Yule ball

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(The day of the Yule ball came)
(U walked down the staircase and u saw Cedric and draco)
Cedric-u look so beautiful my love
You-thank you u look so handsome
Cedric-hold on I'm going to get us something to drink
(U saw Draco by himself)
You-aren't u here with pansy
Draco-yea but she's practically flirting with other guys over there
You-sorry to hear about that
Draco-where's diggory
You-getting me something to drink
Cedric-hey I'm back U wanna dance
(U two danced all night)
Cedric-I think I had too much to drink I need to use the bathroom
You-haha ok go wait before u go I just wanted to tell u there is no one I would rather be here than u I love u Cedric diggory
Cedric-and I love u y/n riddle
(U two kissed)
You-ok now u can go pee
(U went up to draco)
You-U ok it looks like u not enjoying yourself
Draco-I'm just bored
You-would u like to dance with me
Draco-won't diggory get mad
You-no he knows were just friends
(U and draco danced)
You-Cedric is taking long I'm going to look for him
Draco-I need to go look for pansy
(U looked all over and u couldn't find him u saw Draco)
Draco-don't go in there
You-move (u pushed him out of the way and u saw Cedric and pansy   making out)
(They kept making out)
(No response)
(They kept going)
(You ran out crying)
(Draco ran after u)
Draco-u ok
You-does it look like I'm ok
You-I just don't understand he told me he loved me just right before
Draco-y/n I'll be right back don't do anything stupid
*dracos pov*
Draco-I'm going to kill that son of a bitch
Draco-hey Cedric
(They kept going at it and I pulled Pansy )
Pansy-what is ur problem
(I looked at Cedric and u could tell he was on love potion)
Draco-u did this
Pansy-maybe I did
Draco-u knew y/n would find u guys why do u hate her so much
Pansy-she took u away from me
Draco-we broke up because it was the best for both of us u made up that rumor that I cheated on u
Pansy-just admit it u fancy y/n
Draco-so what if I do huh?
(Pansy left)
(I took him to professor snape)
Draco-can u fix him?
Snape-yeah I can but it'll take all night
Draco-okay thank you professor
*your pov*
You-where did u go?
Draco-I had to do something
You-did i do something wrong
Draco-u didn't do anything wrong
You-then why do I feel guilty
Draco-y/n look at me y/n
(He grabbed your cheek and u started into his eyes his were gray almost looked metallic his hair fluttering with the cold winter air his cheeks pink and rosey)
(Your necklace lit up and his ring too)
(U too just stared at each other)
You-the soulmate jewls(you thought)
You-if I'm going to feel guilty about something I might as well do something to be guilty about
(U kissed draco u two started making out his lips were cold as ice but warm he put his hands in all the right places he moved just right you knew it was bad but then why did it feel so good and he unzipped your dress)
You-not here
(U two went to his dorm)
(He unzipped your dress and he unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants)
Draco-kinky girl(he said as he slammed u against the wall and choked u with his hand)
(U smirked at him)
(The next thing u knew u woke up naked in on dracos bed)
You- omg
(U took ur clothes and ran to your dorm)
Roommate-y/n is that u?
You-yea just go back to sleep
Roommate-where were u all night
You-no where
Roommate-are u naked ? U must of had a fun night with Cedric
You-I had a fun night but not with Cedric
(She got up so fast)
Roommate-wait what?
You-with draco
Roommate-(she gasped) U SLEPT WITH DRACO
You-shhhh keep it down
Roommate-I knew this day would come
(U two fell asleep)
(U got ready and went to the last tournament)
Draco-there's my kinky girl
You-shut up
(U saw Cedric coming up to u)
You-I don't want to hear it cedric
Cedric-y/n I'm so sorry violetput me on a love potion
You-wait u were on a love potion
Cedric-yes I would never do that to u I love u y/n
(He hugged u and u looked at draco)
You- I- I love u too ced
Cedric-ok well I have to go now wish me luck
You-good luck
(He left)
You-omg what did I just do
Draco-it's ok
You-no it isn't draco i messed up
Draco-just tell him the truth
You-what how we had sex in your dorm
Draco-he knew u guys weren't soulmates when u looked into his eyes and it didn't light up
You-your right but I feel really bad now I guess I'll tell him when he gets out
(U and draco talked for the rest of the time until u saw Harry and Cedric back)
You-oh there back..... Wait ced isn't moving
You-is he-
(U ran over to him)
Professor diggory-THATS MY SON THATS MY BOY
You-No why why not my Cedric
You-I love u ced I will always love u
Draco-it's ok y/n I got u
(U fell into dracos arms crying everything felt like it wasn't real like it was all in slow motion)
You- w-who did this to him
Harry-Voldemort he's back

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now