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(I was just standing there looking at her and I saw a little cloud of something coming out of her mouth it couldn't be was she breathing I put my finger under her nose and felt a little Breeze)
(I started giving her CPR)
(She started coughing and she opened her eyes)
Draco-oh thank god
(She gasped for air)
*your pov*
(It felt so weird)
(I saw a boy with blonde hair and beautiful gray eyes staring at me)
(He kissed me like nobody had ever)
You-I'm sorry who are you
Draco-y/n it's me draco
(I looked at him confused)
Draco-draco malfoy are you playing with me right now
(I saw him grab a paper from his pocket)
Draco-"a kiss from a soulmate can save the life but might cause to lose their memory of them"
You-are you okay why are you covered in blood
Draco-I- I um I'm ok it's nothing
(A few hours had passed by and we got cleaned up and he asked some questions)
Draco-do you know where you are
You-I'm at Hogwarts I'm a student here
Draco-okay tell me everything about yourself
You-Why do you want to know
Draco-JUST...(he stopped)
Just do it please
You-my name is y/n riddle I go to school at Hogwarts I'm in slytherin house
Draco-do you know who your soulmate is
You-my ex boyfriend Cedric Diggory but he passed he wasn't
You-then who was? I was
You-sorry but I don't even know you I'm tired do you mind I'm going to bed
Draco-yeah but not here you can spend the night at my dorm
You-that isn't allowed
Draco-just come with me you don't want to be with her
You-violet? But she's my friend
Draco-she might have been your friend but you weren't hers
(He took me to his dorm)
Draco-here sleep on my bed
You-where are you going to sleep
Draco-on the floor
You-there's no need for that I'll sleep on the floor sleep in your bed
Draco-no no you sleep on the bed
Draco-fine but here at least let me offer you one of my sweaters sleep in
(He handed you a sweater that was oddly familiar you put it on and it instantly hit you)
You-that day at the Cafeteria I was crying about Cedric I hugged were wearing this sweater
Draco-yes did you just remember that?
You-yeah I think so your sweater I remembered when I put it on
Draco-I have an idea
(He ran out the door)
(You waited for draco to show up)
You-where did you go?
Draco-I went ask potter for his cloak invisibility
You-well what are we going to do
(He pulled your arm and put the cloak on you guys)
(You went your dorm)
Draco-where do you put your head bands
You-in the bottom drawer
(He got your favorite head band)
Draco-come on
(He took you to the cafeteria)
(He glanced around)
Draco-there(he pointed)
(You two sat down)
Draco-here put it on
(You put it on and you remember)
Draco-so your Tom riddles daughter
You-Yeah I guess so
Draco-do you know all the horrible things your father has done
*your pov*
You-here's where we met again
Draco-yes come on
(He took you to the forest)
Draco-lay down
Draco-just do it
(He laid on top of you)
You-we should head back
*your pov*
You-I took you to the forest and I lost my balance and you saved me
You-if your going to try to get me to remember all the things we did it's going to take forever
Draco-don't worry were only missing one more spot and I have a plan
(He took you to the staircase)
Draco-here I brought this too
(He gave you the soulmate jewl)
You-if I'm going to feel guilty about something I might as well do something to be guilty about
*your pov*
You-we kissed here for the first time
Draco-yes darling we did
You-but I still don't remember the small details
Draco-Don't worry
(He stood up and started saying a spell)
(You knew that spell you did it on draco for him to remember your childhood)
(All the memories came flooding back)
Draco-so? it didn't work
(You stood up)
You-I'm just kidding
(You kissed him)
You-I love you draco malfoy
Draco-I love you more y/n riddle
(A few months had passed by and you and draco had an on and off thing but you wanted to make it official)
(You two were cuddling on his bed)
Draco-so I was thinking your last name is riddle
Draco-if I were you when someone was being mean to me I would say "do you want to hear a riddle" and then kick their ass
You-where do you come up with this stuff and I'm not the fighting type
Draco-right your all wand
You-do you remember when I first came to this school and I made you barf slugs
Draco-how could I forget I hated you they tasted so nasty
You-in my defence you called me a bitch
Draco-in my defence you were being a bitch
You-so we're having this fight again
(You guys started playing fighting)
You-wait wait ouch ouch
Draco-what what's wrong
(He tackled you and he was on top of you)
(You couldn't help but to get lost in his eyes)
You-I don't want this to end
Draco-it won't I will never leave you y/n
You-good it's sucks that today's our last day
Draco-it's ok cause when we get back I'll be here waiting for you my love

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now