Draco malfoy

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(He started kissing u)
Draco-y/n! Y/n!! Y/N!!!
Draco-snap out of it
You-why did I just imagine that(u thought)
Draco-anyway I'm not going to go on a date with a girl I don't even know and I'm not going to hug 27 random girls
You-well what am I supposed to do ur my only friend
Draco-what about hermione I saw u talking to her
You-she's nice I guess that guy ron won't let her come near me
Draco-yea I'm not ur friend im someone u talk to when no one is looking
You-yeah well ur the only one who gets me but ur father isn't nearly as bad as mine
Draco-people just don't seem to want us do they
You-people want draco  did u see how many chocolates and other things girls sent u
Draco-yeah but those are girls that want to snog me they don't care about my well-being
You-but u have friends what about crabbe and goyle
Draco-but they are a bunch of brainless idiots
You-u see that's why u don't have friends ur mean to people
Draco-I'm not mean
You-yes u are look u see how we are talking rn how would u like it if I went to other people and said ur a brainless idiot
Draco-I wouldn't care
You-u see that's how u feel but u don't know how other people feel
Draco-whatever we should be heading out to supper
(U guys were walking and talking but whenever someone passed by he pretended he wasn't talking to u)
You-that's getting annoying u know
Draco-what is?
(Someone passed by and he looked away)
You-that u see how u don't want to be associated with me
Draco-no offence but you're not the most liked person here and if people see me talking to u then they won't like me either
You-whatever draco
Draco-where are you going to cafeteria's this way
You-i'm not going to the cafeteria
Draco-where are u going
(U turned and smiled at him and ran)
(U ran into the forbidden Forest)
Draco-are u mad I'm not going in there
You-I never said you could come
(U ran and u could hear Draco following u)
You-watch out
(U put your arm out so Draco could stop)
(There was a clif)
Draco-it's beautiful
You-You don't remember this place
You-we used to come here as kids
Draco-I don't remember coming to Hogwarts as a kid at all
You-sit down
Draco-what are u doin-
You-shhh I'm going to make u remember
*Dracos pov*
(She closed her eyes and she waved her wand around my head)
Y/n-so how do u feel
Me-Nothing happ-(all the memories came flooding back)
(Your POV)
(U waited for Draco to open his eyes)
You-do u remember
Draco-....no...no I guess it didn't work
You-hmn thats too bad
(U started walking on the edge)
Draco-ur going to fall y/n
You-no I'm not
(U flinched)
Draco-stop it
You-calm down I'm not going to fal-
(u lost  balance)
(He grabbed u quickly and he fell on top of u, u two stared at each other)
(He looked beautiful his skin glowed as the moon light hit his skin his hair flowed by the fresh air)
(U stood up)
You-well um we should head back
(U started walking back and u heard something)
You-did u hear that?
Draco-probably a deer or something
You-yeah right
(U got to the slytherin common room)
Draco-goodnight darling
You-goodnight draco
(U couldn't sleep all u saw when u closed ur eyes was Draco on top of u)
You-do I fancy draco?
You-no...no that can't be possible he's mean and he's selfish and he doesn't even want to be seen with me yeah I don't like him
(U fell asleep and woke up and went outside)
You-hey drac-
(U saw a girl run up to him and hug him)
Draco-I was waiting for u to come I missed u
Pansy-me too gosh I missed u so much
Draco-oh sorry y/n what did u want
You-oh nothing
(U ran to hermione)
You-can I ask u something
Hermione-Ron shut up what is is y/n
You-who's that
Hermione-that's pansy
You-right the bitch I met the other day is that dracos girlfriend
Hermione-yeah why do u fancy him?
You-huh...what?...no no I'm I was just wondering(you stuttered)
(U walked up to draco)
Pansy-I love u my little dracie poo
You-I'm gonna be sick to my stomach
Pansy-what did u say?
You-me? Nothing
Draco-well i have to go do something I'll see u later
Pansy-ok bye bye Draco
(U were going to walk away but she stopped u)
Pansy-listen here u bitch I heard about u and how you've been spending time with Draco he's mine so back off
You-my father is Voldemort don't get on my bad side
Pansy-nice try I'm not falling for that what even is ur name
You- y/n riddle
Pansy-if he's really ur father then why aren't people afraid of u
(U said hi to someone random)
Random person-pls don't kill me
Pansy-whatever bitch stay away from him
(She pushed u to the floor)
You-Slugulus Eructo
(She started barfing slugs)
You-u stay away from me u bitch because I can make ur life a living hell
(U walked away and a week has passed by without seeing Draco)
(U saw him one time)
You-hey it's like I haven't seen u in a long time
(He walked away)
You-what is ur problem
You-why aren't u talking to me
Draco-don't talk to me u freak get away

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now