Chapter 12- Steven's list

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I walked up to the door and grabbed some groceries from Steven. "Welcome back Steven." I said with a smile. With both went into the kitchen and started putting the groceries up. "So, wat do you want to do today?" I asked. Steven hummed, putting his index finger and thumb on his chin. "...not really sure..." He said. It was silent till I got and idea. "Whoever writes down the most actives wins." I said running upstairs. I heard Steven laugh before seeing him above me. "You're using your gem powers!" I exclaimed with a huff. He got to the paper first and started writing down. I grabbed a paper also and thought of activities we could do.

Afterwards, Steven obviously won and I had to do his first. "Number 1; make snowman outside." I said looking at the paper. I once again put my boots, gloves, and jacket on and went outside. Steven came out with a puffer, gloves and boots. I giggled as he waddled outside.

The first things we did was attempted at making a snowman. Steven tried bending over, but fell head first into the snow. I helped him up, falling on my bottom. We both laughed and continued to make our snowman. We make the bottom half... We just needed to put the head on em. I jumped up and managed to put the head on. We already put the two stick to make a smiley face along with the carrot and two coal eyes. We put the coal buttons on and his stick hand. I picked up the baseball hat and tried jumping up to put it on em, but it was no use. I jumped some more only to be picked up by who I assume was Steven. I successfully put the hat on and Steven up me down. We looked at the snowman. "He needs a snow woman, he'll be very lonely out here." I said, Steven nodded in agreement.

We both made a snow woman. We molded some snow to make hair and put some garland around her. We also made little eyelashes. We looked at the two snow people with a smile. "Yep, we did good." Steven said as we fist bumped.

We then went inside and looked back at Steven's list. "Number two; make hot cocoa and watch movies." I said. Steven was already making the cocoa. I rolled my eyes and went to the shelf of movies. Disney movies seems really good at the time. I got Mulan, brave, Moana, and tangled. That should be enough movies.

After getting the movies, I set the DVD player up. Steven came in with mugs of cocoa and gave me mine. We then watched Mulan. In some of the singing parts we sang along with them cause who wouldn't. We then had popcorn on the second movie.

We both looked back at the list after the last movie. "Number three; play board games." I said. I went upstairs getting the games like Sorry, battleship, snakes and ladders, go fish, and connect four. I won three times on connect four which was funny. Steven won about five times on snakes and ladders to my disappointment.

"Number four; make dinner."

I looked up at Steven who just smiled. We're gonna have spaghetti and bread sticks today. I went into the kitchen and got out the ingredients. Spaghetti sauce, pasta, and parsley flakes. I boiled the water and Steven put in the pasta. We wanted for the pasta to get soft enough to strain the water. I added the sauce as Steven opened the cabinet to get the parsley flakes. He then added some of that as I stirred. Steven got out two plates and forks. I placed the hot spaghetti on our plates.

After doing some of all the things on Steven's list the last one was to cuddle. It was night fall already, so I didn't mind at all. I put on my pj's and Steven put on his. Steven was the first to give me a huge hugged. I snuggled into him and sighed. Today was kinda good, I almost thought it would be boring. "Goodnight Steven." I said as my eyes got droopy due to how comfortable I was. "Goodnight y/n, I love you." I heard Steven say.

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