Chapter 11- She knows

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Every since last week, I've been feeling uneasy. I was just sick is all, but... I have this feeling in my gut that it was something more.

I fed the fish inside the bowl and they happily ate. It was now winter and the snow covered the ground like a sheet. It was gonna be like that for awhile from what I've heard. I sighed walking over to the couch and wrapping myself in covers. Steven had left for groceries, so I was left alone with the fish and the TV... I wish Connie and Lion was here.

I sighed once more, not really satisfied. Maybe I should go see my nice neighbor, Luna. The nice old lady who welcomed us. I put on my thick jacket and boots along with my gloves. I opened the door and walked out across the yard to my neighbor. I knocked and waited. The small lady opened the door. "G-good evening M-M-M-Mrs. Luna." I stuttered out. Mrs. Luna gasped and opened her door wider, so I could come in. "Come in dear, you must be cold. I'll make you some cocoa." She explained. Yum, Cocoa's the best!

After getting into the house, Luna poured milk into her kettle and turned the stove on. "So why did you come over, Y/n?" Luna asked giving me a candy. I ate it before explaining. "My boyfriend's out shopping for groceries and I kinda got bored." I said. Luna nodded, understanding the situation I'm in. "Yes I see, came to talk to me." She said as I nodded.

"I'm trying to understand the feeling I have." I told Mrs. Luna. "What might that be?" She asked. "Well... Last week, Steven told me that I was sick and I believed that due to my numerous headaches and tiredness, but..." I trailed off. "Waking up, I felt good other than the headaches. I was starting to think I wasn't sick that week." I continued. "I'm not sure why, can you help me?" I asked looking at Luna. "Well..." Luna started. The kettle was whistling from her kitchen. She got got up to fetched it. "I'm not sure if your feeling is right or wrong, but it almost sounds like..." Mrs. Luna trailed off, thinking for a moment before shaking it off. What was she thinking about? I thought as Mrs. Luna poured the steaming hot milk into the mugs. She then picked up her glass jar filled with from what I've guessed cocoa powder. Luna grabbed a metal spoon and mixed the milk and cocoa powder. I heard low clings as she did so. "I'm sure it just a feeling or maybe you're just paranoid. Here you go sweetheart." Mrs. Luna said coming back and giving me a mug of cocoa. I thanked her.

After having a good conversation with Mrs. Luna, I had to go or else Steven would worry if he came back to the house before me. Luna walked me to the door as I put my jacket, gloves and boots back on. I then waddled back to my house.


I was driving back to the house with the groceries. Surely Y/n's all lonely without me. The road wasn't really iced up to my luck. I pulled over into the driveway and turned off the engine. I walked to the back of the van and got the groceries.

"Hello Steven." A voice said. I looked around seeing the nice old lady, Mrs. Luna from what I've heard. "Hello Mrs. Luna." I said. "Y/n came over and we had a good talk." She told me. I hummed in response. "...about last week." She said. I froze, what does she know? I turned my head towards her hiding my frown with a smile. "I'm not sure what-..." "I'm 82 and even I'm not dumb enough to buy that." Mrs. Luna said as I frowned. It was silent. "You put drugs in her food didn't you?" She asked. "How did you know?" I asked. "I was teen once you know. I use to watch a lot of movies that had that in it as well." She explained, readjusting her round purple glasses. "I won't push on your personal life, but do that again and she might find out." Mrs. Luna said before going back into her house.

I sighed in releif, continuing to carry the groceries towards the house. I got out my keys and unlock the door, opening it.

"Hey sweetie, I'm back."

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