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(Someone shook me awake)
Violet-come on get up it'll take us all day to get the ingredients for the cure
Draco-isn't it just unicorn tears and my blood
Violet-how are we going to make a unicorn cry?
Draco-do I wake her up
Violet-no let her sleep when she drinks it it's going to hurt like hell she needs to rest
(We entered the forest and a paper fell out of her pocket I picked it up and it said the ingredients but it said unicorn blood instead of tears if added unicorn tears it would kill her faster)
Draco-what is this
Violet-the ingredients?
Draco-u said unicorn tears but if you add then it will kill her
Violet-oh really sorry I got confused
Draco-yeah okay
(It took all morning to find a unicorn)
(I finally found one)
Violet-I don't want to see this
Draco-it's ok just turn around I'll do it
(She put her head on my chest and hugged me I thought it was a little weird and inappropriate but I didn't say anything)
(I ended up getting the blood)
Draco-so now I all I got to do if give her is my blood
Violet-yeah wait I think I heard something over there
Draco-okay we have to get back
(She left running)
(I ran after her)
(I had barely saved her from falling she fell on top of me)
(She kissed me and I saw someone take a picture of us I pushed her off)
Draco-what the bloody hell was that
Violet-did I read this wrong
Draco-yes totally tell your friend to delete that photo...I'm starting to think you were never y/n's friend first you lie about the ingredients and then you kiss me give me that(I snatched the paper from her hands) I can do this by myself
(I got to her dorm but she wasn't there)
Draco-ugh where is she
(I looked all over school it at least took an hour trying to find her)
(When I found her she was making out with Oliver wood ,I took her)
Draco-I'll deal with you later
(I took her to her dorm and locked the doors and I started mixing the ingredients)
(I cut my hand it hurt like hell but I would die for y/n this was nothing)
Draco-here drink this
Y/n-no I don't want them back I'm better like this
(I knew that this wasn't her talking I knew it wasn't right but I punched her to knock her out I didn't put a charm on her because the cure would work)
(I slowly put it in her mouth)
Draco-pls y/n don't reject it pls y/n I can't lose you
(I heard the door open she violet came in and put something in her mouth)
(I pinned her down and screamed at her)
Violet-your mine I've fancied you for years and you never gave me a chance but when she came in you fall for her instantly
(I Slammed my fists onto the floor)
(I hugged her body sobbing)
Draco-no not my y/n NOOOO not my beautiful y/n(I said as I brushed her hair off her face)
(She started shaking)
Draco-what's happening
Violet-it's finished shes dead
(I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces)
(It was like everything was in slow motion y/n's dead body in my arms violet in the corner of the room my blood everywhere)
(I saw her face go Pale lips blue the air was cold it was coming from the open window I felt and saw the last bit of life drain from her eyes her skin was cold as Ice)
(I couldn't believe my love,my light,my world,my everything,my soulmate was gone)
(I kissed her passionately one last time her lips tasted like death itself)

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now