppin' me notes and forgettin' all them dates yeh looked up fer me, Hermione. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the Committee jus' did exac'ly what he told 'em..." Hagrid told us.

"There's still the appeal!" said Ron fiercely. "Don't give up yet, we're working on it!"

"Yeah Hagrid"

"S'no good, Ron," said Hagrid, "That Committee's in Lucius Malfoy's pocket. I'm jus' gonna make sure the rest o' Beaky's time is the happiest he's ever had. I owe him that..."

"Look at him blubber!" Malfoy said, from the side of the ground. I rolled my eyes.

"Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic?" said Malfoy. "And he's supposed to be our teacher!"

"Pathetic? He is not a mirror, Malfoy" I said and Hermione strode towards him and flew her hand across his face giving him a tight slap.

I ooohed and folded my arms, the smirk still present on my face.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul — you evil —"

"Little cockroach" I leaned back and whispered to (BF/N).

"Harry, (Y/N), you'd better beat him in the Quidditch final!" Hermione said shrilly. "You just better had, because I can't stand it if Slytherin wins!"

"Aye Aye Captain!" I saluted.

"We're due in Charms," said Ron, "We'd better go."

We hurried towards the charms classroom.

"You're late!" said Professor Flitwick, "Come along, quickly, wands out, we're experimenting with Cheering Charms today, we've already divided into pairs —"

We four took place at the back of the class and opened our books.

After the charms class, we had our Divination class for which I had no inspiration to go.

"Are you sure I have to come, (N/N)?" I asked her as we climbed the stairs.

"Yes," She dragged the word as she said for the umpteenth time.


"Shut up! You utter another word, I am hexing the living Hades out of you!"

I stared at her and then looked around to see everyone staring at us weirdly before I burst out laughing, making this situation even more awkward and embarrassing.

She groaned and dragged my laughing form by the arm. Divination was worse except for the "Hermione-walk-out" moment which was totally cool.

The final Quidditch match was coming and the whole house was going haywire. The practices were more vigorous given the fact that Gryffindor hadn't won the cup for years.

After all the wishes from the Gryffindor, I walked to the locker room by the stands when I heard a voice whisper, "Good luck" in my ears.

"Diggory, sneak up on me again, you won't be there to see the consequence," I warned looking back at him.

He put his hands up in mock surrender, "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks."

He nodded and smiled which returned politely.

"And here are the Gryffindors!" yelled Lee Jordan, as we entered the pitch, "Potter, Bell, Johnson, (Y/L), Weasley, Weasley, and Wood. Widely acknowledged as the best team Hogwarts has seen in a good few years —"

I totally drowned out the 'boos', the comments, everything just focusing on calming my nerves.

"We can do it little one." The twins said in unison.

I smiled and hummed. "We can. But I am not little."

George snorted. "Yeah, and I am not the handsome one of us two."

Both me and Fred looked at him, our eyes narrowed. "Yes, your not"

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up you blind idiots"

We both burst out laughing at his antics.

We stood in the middle of the pitch as Wood and Flint had their hands clasped together tightly as if trying to break each other's bones.

"What are they doing?" I asked the twins.

"Holding hands-" Fred said.

"Just like how cute couples-" said George, making an awful expression.

"Like you and your pretty boy-"


"Shut up" I grumbled and walked away from those two.

"You're just in denial-"

"I said shut up!"

"Mount your brooms!" said Madam Hooch. "Three... two... one..."

She flew her whistle as both the teams flew up simultaneously and stood in their respective position.

I took a deep breath as Madam Hooch threw the quaffle and I raced forward to catch it and flew towards the Slytherin goal post but the quaffle was roughly snatched away from me by Warrington.

I groaned in frustration as I dived forward and followed him a few feet below just as George hits the bludger towards Warrington.

He dropped the quaffle as I awaited; I caught it and threw it to Angelina who then scored a goal.

Angelina punched the air as she flew towards me for a high five but she was nearly thrown off her broom as Flint went smashing into her.

Fred chucked his beater's club at him. I flew to stand beside Fred and wiggled my eyebrows and smirked.

"Piss off, (Y/L)!"

"Penalty shot to Gryffindor for an unprovoked attack on their Chaser! Penalty shot to Slytherin for deliberate damage to their Chaser!" yelled Madam Hooch.

After so many fouls, Gryffindor was ahead in the match by 60 points.

The match came to halt when Madam Hooch yelled, "Penalty! Penalty to Gryffindor! I've never seen such tactics."

Katie did the penalty but missed it by several feet because of her anger.

I heaved a deep breath as I dived down snatching the quaffle from the Slytherin chaser and soared to the Slytherin's goal post, rage and adrenaline rushing through my veins as I threw the quaffle into the hoops using my right hand with so much force that it knocked the keeper off his broom.

Simultaneously, Harry had caught the snitch. The crowd below us erupted into cheers. Clapping and shouting, some older ones were even crying.  

Immediately when I descended I was engulfed in a hug by the twins and the rest two chasers. "WE WON!"

I threw my head back and laughed. "YEAH. WE DID!"

Oliver and Harry joined the group hug. "We won the cup!" Oliver yelled, his eyes filled with tears. His arms were around the six of us as if a mother was hugging all her kids at the same time.

Her Universe, My Residence  (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now