Chapter 2- Home

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She was leaving?

Steven, taken aback by this, fell onto his rear in shock. Eyes widen as he flashed pink. "Steven, I'm leaving... I want you to come with me." Y/n's voice said. Isn't it better here? Steven thought. Many things wonder through his head.

Did I do something wrong?

Am I smothering her?

Does she hate me?

He didn't want to leave here. He wanted to stay, with Y/n. Yeah things might be the same old same old, but with her around, things were never dull.

Steven clenched his shirt that was over his aching heart. He hated that feeling, that feeling where he couldn't stop when the faucets turned on in his eyes and the lump in his throat grew.

"B-but don't you like it here?" He asked shakily holding back all of his tears trying to turn the darn faucets off. Y/n kneeled down, regret and worry came over her, but she had to stay strong and keep her opinion as if she was the president holding a debate. Trying to persuade her audience as they listen.

"I do, I do Steven, but I have to live my own life. Maybe you can be in it with me." Y/n explained.

The faucets wouldn't turn off. Instead, they broke and flooded Steven's eyes. He was to scared to leave. He's been there since the day he was born. He couldn't just leave now, but the love of his life is leaving...

Y/n got out a blue handkerchief, wiping away Steven's tears even though new ones covered his pink Cheeks. Steven was subconsciously pink again. Y/n kissed Steven's head adding more shades of pink to his cheeks as his whole body went to it's normal skin color... Well except for his cheeks of course." I have to go and live my life to the fullest. We only live once you know." Y/n told him. Easy for her to say when she doesn't have a gem embedded on her tummy. Steven thought before getting an Idea only to brush it off.

Y/n got up placing the plushie on Steven's lap. "I'm going home Steven, you can keep the plushie. It was for you anyways." She said walking away. Steven got up as quickly as possible hugging Y/n who froze his shock. "Can... Can I at least walk you home?" Steven suggested. "Sure I don't mind." Y/n replied leaning into Steven's chest. The smell of watermelon covered him. She always loved the smell of Steven's body wash. It calmed her down, he was her teddy bear.

On the long walk to Y/n's home, thoughts bounced around every corner of the duo's minds.

Does he hate me now?

Why does everyone have to leave?

Maybe I can convince him one last time.

Oh who am I kidding...

They probably don't love me.

Nothing but negative thoughts plaigged their minds like mold slowly effecting and poisoning every corner on a room.

Stopping at the porch of Y/n's door, she gave Steven one last hug before decending into her house. That was the last time she ever saw Steven.

Or so she thought.

After that day, Y/n began to pack. She soon stumbled upon a photo album. 'Beach City photos'  was written in permanent marker. She opened the book flipping through the pages. Y/n would giggled seeing the funny photos like when Steven and her drew on Lars's face cause he was sleeping on the job or when peridot was wearing alien underwear while watching Camp Pinning Hearts.

Looking at the photos brought back old memories. At the end there were lots of discs like:

The Lion King: by Lars and Lion

Halloween with Steven

Tiger millionaire vs Rainbow star

Jamie's play

Things like that. Oh I remember Halloween with Steven. Y/n thought flashing through the memory of when Steven and Ameythst scared the rainbow out of her. They even took a picture of Y/n's scared silly face. Y/n rolled her eyes in embarrassment, putting the book in the right box.

Suddenly a chill went up her spine as if she was splashed with cold water. It was that feeling of a pair of eyes watching her. Y/n looked out the window only to see a glob of pink fur and glowing eyes staring back at her.

"L-LION! Good golly you scared me half to death." Y/n exclaimed opening her window and shooing the big pink cat away. "Shoo, shoo, go back home to Steven." She mumbled as lion leaped down from the tree and walked away... Yet the feeling of being watch never left.

(Author's notes)-|Sorry guys It's just that I've been from one fanfiction to another and I couldn't help, but to make something like this. Steven was a cute pink marshmallow and I'm a sucker for those kind of things. Bye O^O|

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