First day

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Dumbledore-we have a new student today
(Your hands started sweating and your throat was dry)
Dumbledore-please welcome y/n......riddle
(U walked in and all eyes were on u and there were lots of whispers)
Dumbledore-we have to sort u in your house
(U sat on a stool and they put the hat on u)
You- please not Slytherin(u thought)
You-great just what I wanted
(The slytherin house clapped)
(You took a seat next to boy that had a familiar face)
Draco-so ur Tom riddles daughter
You-yeah I guess so
Draco-do you know of a horrible things your father has done
You-yeah do u know that your father is a little bitch to mine
Goyle-ooooo I like her
Draco-shut up
Draco-at least my father isn't the biggest villain
You-that just means u have to respect me bc u don't know what I'm capable of
(The truth is that u don't have an contact with him or any of ur family u were raised by ur grandfather)
Draco-whatever I'm drac-
You-Draco Malfoy son of Lucius Malfoy
Draco-wait how
You-we used to play together as children my only memory is with u bc my grandfather erased my memory of father and mother
Draco-well I don't remember u And stay out of my way if you don't want trouble little girl
(A little bit of time had passed)
Harry-HEY YOU!!!
(Harry came up to u and held his wand on your throat)
Draco-leave her alone potter
Harry-your father killed my my family
You-yea my father not me
Harry-maybe ur just like him
You-I'm not okay get out of my way glasses
Hermione-don't talk to him that way
You-well tell ur little boyfriend not to assume things
Hermione-he's not my boyfriend
You-and u I don't need u to defend me
Draco-just trying to help
You-like u said stay out of my way draco
Draco-u little bitch
You-hmn ok Slugulus Eructo
Draco-what did u do(he started barfing slugs)
(Everyone started laughing)
You-make sure it's not u next time ok
Harry- I-
(U were going to ur dorm but Harry stopped u)
Harry-hey y/n I just want u to apologize about earlier
You-yea it's ok I expected people to act like this you can't just expect people to treat you nice when your father is the biggest villain out there
Harry-sorry but don't expect us to be friends I just don't feel comfortable being around u
You-no yeah I get it
(U went to your dorm and even the girls didnt want to talk to u so u decided to go to the library)
You-what are u doing here
Draco-didn't u want me to stay out of ur way
You-yea but ur the only one who will talk to me
Draco-people are being mean to u awe that's not my problem suck it up
You-just trying to make a conversation since no one is talking to me
Draco-u expect me to be nice to u after u made me barf slugs
You-in my defence u called me a bitch
Draco-but in my defence u were being a bitch
You-yeah u know what I don't feel like fighting rn I already had a bad day
(He gave you a little smirk and left)
You-yeah he takes after his father
(You heard a voice behind you)
You-oh hi
Hermione-I didn't mean to hear ur conversation with Draco but Harry said u guys were cool now so would u like to read with me
You-thanks yeah I'm not really mean I was just mad back there what's ur name I didn't get to catch it
Hermione-hermione granger
You-nice to meet u hermione
Hermione-nice to meet u y/n
(U guys talked and u were having a great time)
Ron-what are u doing
Hermione-calm down I'm just with y/n
You-hi nice to meet yo-
Ron-hermione u don't know what she's capable of let's go
Hermione-sorry y/n I'll see u later
Ron-no u won't don't talk to any of us do you understand
(They left)
(U shed a tear)
You-I just wish he wasn't my father
(U saw someone's hand with a handkerchief)
(It was Draco he was looking away)
Draco-take it before I change my mind
(U took it)
Draco-I guess we can be...friends
You-ur just saying that out of pity
Draco-true but im pretty sure there's something in there I like about u
You-wow thanks ur so nice
Draco-u should be thankful that ur in slytherin because if u were in any other houses I wouldn't be talking to u rn
Random girl-Draco are u really talking to her she might kill u
Draco-and I might kill u .u don't know that
You-u didn't have to do that
Draco-I wanted to do that
You-thanks draco u really made my day
(He smiled but quickly turned away)
Draco-yeah whatever
You-why are u being nice to me
Draco- I know how it feels for your family to define who you are
(A group of guys came in from slytherin house)
Random guy-Draco are u really talking to her
Draco-no I was telling to get away from me ,get away from me U freak cmon guys she might kill us all
(He dropped a paper and u picked it up)
(I didn't mean what I said)
You-Draco Malfoy u are truly something else
(U went to bed and u heard all the girls talking about Draco)
Girl#1-hes so hot I would kill to just for us to have a conversation
Girl#2-ik like he's daddy
You-omg what are these girls talking about wait I have an Idea( u thought)
You-Draco and I are friends maybe I could set up one of u with him
Girl#1-whos talking to u?
You-I just thought it was a good idea
Girl#1-well i guess here tomorrow send these chocolates and roses to him for me
Girl#2- me too
Girl#3-me too
(Before u knew it all the girls were giving u stuff to give to draco)
(By the whole week u had to go give Draco 300 things)
(U went to go give them to him)
Draco-y/n is that u?
You-yea let me in I have to give u something
(He opened the door and all the chocolates and letters fell)
Draco-what is all of this?
You-these are from all the girls in slytherin that like u.I promised one of them that u would go on a date with them and there are 27 more girls that want a hug from u
Draco-why are u doing this
You-bcecause now I have friends
Draco-so ur basically using me to get friends
You-NO.....yes kind of
(U dropped the rest of the things and looked up at draco he wasn't wearing a shirt and his hair was wet)
You- I-umm
Draco-u like what u see? Y/n the only girl I want is u
(He pushed u on the bed and stared undressing u)

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now