Chapter 3

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A few children noticed the strangers who suddenly appeared, their shrieks of alarm made the noisy tribe instantly quiet down.

A male covered in a full body animal pattern came out from the crowd and stood in front of the vulnerable females and children. The tallest and biggest male slowly walked over and asked, "Who are you? What do you want here?"

Fortunately, he spoke in the universal beast language, Zhou Yun Sheng and Zhao Xuan not only understood, they could also speak it.

One man and one beast looked at each other and decided to stay in this tribe to scout out the situation. How many years were they in the future, how long had it been since they set off? Without clarifying these things, it was impossible for the Empire to set the time coordinates and jump through the space-time nodes to bring them back. Compared to an uncultured primitive tribe, Zhou Yun Sheng preferred a higher-level civilization with advanced technology, he didn't want to be stranded on this planet forever.

"Hello, we were separated from our tribe during migration. Can we temporarily live in your tribe? My name is Sheng, he is Xuan, we are mates." Zhou Yun Sheng stepped forward and courteously asked.

Population was the key to whether a tribe could develop and grow. Moreover, this person was obviously a female who was extraordinarily attractive, the kind of attractive that was difficult to describe. As soon as they saw the man who spoke up, their eyes would widen and they'd feel faint. The tribe leader's cheeks flushed slightly, he quickly glanced at him and said, "If you want to stay, you must prove that you have the ability to support yourself. Our tribe can support females, but we won't support able bodied males." These words were obviously directed at the golden furred lion.

Zhao Xuan opened his razor-sharp toothed mouth and let out a deafening roar at the man.

Belittling him in front of his wife, unforgivable.

His roar was very intimidating, but it was only for a moment. Quickly, the male beastkin in the tribe gathered together, exposing a ready to fight expression, clenching their fists and saying: "Change into human form and play with us. If you beat three people in a row, you can stay."

Zhao Xuan, who'd just laid down a challenge, froze, then turned to look at his lover. He'd taken a transformation pill, the effectiveness was one year. Only after waiting a year could he turn back into a human.

Zhou Yun Sheng smiled and asked: "You can't fight unless it's in human form?"

"Could it your mate a throwback beast? He can't transform?" The tribe leader was very surprised. The tribesmen standing behind him couldn't help but laugh mockingly.

It's been more than two thousand years since the first male transformed into a human form. During this period, the beastmen experienced genocidal massacres and burning skies, endangered but miraculously multiplying. In the aftermath of these tribulations, the humanoid beastmen grew stronger and stronger, and the primitive beasts that were unable to transform were becoming weaker. Some even lost their intellect, completely degenerating into wild beasts and attacking their tribes.

A tribe needed females, it needed strong beastmen, but it didn't need a useless, possible to lose rationality at any time, throwback beast.

The arrival of a throwback beast heralds endless troubles.

Throwback beast? Zhou Yun Sheng quickly got the information he wanted from these two words.

It turns out that there were still male beastkin who couldn't transform. Because their form was the same as the ancestors, they were collectively called the throwback beasts. Looking at their expressions, throwbacks were not a good phenomenon. In the tribe, they should be discriminated against and excluded.

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