Chapter 4- Leaving

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My voice wavered and a lump formed in my throat. I hated every second of that argument.

Steven got out of the van and closed the doors. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay." I said walking over to the driver's seat and opening the door. Steven followed as I swiftly got in and closed the door behind me starting the engine. "...I love you Steven." I whispered loud enough for him to hear as fat tears came down my cheek. I then drove away, not looking behind me. "Y/n wait!" I heard Steven's muffled voice. I looked in the rear mirror to see him slightly running after the van only to slowly come to a halt as I got far enough.

Soon my phone started to ring with a notification. I knew it was Steven. After a few more seconds my phone was constantly ringing with messages.

I speed home, unlocked the doors and ran upstairs.

What am I doing?


My thoughts were wild and I was high on adrenaline. I place my phone that was ringing with loads of messages in my pocket as I zipped up my last suitcase. I grabbed a few of my only boxes and carefully yet fastly went to my car and threw them in there. I ran back in to get my suitcases.

Knowing Steven, he's probably on his way here as I speak.

I grabbed three suitcases with one hand and three more with the other. Almost stumbling down the stairs. I put the last of my things into my van, shut the door and drove out of Beach City. I speed dialed Connie still keeping my eyes on the road. "Y/n what's up?" Connie asked. "Steven and I got into an argument and I'm now leaving Beach City as we speak." I manage to choke out. "The sun's about to set, were are you gonna sleep?" Connie question with worry. "Hopefully I can find a hotel before the sun completely sets. I don't know my way around here." I explained. "Well, I wish you good luck. I'll tell the gems you left and hopefully tell Steven he can't chase after you." Connie stated. "I'd love that Connie, your the best. Bye." I said before hanging up.

It only took me a few moments to realize what all JUST happened. "OH MY STARS I YELLED AND AT STEVEN!" I shouted to no one, but thin air. "AND I CONFESSED BEFORE RUSHING OFF!... I should probably call Steven after a day or two. Let him calm down and process the situation." I mumbled the last part to myself.

If Steven and I apologise to each other and if Steven loves me, then maybe we can start a long term relationship or even continue our friendship.

I frowned even more at the thought of a long term relationship. How would that even work? I would just call him every now and then and talk to him or maybe even ship him gifts. That's not how I would dream our relationship, but that would be a start. I thought mentally giving myself a high five.

By now, the sun was gone and it was dark out. Nothing, but the lamp post's illuminated the way to who knows where.  I groaned, being out at night was the worse thing ever. I grabbed my phone and tried turning it on, TRIED. The darn thing had died on me. So much for technology and my computer's at the back. I have no idea what I would do with that though. My mind was completely blank and slowly turning into the size of a peanut due my tiredness.

I pulled up into a clearing in the woods, locking my doors and jumping at the back of my van. I cleared my stuff out of the way and made a little bed. Pulling out my computer to at least watch a movie before getting some shut eye. Let's see... Pupcopter, no... Space kids, sure why not. I'm definitely not gonna look at stranger things without another person to watch it with me. I pressed the first episode and It started out great. Three boys and two girls toyed with an anonymous space object and got blasted into space. Reminds me of a teen, oh yeah, Steven. I continued the series as my eyes got heavy. Wouldn't hurt to close my eyes for a bit. I thought yawning before shutting my eyes for awhile. Accidentally falling asleep.


She left the house and nothing was in her room except a bed with no sheets, pillows, or plushies that she had. Steven clenched his fist and bit his lip.

She loved me and I didn't even get the chance to say I love her back.

Steven turned Pink and the weight on his head reappeared.

I even put a dent in her mother's car.

Now she's gone, my flower's gone and it's my fault!

Steven gave out a dry chuckled after a few moments before looking at his hands that were now claws.

I'm a monster to her.

Steven shook his head making the claws and horns disappear.

If I'm gonna be a monster... I might as well be a good one when I find her.

He grinned turning to the door to walk home and get his car to find Y/n.

Getting home, Connie was there talking to the gems. Steven opened the door getting the attention of everyone. "Hey Steven, Y/n is-..." "Gone? Yeah I know." Steven interrupted staying cool. Pearl and Connie looked at each in confusion. "Umm... I guess that's good, maybe now you can get on with your regular abnormal life." Connie said with a bit of suspicion of how calm Steven was acting.

Steven only laughed as the weight on his head returned.

"That's funny." He said, his hands were now claws again.

"In my regular abnormal... I was never a monster."

The Monster I Am, The Flower She IsWhere stories live. Discover now