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(You woke up and saw Draco holding your hand you could tell he had been crying)
Draco-y/n(he hugged u but he pinned your arms down) why why did u do it
You-let go of me
Draco-no u have to bring them back is there a way?
You-no there isn't it's done deal with it
Draco-deal with it?
You-what am I supposed to do huh? I can't bring them back even if I wanted to
Draco-I'll find a way for u
You-no do u see I'm not sad over Cedric anymore
Draco-yeah but  now you can't feel anything
You-we can be together now
Draco-I don't want you like this I want the loving caring y/n that I used to know
You-yeah well she's gone take me or leave me I don't care I'll go find someone who wants me
*dracos pov*
whatever happens whatever I do please don't leave me I don't care if u hate me or like me
(I kissed her)
(I pulled away)
Draco-wait if u don't have emotions then u can't fancy me
{I'm going to make this part in dracos pov}
(It had been weeks since y/n had taken off her emotions and I kind of liked this new version of her but I still missed the old her and we got along very well)
Draco-u wanna skip today
Hermione-hey y/n why haven't you been in class lately
Y/n-me and draco have been skipping and snogging In his dorm
Draco-she's just playing you know she's been a little crazy Lately
(I took y/n)
Draco-why would u tell hermione that
Y/n-I don't care
(We hid behind a wall and started making out)
(Yes I admit I kind of took advantage of her but in my defence I had fancied her for quite a while)
Y/n-try and catch me
(She took out her wand waved it around and before I knew it she disappeared)
(All day I looked for her and I couldn't find her I gave up and I saw Harry with y/n)
Harry-found her drunk passed out in my dorm
Draco-your dorm? What was she doing there?
Harry-I don't know but here U go
(He handed her over to me)
Draco-yeah it's me y/n
Y/n-hmn ok
(I took her to the slytherin common room)
Draco-here have some water
Draco-don't u think your a little too young to drink
Y/n-yeah but I have a fake iddddddddd!!
Draco-shhh y/n
Y/n-yeah right sorry fake iddddddd(she said whispering)
Draco-who gave it to u
Y/n-George and Fred
Y/n-no shit Sherlock
Draco-you're a mean drunk
Y/n-then punish me daddy
(She kissed me)
(I pushed her away)
Draco-not when your drunk and not here in the middle of the common room
(She closed her eyes and fell on me)
Draco-y/n wake up go to your dorm
(She didn't wake up)
Draco-(I sighed)
(I carried her to her dorm her roommate answered the door)
Draco-she's your problem now
(U put her on her bed)
Y/n-oh hiiiii violettttttt
Violet/roommate-hi y/n
(I was about to leave but she called me)
Violet-draco I think I found something
Draco-about what?
Violet-the potion y/n took I think there's a way to get her emotions back
Draco-well what is it
Violet-unicorn tears
Draco-well there's plenty of unicorns in the forest
Violet-she also needs her soulmates blood
Draco-I can can give her some of my blood
Violet-you don't understand she needs all of it
Draco-well if that's what it comes to then I'll get her on my blood
Violet-but there's way for you to live and her to have emotions back
Draco-what is it
Violet-you give her some of your blood and she decides if she wants them back but if not decided in 30 seconds your blood will turn into poison which will cause her to die
Draco-I'd rather do the first option
Violet-if it works she would never forgive herself for letting you die and it would be much worse
Draco-but if she dies I would never forgive myself either I cant live without her
Violet-I am not letting u nor y/n die we're doing it tomorrow
Draco-um hey do you mind if I stayed here like over night
Violet-uh no not at all
(I sat on the chair by y/n's bed and watched her sleep peacefully wondering if these were our last moments alive together)

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now