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(It had been months since cedric had died u weren't over it but it seemed like everyone else was)
Draco-how u holding up
(Everyday draco had taken care of u and made sure u we're doing ok)
You-I'm not holding up
You-should I be over it
Draco-over what
You-that Cedric is dead it's like everyone just got over it and I'm just here
Draco-everyone heals at different times he was your boyfriend
You-I'm sorry
Draco-about what
You-this,us I know u like me and I'm just here leading you on
Draco-yes I fancy you y/n but it's ok you loved him U guys weren't soulmates but u still loved him
You-thank you draco for everything
You-that's ur name
Draco-yeah it's just u haven't called me that in a long time
You-cause I was with Cedric and I kinda hated u..can u promise me something
Draco-yeah what is it
You-whatever happens whatever I do please don't leave me I don't care if u hate me or like me because right now I'm numb I can't feel anything right now except pain
Draco-I promise
You-thank you draco
(U hugged him and u started balling your eyes out)
Draco-just know if u were someone else I would push u off me because this sweater is more than for whole life's savings
You-(u chuckled) yeah sorry
Draco-u see darling I made u smile
Random girl- I bet y/n told her father to kill Cedric so she could be with Draco
(U just learned how to ignore people)
(Draco stood up)
Draco-do u think that's funny stop balding your mouth or I will staple your lips together myself
Random girl-jeez Draco when did u get so mean
You-u didn't have to do that
Draco-I wanted too u wanna get outta here
(He walked u to your dorm)
Draco-do u want me stay or I could go to my dorm
You-stay please
Draco-have u slept
You-no whenever I close my eyes I see his face
Draco-come on sleep I'm right here ur safe I'm with u
(U laid down on his lap and u slowly drifted to sleep while he played with ur hair)
*dracos pov*
Draco-I love the feeling of having y/n in my arms but it's too bad she's hurting right now
Y/n-no no..no Cedric no
Draco-shh shh shh it's ok y/n I'm here
(She woke up)
*your pov*
You-I'm sorry I just can't sleep
Draco-it's ok at least u tried come on we have to get to class
(U got to class)
Shape-I will be passing last weeks tests some did very well and some did not so good
(He passed by you and put the paper facing down)
Snape-see me after class you too mr Malfoy
Draco-what did u get
Draco-better than me I got a F-
You-yeah well you're Draco malfoy the bad boy that doesn't care about anything And I'm usually the straight A student
Draco-who says I don't care about anything I care about u
You-I just don't know how I let my life go to shit Maybe I should just find a spell to take away my emotions
Draco-if u do then how would I be able to make u fall in love with me
(Class dismissed said snape)
(All your classmates left)
Snape-why are u failing my class
You-I don't know professor I haven't been myself lately
Draco-idk this class is hard
Snape-y/n I know this is about Cedric but u still have to try u may be dismissed
(U and Draco left)
Draco-u wanna skip
You-no Draco I can't I need to get my grades up
Draco-u can do that next week
Draco-live a little
You-well that's going to be hard bc I don't feel like living right now
Draco-if u die I die do u want me to die y/n
You-no but..
Draco-that's what I thought
You-well I'm going to class
(All day the professors just kept talking about how u were failing their classes and Draco was nowhere to be seen)
You-where have u been
Draco-oh I guess I lost track of time
You-I'm going to the library I need to go look for a potion
Draco-what are u looking for
You-just something snape wants us to learn
Draco-ok well that seems boring but I'll be there for emotional support
(U got to the library and started looking)
(Every day for a week I went to the library to find that potion)
Draco-this is getting really boring
You-I found it
Draco-lemme see
(U pulled it away)
You-no u didn't help me at all
(U gathered all the ingredients)
Harry-what are u doing with those
You-oh nothing
Harry-don't do it
You-I'm not doing anything
Harry-those ingredients I know them I know what potion don't do it
You-leave me alone Harry I'm not doing anything
(U ran up to your dorm)
*dracos pov*
(Harry ran up to me)
Draco-what do u want potter
Harry-y/n go check up on her right now
Draco-why what's wrong
Harry-she's going to take away her emotions
(I ran so fast)
Draco-y/n don't do it
(She turned around and drank it)
*your pov*
Draco-NOO y/n why would u do that
You-I'm sorry I just couldn't take it anymore
(It felt like you were swallowing lava it was hot and thick and u felt a sharp pain in your whole body and u fainted)

Draco's girl-draco Malfoy FFWhere stories live. Discover now