Chapter 1- Strange

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What am I doing?


My thoughts were wild and I was high on adrenaline. I place my phone that was ringing with loads of messages in my pocket as I zipped up my last suitcase.

This all started a week ago, Steven started acting strange. He even propose to Connie! It broke my heart when he did so. Connie had refused and Steven was around me more. He was clingy, having more sleepovers with me, and even pulled me away from conversations.

Connie had soon called me noticing how strange Steven was acting. "Leave Beach City." She stated with concern over the phone. "What, why?" I asked with surprise. "It's Steven, if you stay with him any longer... He'll take over your life and manipulate you." Connie explained. I heard her voice, it seemed shaky and nervous. It sounded like she was constantly moving around her room. "I can't just leave Steven-..." "DON'T YOU WANNA GET A LIFE!" Connie interrupted with her loud out burst. I graduated at the age of 14, so maybe I could stay-... I pondered on my decisions. No, I can't stay here forever. I want to explore the world and I can take Steven with me! I thought. "Fine Connie I'll leave, but I at least have to encourage Steven to leave with me." I finally answered after moments of silence. "...Okay, but I'm not so sure about convincing Steven, he's been a bit emotional and-..." "Don't worry Connie, I'll think of something." I stated stopping Connie.

I hung up the phone and looked at my calendar. I have three days. Dad wouldn't mind if I hit the road early. I thought getting ready to call my dad.

This was the hardest thing I had to do. Leaving my childhood life behind me is heartbreaking... But telling Steven is gonna be the hardest part of all. If I can convince Steven, then it might not be so heartbreaking and lonely on my journey. That big lovable teddy bear will understand right?

After getting off the phone with my dad who really didn't care if I left, I prepared my bed and got in it. Reading a book as I felt myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


He couldn't take it anymore. Steven's skin turned pink as he was now on the verge of crying his eyes out. So many people are leaving him. The gems are always busy with little homeworld. His friends are leaving him. Steven used to be tied between a shy innocent girl known as Y/n and a strong smart girl known as Connie. After being rejected by Connie though, his full focus was now on Y/n. She was the last person to not leave him. She graduated at an early age which was even better.

Steven calmed down as the pink from his skin faded. Yeah, he has Y/n, she would never leave him alone right?

After awhile, Steven got up from his bed and did his daily routine before heading over to Y/n's place. On the way he grabbed a few donuts cause he knew Y/n loved sweets. There's no way she'd refuse a day at funland. Steven thought as a goofy grin plaster across his face. He then picked up his pace.

It had seemed that lion had beat him to the punch cause Y/n was petting him and talking to him as if he was a real person. "Hey Y/n, got you some donuts." Steven said holding out the bag of donuts. "Thanks, Steven." Y/n said with her oh so sweet smile. It was sweeter than any donut.

"I wanna take you to funland today, come on." Steven exclaimed picking up Y/n by the waist and putting her on lion. Steven jumped on to lion as well and lion roared a portal to funland.

After a few hours of winning more plushies and getting on the same exciting rides, it was time to go home. Steven never wanted that day to end.

Lion roared and made a portal to the lighthouse. Turning to Y/n before walking away. Y/n could only deeply sighed at this tightly holding onto her plushie. This confused Steven. What's going on? He thought. Only positive thoughts came to his head, striking his curiosity even farther.

"Steven, I need to tell you something."

This was the moment Steven's been waiting for-

"I'm leaving."


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