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Draco-it's ok y/n I got u
(U woke up from a nightmare)
You-(panting) it was just a dream calm down
Cedric-are u having nightmares again
You-yeah it's ok go back to sleep
(He kissed u)
Cedric-ok u wake me up if u need anything
(U couldn't fall back asleep u had been having dreams of Cedric dying)
(U saw the sun rise)
You-babe wake up u need to leave
(U knew boys weren't allowed to be in the girls side and even worse he wasn't in the same house as u)
You-yes and u have the first task today
Cedric-Harry said something about dragons
Cedric-yeah I know
You-promise me you'll be as careful as possible
Cedric-I promise
You-god I wish u hadn't been chosen
Cedric-calm down nothings going to happen
You-my dreams usually come true be careful
Cedric-I will never leave u y/n I lov-
You-yeah okay now hurry before anyone catches us
(U snuck Cedric out)
Draco-what was he doing here
(U spun around fast)
You-Cedric wasn't here
Draco-then who was that
You-who was who
Draco-that person that just got out
You-this is a dream u are sleeping rn
Draco-nice try I'm telling on u
You-this is a dream now go back to sleep Petrifucus totalus
(He fell on the floor)
You-gosh I just love being a witch sometimes I should at least get him a blanket Um actually no
(U went back and started getting ready for the day)
(U heard a knock on the door)
You-ugh come in malfoy
Draco-how'd u kno- never mind
You-what do U want
Draco-I just came to tell u that u should pray that ur pretty boy makes it out alive
You-U think this is funny
Draco-yeah terribly funny really witty
You-shut up malfoy
(If yk yk😏)
You-well if that's all u came here for then get out
Draco-no actually not yet I think I'm going to stay for a little bit
Roommate-he y/n
(She came in)
Roommate-(she gasped)
(U took her to the common room)
Roommate-u and Malfoy u we're together alone
You-shhh nothing happened if u are going inside the dorm don't say anything about me or Malfoy ok
Roommate-I'll try
(U entered your dorm and saw Draco laying on your bed)
You-Malfoy if ur going to lay on my bed at least take off your shoes I just washed my sheets
Draco-my shoes cost more than your sheets my outfit cost more than your whole wardrobe
You-okay we get it your rich Malfoy congratulations get out of my dorm
Draco-very well then see u later riddle
(U got to the first task with Cedric)
You-ok good luck be careful ok?
Cedric-yeah okay I'll be fine calm down
You-ok I lov-be careful I care for u a lot
(He went and u saw Harry)
You-good luck Harry
Harry-yeah thanks y/n
(U were watching the game and Cedric did it so did Harry)
You-congratulations I'm so proud of u
(He gave you a small peck)
Cedric-Well I think the prophet wants to interview me
You-yeah yeah go ahead
Draco-beginners luck
You-excuse me?
You-whatever so do u have a date to the Yule ball
Draco-I'm flattered but sorry not interested in u
You-ugh u see. We can't have a normal conversation
Draco-yes I have a date
You- Who?
You-I thought you guys broke up
Draco-yeah but we snog every once in a while
You-that's toxic
Draco-you're just jealous I can get any girl I want
You-you can't get me in the information yes I can get any guy I want but I only want Cedric
Draco-what do you see him anyway
You-he's good looking,loving,smart,brave do u want me to go on
Draco-yeah no I'm fine
(He left)
Cedric-what did Malfoy want
You-oh nothing
Cedric-u wanna get out of here me go to your dorm
You-I would love that
(U got to your dorm and Cedric closed the door and locked it)
You-why'd u lock it
Cedric-I just don't want us to get in trouble if we get caught
You-they won't expel us if they just find us hanging out
You-oh u wanted to do something else
Cedric-yeah sorry if u don't want to I'll leave
You-I never said I didn't want to
(Cedric turned around and got on top of u)
Cedric-this is my last warning my love are u sure
You-do it
(You started making out and he started undressing u)
Cedric-fuck(he whispered in your ear)there's no one like u y/n
(U heard knocking on the door)
Harry-y/n!!! Y/n u in there?
You-we should stop
Cedric-it's ok I'll just keep going but be quite he'll go away
You-no I have to answer it
(U put on your robe but u nothing under)
(U opened the door)
You-yeah what's up Harry
Harry-have u seen Cedric
(U looked at Cedric and he gestured for u to tell him no)
You-no sor-
Harry-oh is he in there
(He pushed u aside and went in your dorm)
Cedric-I-(he covered himself with the blanket)hey Harry
Harry-wait were I two I-(he covered his eyes) sorry for bothering u
(He bolted out)
Cedric-well now I'm not in the mood anymore
(U sat on top of him)
You-I can change that
Cedric-I like where ur head is and where it will be get down
You-yes sir
(U got down and u heard knocking again but u could tell it was malfoy)
(He opened the door)
Cedric-hey come on
Draco-y'all are nasty but I need to stay here for a while we are on lock down there's a troll in the castle

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now