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(You smirked)
Bellatrix-your ready
Tom-yes yes she is tomorrow we're doing it
You-tomorrow? I'm not ready
Tom-avada k-
(His wand flew across the room)
Tom-your more than ready
You-but what if I die
Tom-u joined my side knowing that your life was in danger
You-you basically forced me
Tom-well either way we're going tomorrow
(You walked past by a room and you saw malfoy)
(He was doing something In your father's office)
You-what are u doing
Draco-(he spun around fast)nothing
You-you must've done something because u wouldn't have that stupid look on your face
(He left)
(It was the next day you woke up and no one was there)
Tom-father? Bellatrix? Malfoy?
(You went to the dining room and saw draco)
Draco-they left without us
You-that's strange
Draco-we should catch up to them
You-yeah I guess
(When you got there and it was like nothing you had ever seen)
(Hogwarts it was so beautiful when you first saw it  and now...it looked like a mess the windows shattered parts of the building broken but the worst part is there laid the life less bodies of the kids you say next too in class or you saw in the halls)
Draco-your ready?
(U held hands and ran)
(You started fighting but but not with hogwarts you started fighting with your fathers side)
(You heard your fathers voice)
(You and draco looked at each other and ran)
Tom-y/n draco? What are you doing over there
Tom-Come here now
(You and draco just looked at each other and he held your hand)
Tom-well what are you waiting for
(You two slowly walked over to him)
Ron-what did I tell you hermione she's just like her father
(Draco whispered to you)
Draco-it's okay Dont listen to him
(As soon as he said that Harry fell from hagrids arms)
(And they started fighting)
(Narcissa took dracos hand and started walking)
You-are you really leaving?
Draco-I don't have a choice
You-yeah you do you can either go with your family and let them control your life or you can stay with me and help me win this Harry needs us
Draco-I don't like Harry
You-I don't care if you  like Harry or not I care about Harry and I know you care about me somewhere in there all those memories we made I know you weren't pretending I know that you loved me
(No response)
(He just looked at you)
You-hurry up chose one were in the middle of a whole fight
(He let go of his mothers hand and ran to you and kissed you)
Draco-I always loved you y/n I never stopped loving you
(U ran and didn't look back)
(You hit a crowd of people)
(You lost sight of him but you Kept of going)
(You had killed one of your fathers minions)
(And you saw a piece of the ceiling start falling)
(It fell on your leg)
Hermione-I'm here y/n I'm here your going to be okay
(She tries to move it but she couldn't)
Hermione-I'm sorry I can't move it and if I could you would bleed out it's the only thing keeping you alive I'm sorry I don't know what to do
You-it's fine it's okay
Hermione-is there anything you want me to do
You-can you find Draco please
(It felt like an eternity)
(He ran towards you)
Draco-Ill try to get it off you
You-no it's the only thing keeping me alive if you move it I'll bleed out
Draco-I'm so sorry it should of been me
You-no if it was you I don't know what I would do
Draco-I love you y/n I love you with all my heart you made my life better you made me a better person I can't lose you y/n
You-i love you draco I'm so glad I met you you were the best thing that had ever happened to me just because I'm not going to be here doesn't mean I won't be with you
Draco-I'm so sorry I let this happened to you(he said sobbing)
You-no you don't get to blame this on you this isn't your fault
(He kissed you)
Draco-how am I going to live without you your my life
You-you'll be fine just know I love you so much
Draco-please don't leave me y/n
You-I never thought this was the way I would die
Draco-what do you mean
You-I'm a witch who thought I would die by a rock
Draco-your dying and your making a jokes
(You smiled)
Draco-how are you smiling
You-I'm happy your here with me there's no one I would rather choose to be here than you I love you so much draco
Draco-I love you even more y/n
(You blinked and you were in a white room)
You-where am I
*dracos pov*
(This was the second Time I lost her)
Hermione-it's okay draco
Draco-we have to take her body somewhere safe
(I carried her body to my dorm)
Draco-I'm sorry y/n I know you wouldn't want me to do this I just I just can't live without you
*Your pov*
(You felt like someone was behind you)
(You turned around and saw draco he ran to you and you hugged him)
You-draco is this real h-how are here
Draco-I'm so sorry
You-(then u realized) draco no why would you do that
Draco-I'm sorry I couldn't live without you
You-but you didn't even try
Draco-cause I knew I couldn't handle the pain
You-your mother your father your family and friends draco you should of at least tried before you ended it
Draco-I'm sorry okay they'll get over it your the only person that made me feel loved
(You hugged him)
You-ok I'm sorry I'm just glad your here with me
Draco-anyways what is this place
You-I don't know I was trying to figure that out
(You touched something and it turned into a book)
Draco-how did you do that?
You-I don't know I just touched it
(He started touching everything and it looked like your dorm)
Draco-are we in your dorm
You-it looks like it
(Everything started to appear)
You-were at hogwarts
Draco-are we the only people here
You-are we in heaven?
Draco-I don't know
You-it looks like we're the only people here
Draco-why do you think we're here...I mean we could be anywhere else but why here and why are we with eachother
(You heard a voice behind you)
Mom-this is where you two fell in love
(You turned around)
You-who are you?
Mom-I'm exactly who you think I am
Mom-my beautiful y/n
(She grabbed your face)
You-but why are we together..draco and I
Mom-it is said that the purest of love the two lovers will be together forever that's what you and draco have
(He grabbed your hand)
Mom-I'm so sorry what happened to you my dear love but just know you died for a reason your time on earth was over they decided you deserved to be happy and in peace With him
(A tear rolled down your cheek)
Mom-well my time here is over I hope you and mr. malfoy treat each other right goodbye my love
You-bye mom
(She turned around but u stoped her and hugged her)
You-I love you mommy
Mom-I love you too my dear I'm so sorry Tom is your father don't let your last name control you
Mom-I have to leave now I'm so proud of you
(She disappeared)
You-so what are we going to do here all by ourselves
(He held your and ran)
(You guys ran all over hogwarts and the memories you made came flooding back like the spot where you and draco kissed the spot where you got your first heart break)
Draco-I love you
You-I love you more
(You said as you looked in his beautiful gray eyes that were now filled with love and warmth as when you first saw him were filled with hatred and coldness)
Draco-I'm glad we're here together
You-me too
(He cupped your face and kissed you and you cuddled as the sun died down and the moon came out)
~you two lived happily ever after together not in heaven nor hell but in peace with each other~
Hi guys I hoped you guys like dracos girl this is my first story I'm planning to make more with different characters

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now