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(You got rid of everything that reminded you of draco the head band,the necklace,the dress that you wore to the Yule ball,but you couldn't seem to throw away the letter and you just kept the sweater he gave you)
Hermione-why are you packing
You-I'm leaving
You-you should leave too I'm not supposed tell you but something bad something really bad is going to happen soon so you should leave while you can
(You left and got to your fathers mansion)
Tom-your room is up stairs to the left
(You went to unpack and realized your life was shit again)
Tom-come down for supper dear
You-okay I'll be down in a minute
(You knew draco would be there so you straighten you hair and put on the fanciest dress you had)
Tom-please sit where you would like
(There was only two seats available one next to draco and your father)
(You took the seat next to draco)
*dracos pov*
(I could smell her perfume she looked lovely she knew what she was doing)
*your pov*
(All dinner they were just yapping about how you were going to be the future of the wizarding world and you caught draco glancing at you a couple times)
(You ate and went to your room you tried to sleep but the malfoy family was fighting)
(You heard a door slam and you went to go check and you saw Draco crying on the staircase)
(You sat next to him and held his hand)
You-are you okay
Draco-I'm fine just go back to bed
You-were not doing this again tell me what's going on
Draco-you don't understand I can't
You-just tell me so I can help you
Draco-you can't help me no one can help me I'm too far gone
You-I promise you I'll do everything I can to help you...look you don't have to be here we can go outside
You-it's cold outside I'm going to get a sweater first
(You got a sweater and went outside and sat on a bench)
You-okay now you can tell me
(He looked around nervously)
Draco-they want me to kill you
(Your heart stopped and you went cold)
Draco-but I said I couldn't do it but I have to I told you not to come looking for me y/n
(He laid on your lap and started crying and you hugged him)
You-it's ok draco I'm right here I'm not going anywhere
(He stopped crying)
Draco-your wearing my sweater
You-oh yeah I didn't notice
Draco-it costs more than what you have in your life savings account
You-(you chuckled) yeah your probably want to go inside
Draco-no can we just stay like this for a little longer
You-yeah...can I ask you something
You-did you mean what you said in the letter
Draco-I don't know
You-you have to know
Draco-at first it was all a joke crabbe and got Goyle told me to flirt with you but then I realized I actually started to have feeling for you and now I think I have lost feelings for you but it's for the best
You-yeah....yeah it's for the best I'm going inside
Draco-hey...are we good?
You-yeah..yeah we're good and heres your sweater
(You gave it to him and went to your room)
(You were a little upset)
You-for the better? Unbelievable
(The rest of the week you didn't talk to draco you were mad at him and you stayed in your room most of the time)
Bellatrix-the dark lord wants to see you
Bellatrix-I don't know he just told me to tell you to come
(You went to the kitchen)
Tom-Avada kedavra
(You ducked)
Tom-she's ready
You-ready for what?
(He ignored you and walked out)
You-can someone please explain to me what I'm ready for
Tom-start training
You-for what
Tom-god you can be so brainless sometimes
Bellatrix-were attacking Hogwarts
You-what why
You-ok fine I know why but when
Tom-whenever were ready
(U went to bed but U couldn't sleep and u heard a knock on your door)
(U opened the door)
You-what are you doing here
Draco-good evening y/n I came to tell you that we can no longer be friends nor talk to each other
You-what? Did your father tell u to say that?
Draco-no this is my decision not my fathers
(You knew draco would never say that so you kissed him)
(He pushed you off)
Draco-stop it
You-wait are u actually serious
Draco-i wouldn't lie
You-your serious
You-okay well if that's all you came to tell me then leave
(You didn't believe him but at the same time you did)
(You fell asleep and you woke up)
(For 2 weeks you trained nonstop)
Tom-your getting better
Tom-that wasn't a compliment I'm saying your getting better not that you are good
(Draco walked in)
You-well thats my cue
(He rolled his eyes)
You-you have a problem with me malfoy
(No response)
You-no idk if you didn't hear me do we have a problem
You-right right let me just chill after what happened last night
Tom-what happened last night?
You-he was talking to me
Draco-he was talking to me
You-ugh I can't deal with you
Draco-do you think it's easy dealing with you
You-the more I think about it the better it is that we broke up your so self centred all you care about is yourself get your head out of your ass just for once care about something else than you
You-your just a little whore when you didn't have your emotions you practically wanted to hook up with everyone
You-oh I'm sorry I didn't care about anything I didn't have my emotions I made a mistake like you don't have mistakes
Draco-at least I own up to my mistakes
You-oh really and are not going to talk about how you took advantage of me cause you knew that I wasnt ready for a relationship oh but when y/n turned off her emotions I can just go a fuck her because she a fucking whore right RIGHT
Draco-I didn't mean it like that
You-whatever don't talk to me ever again
(U left but he grabbed your arm)
(You held up your wand up to him)
You-don't fucking touch me I will hurt you don't underestimate me malfoy
(U went to your room at calmed down and you heard a knock on the door)
You-come in
(He sat on the bed)
You-what are you doing
Tom-well as your father I feel like I should ask you if your okay
You-now you want to act like my father
Tom-I just felt bad for you did malfoy actually do those things
You-yeah he did
Tom-we can talk about it if you want
You-yeah no I'm fine
Tom-you deserve someone better
You-yeah ok well I didn't ask for your opinion is that all?
Tom-hmn no I suppose well tomorrow wake up early you're still going to train
You-yeah ok
(He left)

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now