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(All week draco was being mean to u)
(And there was a new rumour that Cedric fancied u)
Draco-hey y/n I dare u to and kiss Cedric
You-shut up draco
Draco-she's too scared
(U went up to Cedric and kissed him on the cheek)
Cedric-I-...what was that for
Draco-wow she actually done it
Cedric-can I have one more please
Draco-back off man-I mean I'll see u In potions u freak
(It was time for u to get back at Draco u knew how much he hated Cedric)
You-hey Cedric would u like to maybe like to go on a date with me
Cedric-sure I would love too
You-wait really? U don't care what people will think about u if they see u with me
Cedric-no I don't care and I'm the most popular guy here If we start dating u can be the most popular girl here
Cedric-yeah sorry I got too ahead
You-it's ok
Cedric-I'll pick u up tomorrow at 7 and we can go get a butterbeer or something
You-yeah sounds good
(The day had passed and u were reading a book in the slytherin common room)
Draco-hey y/n do u want to go to the forest tomorrow
You-now ur being nice to me
Draco-there's no one around
You-actually no I would hate to go to the forest with u
Draco-u know I can't talk to u when people are around and u know I don't mean those things
You-just because u don't mean them doesn't mean they don't hurt my feelings and u have a gf
Draco-Were not doing anything So the forbidden forest at 8
You-I have a date sorry
Draco-a date?! With who?
You-Cedric and he doesn't care if he's seen with me
Draco-CEDRIC I'm going to go kill him
You-stop it I'm going to go to bed and if hear anything about u and Cedric I will beat ur ass not kidding draco
(U went to bed and woke up and All day Cedric kept on staring at u and passing u notes)
Cedric-psst y/n
(He passed u a note)
"I can't wait for tonight u look really pretty rn"
Draco-I can do that too (he gave u a note)
"Do you think if I punch Cedric ill knock him out"
You-ugh (u crumbled it up and threw it at him)
(6:50 pm had come around and u started getting ready)
(U heard a knock at the door)
You-come in
Draco-hey y/n...wow u look really nice
You-thank you well I'm off now bye bye dracie poo (you said mocking pansy)
Draco-that reminded me I haven't talked to pansy all day he's probably so mad at me rn
You-bye and get out of my dorm pls thanks
(Cedric was waiting for u he looked so handsome)
Cedric-u look gorgeous darling
Cedric-what can I not call u that
You- no it's just because Draco calls me tha- never mind
Cedric-right hop on
(U got on his broom and u got to ur date)
You-u said we were going to get butter beers not a whole restaurant
Cedric-only the best for u
(U we're having a great night until u saw draco)
You-hold on Cedric I need to use the ladies room.
Cedric-yeah of course
You-Draco want are u doing here
Draco-why im here with pansy not for u
You-whatever I'm going back to my date
Draco-me too
(U went back)
You-I'm having a great night
Cedric-me too
You-so I heard u got chosen to be in the Triwizard Tournament
Cedric-yeah I'm excited but kind of nervous
You-I would be too oh would u look at the time it's 9
Cedric-oh wow it's ok my dad can sneak us in can we get the check
(He paid and u guys went back to hogwarts)
Cedric-well this is your dormitory
(He was going in for a kiss but Draco got in between u two)
Draco-yeah sorry I need to get in oh hello Cedric
Cedric-hello Malfoy
(It took him forever to get in)
( he finally went in and he was going to kiss u again)
Draco-hey y/n u left ur book in the common room do I take it in ur room
You-yes thank you ( u gave him an annoyed face)
(He left and u two we're gonna kiss)
Draco- I need your help y/n
You-Petrifucus totalus sorry draco
You-so now where were we (u guys kissed)
Cedric-goodnight y/n sweet dreams
You-goodnight Cedric
(He left)
You-I know i only did This to get Draco mad but I think I like Cedric
You-ugh now how am I supposed to carry Draco to his dorm

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now