Chapter 6- unavailable Connie

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Steven and I had finally reached Benny's breakfast. "So how did you find me?" I asked Steven raising a brow. "I knew you didn't know your way around, so I looked around for your van and saw a dirt path leading into a clearing." Steven explained. "Very smart Universe." I said pulling in and turning off the engine.

I grabbed my phone and charger and started towards the door. Steven being a gentleman, opened the door for me. "Ladies first." He said bowing dramatically. I laughed walking in. "Why thank you." I said with a smile. Steven walked in after coming towards the booth looking at the menu I had. "I'm gonna get waffles with orange juice." I said to the lady. "I'll get hash browns and waffles with a strawberry milkshake." Steven told the lady as well. The lady soon left to make our orders. I charged my phone as Steven tapped his fingers against the table.

It took a few moments till I decided to drum up a conversation. "You finally decided to come with me?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine as like long as you're here with me." Steven answered with a smile. That sounded a bit like the dream I had. Luckily, Steven doesn't have horns or claws to complete that weird yet scary dream. I thought.

After awhile of waiting, the waitress finally came back with our orders placing them down on the table. I saw her then slip a note under Steven's plate. He lifted it up getting the note.

Call me ******* ;)

It wrote, I glared at the note as Steven put it down and started eating. I started eating as well, eyeing the piece of paper every now and then.

As I ate I turned my phone on getting loads of notifications. Two were from Connie.

Connie- Y/n don't every come back to beach City!

Connie- Steven's a-.

The message stopped there. I placed my fork down cause I was done and got up. "Hmm, what's up?" Steven asked. "Oh I just need to make a phone call I'll be outside." I said walking away.

I leaned against the brick wall and dialed Connie. " It's Connie, I'm not available at the time, leave a message after the beep."the phone said. After a few seconds it beeped. "Hey Connie it's Y/n, just wanted to see if you were okay. Steven decided to come with me AND we a thing now. Call me after you get this message." I said hanging up. I was getting slightly suspicious, Connie answered her phone all the time... What's up?


The ringing continued and pain surged through the girls body. It was dark a cold. Connie felt that her head had a mark. She closed her eyes trying to process what happened yesterday.

It all started with Steven, he had claws and horns that seemed sharp to the point. His eyes her pink and so was his skin.

"Steven, you're better than this." Garnet said as Ameythst stepped in. "Yeah dude, you don't have to do this." She said. "Steven, just let us help you." Pearl pleaded. "Sorry, but I think that's overdue." Steven said running up to Them and slashed at them. In one hit, they poofed and Steven bubbled them. Connie stepped back as Steven looked at her with a creepy closed eyes smile. "I-I don't wanna fight you Steven." She stuttered with nervousment. Steven raised his claw like hand in the air, ready to hit Connie. "You have no choice." Steven said walking up to her. Connie had texted Y/n before getting hit on top of the head.

Connie looked around the dark place she was in...she was in kindergarten. Her hands and feet were tied and her phone was beside her, only three percent remaining. She had to warn Y/n about Steven, who knows what he could do to her.


Connie's eyes widen looking at her phone, she got a voice message. She clicked the play button with her nose to hear the message that was from Y/n.

"Hey Connie it's Y/n, just wanted to see if you were okay. Steven decided to come with me AND we a thing now. Call me after you get this message."

Oh no. Oh no no no no no! He's already with her!

Connie thought. Maybe all of what happened was a nightmare nothing but a big nightmare were you just happen to feel pain... Who was Connie kidding. This was a nightmare come to life!

Connie tried unlocking her phone and it work, but before she could do anything, it had died on her. The universe just isn't gonna let me get to Y/n, huh? Connie thought, not realizing she made a pun. Connie groaned through her gag. The taste of cloth never left and her mouth was dry.

I wish you the best of luck, Y/n.

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