Chapter 9- Solution first, problem last

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Connie groaned in pained as she felt her stomach trying to eat her alive. It's been two weeks since Connie's disappearence. Her parents probably think she's with Steven and Y/n or went to school already. The gems we're gone, there was no one to help her this time.

Suddenly, steps were heard. Connie's eyes widen. Am I being saved? Wait calm down, I don't think I need to jinx myself getting my hopes up. Connie thought crossing her fingers and praying that it was someone to help her. Two pink paws stopped at the whole a gem burst out of. Lion showed his furry face, surprising the girl. "Lion, thank goodness!" Connie yelled as Lion pulled her from the hole and snapped the rope that binded her. "I have to find Y/n and Steven, but first..." Connie trailed off.

In a blink of an eye she was at Steven's beach house eating some of the food.

Connie sighed looking at her the silver door that contained five gems that lead to four different rooms. The gems we're probably in Garnet's room. Connie knew she couldn't get through, so there was only one option left... To ask Steven's dad. She couldn't let him find out about what happened or he would freak out. Maybe she could dance around the truth. Trim around the bush, that way he wouldn't figure out.

Connie got up and rushed towards Greg's car wash, Riding on lion. On the way, she pondered on a few things. If I was Y/n, where would I go. Maybe Mr. Universe knows. 

"Mr. Universe!" Connie yelled jumping off of lion, trying to stay as calm as possible. A red truck drove away giving out two beeps as Greg waved the truck goodbye. "Oh, hey Connie. What's up?" Greg asked. "Um Y/n took off with Steven and Steven... Put a gift in lion's fur and... I kinda forgot where they were heading." Connie explained. Real smooth Connie. The girl thought to herself. "Uh, Y/n always wanted to go to Season City. Try that place." Greg instructed. That's right, Y/n told me about that place once. Connie thought, hiding her worry through her smile. "Thanks Mr. Universe, bye." Connie said getting on top of lion. "No problem kiddo." Greg said as Connie left. "I wonder if the gem are at little homeschool." Greg mumbled to himself.

Connie went back to the beach house and got her sword, not wanting to though. She had to just in case Steven tried to attack her again. "Lion, can you please teleport us to Season City?" Connie asked Lion, who seemed like he wanted to roll his eyes the this girl, bend back down. "Thanks Lion." Connie thanked him and patted him on the head.

Lion roared open a portal to Season City jumping through it. Connie tightly held onto Lion's fur. The portal to Season City soon opened. Lion jumped out of the portal as it shortly closed after.

Connie now had to ask around about the two. Determination beamed through her eyes as she hide the sword.

S+€ven & Y/n

Steven woke up from a dream. He didn't like how it ended. He saw through Connie's eyes. She was here in Season City. This was bad, very bad. All thank to the clueless Lion that was looking for Connie. Steven gritted his teeth. He couldn't let her get to Y/n. He didn't want his flower fearing him. Knowing that he was a monster. The horns grew again, but Steven shook em off. He couldn't let his fear get the best of him.

He looked down at Y/n who was peacefully sleeping, nibbling on her finger. She was definitely having a food dream. Steven smiled and kissed his girlfriend's forehead. He then went downstairs and cooked breakfast. Basically he popped a few waffles in the toaster cooker, stacking them on two plates, and put syrup on them. That's how Y/n ate her breakfast, like a kid. Steven liked that about her.

Even though Y/n can be gullible and happy like a child, she can also be very understanding and responsible... She can be responsible at times. For example, taking care of the fish in the fountain.

Anyways, Steven pulled out two bowls and poured chopped up fruit inside.

As if she knew, Y/n came down in her pajamas wearing Steven's jacket. Steven was obviously blushing as the girl looked at him tiredly and smiled. "Morning marshmallow." Y/n said with a slight smile. Steven loved all of his nicknames, especially the one Y/n gave him.

"Morning sweetheart." Steven said before picking up Y/n. Y/n yelped in surprise instantly wrapping her arms around Steven's neck. She was so gonna attack him with tickles next time.

Steven set the girl down at the counter and they both started eating.

Until there was a knocked at the door.

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