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(U woke up from a loud knock)
You-who is it
(U opened the door and he came in fast)
Draco-why did I wake up on the floor
You-I don't know
Draco- did u kiss Cedric
You-yeah and? Why does that concern u
Draco-for someone who has the highest grade u can be so dumb sometimes
You-ok stay out of my way tonight I'm meeting with Cedric
You-Yes again literally don't come anywhere near us ok just go stay with ur girlfriend
Draco-sorry ur jealous of her
You-me jealous of her???her with her dead ass dry ass hair got nothing on me and sorry ur jealous of Cedric
Draco-I'm not jealous of Cedric
You-ok then explain why u didn't want me to kiss him or when I kissed him on the cheek u said back off or when u were literally were spying on me on my date
You-that's what I thought get out GET OUT
(U pushed him out of ur dorm)
Ur roommate-if u and Draco aren't friends anymore can I have him
You-go for it I don't care
Roommate-well to me it seems u like Draco
You-since when are u nice to me
Roommate-sorry I just thought since u were his daughter then u came here to like finish what he started but I was wrong about u
You-it's ok
Roommate-I think u like Draco but u don't like Draco it's more like love but u don't want to love Draco so ur convincing urself that u like Cedric
You-I don't like Draco  I like Cedric
Roommate-no u don't u like Cedric because he he's nice and he's everything that Draco isn't but Draco is the danger I need in ur life
You-I don't think I need more danger in my life  anyway
Roommate-just saying thank me whenever u two are madly in love thank me
You-okay whatever
Roommate-are u going to see Cedric again
Roommate-such a tragedy ur not seeing Draco u would make a good couple
You-hmn let me think about it we wouldn't
Roommate-yes u would cause like Draco is more of the bad boy but his family made him like that and u are to girl who was meant to be bad but u aren't you are evening each other out
You-what about Cedric and I
Roommate-well idk
Roommate-(she gasped) I have an idea
Roommate-do u want me to break them up for u
You-no don't
Roommate-yea I'm gonna do it thank me later y/n
(She bolted out the door)
You-No don-
You-great dracos going to hate me could she be right am in love with Draco
You-omg what am I thinking I'm not in love with him
(U got changed and Went to class)
(Cedric passed u a note)
*meet me outside after school*
(U turned to him and nodded)
You-is he going to ask me to be his girlfriend
Draco-what are u smiling about
Draco-let me see that
(He snatched the note out of your hands)
Draco-meet me outside after school
(He looked at Cedric and rolled his eyes and crumbled the paper and threw it at him)
You-hey stop it sorry Cedric
Draco-what do u think he wants u for
You-i don't know
(The whole day u were anxious what was he going to tell u. U were in your last class)
Cedric-I'll see u later darling
(He kissed u on the cheek)
(Draco scoffed and stated kissing pansy)
You-get a room
Draco-why are u jealous
You-no Im going to barf and u need some serious kissing lessons
Draco-and ur the master at kissing?
You-well no I like to think I'm a good kisser
Draco-u probably aren't
Cedric-she's a great kisser in fact the best I've ever kissed
Draco-you've kissed one time
You-how would u know that huh? Unless u would spy on me oh yea u do spy on me
Draco-one time
You-yeah sure
You-as much as I would love to continue having this conversation with u I have to go meet up with Cedric
Draco-we still have an hour of this class
You-no we don't
(U waved ur wand and made the clock go faster)
You-professor were already 3 minutes over time to go
Professor-oh god time flew today class dismissed
(Everyone got up)
Cedric-come on
(U followed him outside)
Cedric-I really like u y/n and I love being around u and I feel like there's a connection between us so would u do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend
You-yes yes yes
(He picked u up and kissed u)
(A month had passed by and it was like everyone forgot he was ur father the boys swooned over u and all the girls wanted to be your friend)
Random guy-y...y...y/n h-h-here i bought u these chocolates
You-thank you
(He was going to give them to u but someone took them)
Draco-I'll take those thanks
(Oh and Draco he's a whole different story the longer U dated Cedric the meaner he got ,
him and pansy broke up because she found out he was secretly snogging girls behind her back)
You-give them back malfoy
Draco-ur calling me by my last name now ok and no riddle I will not give them back
(He put a chocolate in his mouth and quickly spat it out)
Draco-ughhh dark chocolate I prefer milk
You-well they werent for u in the first place thank you for the chocolates but I'm not a big fan
Cedric-is he bothering u my love
You-just malfoy being malfoy
(He kissed u)
Draco-imagine kissing that freak
Cedric-I think all the guys here want to kiss her so that makes u the freak get lost malfoy
(Draco stormed out)
Cedric-hmn u taste like chocolate
You-oh u have no idea how many chocolates I ate today
(For once u were happy and people didn't judge u off ur last name)

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now