Soulmate jewls

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(U sat in silence u and Cedric naked)
You-u couldn't have just stayed in your dorm
Draco-I needed to make sure u were going to be ok.
Cedric-well I'm here so u don't have to worry about that
Draco-watch it diggory
You-wait Harry is still out there
Draco-it's fine potter fought one his first year here
You-I know I heard about that but he had Ron and Hermione
Cedric-we have to go save him
Draco-hell be fine
(U bolted out the door)
Draco-darling ur naked
You-right Turn around
Draco-no thank you
Cedric-she said turn around
Draco-calm down diggory I was about too
(He turned around but kept glancing at u)
(U and Cedric changed and went to look for Harry)
You-aren't u coming
Draco-no I'll just stay here
(U rolled ur eyes and he just laid on ur bed)
Cedric-there he is
(U saw him fighting the troll)
Harry-get out of here I'll be fine
(He defeated the troll)
You-omg Harry are u ok
Harry-yeah thanks for trying to help but I got it
Snape-get out of here I'll take it from here
You-wait Harry u came to look for Cedric and u asked me how did u ,u don't know the password
Harry-malfoy let me in
Cedric-well I'll see u guys later bye
Harry-yeah I better get back to my dorm
(U got to your dorm and draco was still there)
You-what are u doing here
Draco-I actually wanted to talk to u
You-about what
Draco-I need advice
You-about what
You-Um ok
Draco-so let's say this is only an example you and I we aren't the best of friends and I fancy U how would I be able to win u
You-u are cold not to be rude but ur mean girls like it when u have a soft spot for them
Draco-so I keep being myself but with her I act different
You-yeah basically but like make sure she knows ur mean to other people and nice to her
Draco-ok thanks y/n
Draco-wait y/n did u want to come with me shopping tomorrow I want to get some new rings
You-yeah sure
(The next day came around)
(U woke up to the smell of blueberry pancakes)
Draco-wake uppppp
You-what are u doing
Draco-I made u blueberry pancakes just like when we were kids
You-u still remember
Draco-yeah now eat them before they get cold
(U ate them and they tasted really good)
You-wow ur good at cooking
(U got ready and went to class)
(U were going to ur last class and u bumped into draco)
Draco-yeah that's what I thought shut up(he said as he kicked some kid)
You-draco what is ur problem
Draco-oh hi y/n he keeps on hitting on violet
You-she can date whoever she wants y'all aren't together
Draco-yeah I guess so are we still up for today
You-yeah totally
Draco-ok yeah see u around darling
(U saw Cedric coming towards u)
Cedric-what are u still up for
You-we are going to go shopping
Cedric-okay be careful I lov-
You-yeah I will wait don't u have ur second
Task tomorrow
Cedric-yeah I do
You-now u have to rest for the task tomorrow promise me after school you'll do right to your dorm and rest
Cedric-okay mom
You-shut up
(U kissed him)
You-well I have to go
(U got to class and it felt so long but it finally ended)
Draco-I'm going to change and we can go
You-yeah me too
(U got to your dorm and ur roommate was there waiting for u)
Roommate-where are u going
You-shopping with draco
Roommate-(she gasped) only u and draco
You-yeah but it's not like that we're just going shopping
Roommate-hmn ok y/n
(U heard dracos knock)
You-come in malfoy
Draco-u ready?
You-yeah let's go
(U started walking and u saw Cedric)
Cedric-do u mind if I come along
You-ced u need to rest
Cedric-I'll be fine
Draco-no not at all u can come(he said with a sarcastic tone)
(U got to the shop)
Draco-oh look at those they are wicked
You-"soulmate jewls?" What do they do?
Cedric-it says that u wear a piece of jewelry and u lock eyes with someone and if it glows that person is ur soulmate
You-we should all get one I'm going to get a green one for slytherin
Draco-yeah me too
Cedric-I'll get a yellow one let's try it
(U locked eyes with Cedric but nothing happened)
You-I guess they don't work
Cedric-yeah I'm not taking it
You-I am it's still pretty
Draco-me too
(Y'all left and the challenge went well Cedric did it)
You-are we going together to the Yule ball
Cedric-yeah of course
You-ok Ced can I tell u something
You- i know we haven't said this to each other but it's how I really feel I love u Cedric
Cedric-I-i love u too y/n
(He kissed u)
Cedric-I'm so madly in love with u y/n

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now