Chapter 3- My last day

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This was it, my last day at beach City. I told  Connie, my bestie Spinel, and the rest at little homeworld.

I stood up straight looking ahead towards the beach house. The only sounds that were heard was the seagulls talking and the Ocean waves colliding with the sand. I continued up the steep hill caring the bubble gum colored jacket Steven left at my house during one of our sleepovers.

I knocked on the door expecting Steven, but It was Pearl instead. "Oh hello Y/n, Steven's not home yet, but do come in." She said shifting aside, so I could come in. "I came to tell you guys that I'm leaving today." I exclaimed. Just as I said that, Ameythst came out of her room with a box of eggs only to swallow the eggs whole. I cringed as Ameythst burped. "Wassup n/n got some news?" She asked plopping on the couch. "Y/n is leaving today." Pearl said for me. I sucked a deep breath as my heart sped up. "Aw man really? You didn't get a chance to confess to Steven yet." Huffed. "Yeah, I wanted to take Steven with, so I could at least have to chance of confessing, but it doesn't seem like he wants to leave." I explained hugging the jacket close to me. "Steven has been snappy lately." Pearl mumbled placing her thumb and index on her chin. "Yeah, like dudes been super annoyed and jumping around from one place to another." Ameythst said. I thought for a moment, He's always trying to be with me 24/7 and his getting really emotional... I tried thinking about what this could possibly mean.

Suddenly a light bulb flickered on inside my head finally connecting all the pieces. "...He's lonely." I stated getting Ameythst and Pearl's attention. "Maybe I could go and have some fun with him along with Greg." Ameythst explained snapping her fingers. "Yeah, I can spend one last day with you guys and Steven." I said with a small smile. "Then it's settled, you guys go and hang out with Steven." Pearl informed.

Steven will love what I have in plan for him.

I thought texting him, I wonder where he could be in a small City like this.


Flower- Hey Steven wanna hang with us?

Steven stared down at the text. Of course he would. He just needed to get rid of the horns on his head. Yes, horns on his head. Steven didn't know what the heck was going on.

He was just heading over to the Diamonds when he felt something heavy on his head. He looked into the bathroom mirror to see two light pink horns on his head. Steven, who was freaking out took a gem bubble bath. It seemed to work at first, AT FIRST! Thirty minutes later, they came back.

Steven closed his eyes imagining that the horns weren't there. Feeling the weight from his head disappear, he touched his head not feeling a thing, but curly hair and skin. Steven sighed in relief before texting back.

Me- Sure give me sec.

Steven smiled a bit. Maybe Y/n wasn't leaving after all. Steven was probably stressed out for nothing... Yeah that was totally it!

Steven sighed in relief once again before looking at the ocean. Steven was on top of a hand we're the washer and dryer was placed. It might of been a weird place to put the two machines, but it sure had a great view while waiting for your clothes.

Steven jumped on to the Diamond shaped warp pad and warped into the living room, Surprising the trio. "Hey guys." He said with a wave jumping off of the warp pad. "Steven, come on dude let's ditch this place and hang out." Ameythst pointing her index finger towards the door. Y/n walked over to him and place his jacket around his shoulders. "Um, alright." He said only to be dragged off.


Hours were spent going to Steven's favorite places.


Little homeworld,

The arcade,

Fish Stew's pizza,

And more.

Y/n was driving her van with Ameythst, Steven, and Greg inside. They we're all talking about their favorite cities.

"Empire City is great, very expressive though." Greg said. "Yeah." Steven added nudging his dad's arm. "My place would be Ital City, I heard they have to best food there." Ameythst said with a cheesy grin. "What about you You Y/n?" She asked putting her feet on the dash board. "... Mine would be season City. Winter is just right there and their pastries come fresh and hot out the oven." Y/n explained as a goofy smile was painted across her face. Steven smiled at this.

That place sounds great.

"So Steven, what's your favorite?" Y/n questioned keeping her eyes on the road. "I'm kinda tied between apple and Season City." Steven replied scratching the back of his head. "Oh my aunt Lucy lives in Apple City. She has the best Apples and She has that funny cowgirl accent." Y/n explained. "Well that's what happens when you've been on the ranch for so long." Greg said with a wink as the gang howled with laughter.

After a few minutes, Y/n had almost past the car wash. "Hey, stop right here. I need to get something done and I need Ameythst's help." Greg stated as the van came to a stop. Ameythst clicked her tongue getting out of the van with Greg. "You guys can go on to the house." Greg said. Y/n did as told driving to Steven's beach house.

It was a long moment of silence till Steven broke it. "Hey so, how's it been going?" He asked with a slight grin. "It's been okay I guess and I'm leaving today, so-..." "Wait you're still going through with that?!" Steven interrupted a bit surprised and shocked as his skin turned unnoticeably pink. "Well, yeah. I just wanted to have fun with you before going." Y/n explained, hiding her pained expression from Steven.

They finally stopped at Steven's place still continuing the argument. "I can't stay here for the rest of my life Steven, you know that." Y/n protested. She hated arguments and Steven knew that, but ignored the fact. "But... Why?!" Steven yelled/asked punching the side of Y/n's van, making a dent, Oh boy.

Did he just?!...

Y/n's thoughts trailed off as she tried not to cry. "You... You just put a dent into my mother's van!" She yelled. She hated yelling at people, but that car was the last thing her mother gave her before she died.

Steven, realizing what he had just done, panicked. He frantically waved his hands around, "I-I'm so sorry, I-I can fix it." Steven stuttered, going to the back of the to smooth out the dent. Y/n ran over with a mad expression wiping her tears away. "Steven Universe!" She shouted making Steven flinch. Calling him by his full name meant she was sad or mad at him and she's rarely never mad at him.

"Out of the van, now."

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