Chapter 8- The house

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Steven and Y/n finally found the house. Some person wanted the fountain destroyed which made Y/n angry, but she kept her cool.

Ma'am, if you don't want the fountain, then give us the house please." Y/n insisted. The lady with tall red heals, looked down at the small girl as Steven watched. The lady raised a brow, not even interested at the offer the (h/c) haired girl gave. "No, I want this house and I want that disgusting fountain removed." The lady sneered. "Come on miss, you clearly don't want the fountain, so let us have this house." Steven stepped in. "Urgh, for the last time, no! I'm not gonna let you both have this elegant house. Especially some no good, small, brat." The lady growled slightly pushing Y/n.

Steven flashed pink clenching his fists, hiding his anger. "Hey how about we talk for a second miss, maybe I can change your mind?" Steven suggested with a small hint of anger. "Oh please, like I would, but whatever. Like seeing people gravel." The lady scoffed as she followed Steven to another room.

"Okay you little brat what do you want to say and If it's a threat, I will have my husband arrest you." The lady said looking down at her phone, her back turned to Steven.

Wrong position.

Steven kicked the lady down as she fell. The lady turned around and was about to get up only for Steven to get on one knee and thrust his claw like fingers towards her throat. "Don't say another word." He threatened. The ladies eyes widen in shock in fear. Steven showed his horns, claws, and pink skin. The only thing that changed was the pink eyes were surrounded by blackness and the tail. "If you don't give us this house, then I will be forced to find you and I will kill you." Steven warned. The lady nodded in fear as Steven let her go and got up. His claws, tail, horns, and more disappeared. The lady shakily got up. "Oh and one thing..." Steven paused Turning back to the lady who flinched at his look. "Never talk to my flower like, so you're gonna apologize." Steven growled with a creepy smile as the woman nodded her head vigorously. "Good." Steven said as he walked out of the room and the lady slowly followed.

Y/n was outside looking at the fountain. A smile found it's way upon her face, forgetting the insult that was thrown at her earlier.

"Hey, excuse me... Y/n was it?" The lady asked. Y/n turned around and smiled at the lady. "Yes Ma'am it is." Y/n responded. "Um, I'm sorry for insulting you. I can't tear the statue down. In fact you both can have the house." The lady exclaimed, hiding her fear. "Really?!" Y/n questioned with with stars in her eyes, giving out a big toothy smile. "Yes." The lady stated with a small smile. "OH, THANK YOU!" Y/n yelled shaking the ladies hand at a fast rate.

Soon after, the lady left as Y/n and Steven followed her to the drive way.

A nice old Japanese lady had came out of her home greeting the nice couple. "Hello you two, are one of you L/n by chance?" She asked. Y/n perked up at this. "Yes, I'm L/n, Y/n L/n." Y/n said walking over to the old lady. "Oh that's wonderful! I have a gift for you that your mother wanted me to take care of, Follow me." The kind lady said as the duo followed her.

The smell of candy wavered through the house. "Wow your house is wonderful and it smells like candy." Steven commented. "Ah yes, I make candy as an offering to the spirits." The lady explained  with a smile giving the two teens pieces of candy. "And I sell some as well, I'm know as the candy lady here." The old lady said with a winking making the two teens chuckle.

They all finally made it to a room with lots of antiques. The lady then stopped in front of a small fish bowl that contained to fish, blue and pink. "Your father begged me to make that statued fountain for your mother. He bought the fish and fed them everyday till the your mother's birthday and now..." The lady paused, picking up the fish bowl and giving it to Y/n, who's eyes widen. "I'm giving them to you, they both represent you both like they both use to represent your parents. Blue is peace and Pink is happiness." The lady informed. "A-are you sure you want to give them to me?" Y/n asked in worry. "Honey, I'm sure. It's a gift after all." The lady said looking into the fish bowl seeing the fish happily swimming around. "I don't know how they're still alive after all these years, but it's a miracle they did." She said.

The nice old lady escorted Steven and Y/n out the house wishing them good luck. "And remember, when it's winter put them in the aquarium." The lady said before closing the door. "She's so nice." Y/n said looking down at the fish. "Yeah what a nice neighborhood." Steven said putting a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"Maybe I should call Connie. I haven't heard from her since the day I left Beach City." Y/n suggested making Steven flinch. "Uh, maybe-..." "It went straight to voicemail. Maybe that new school Connie went to took her phone." Y/n said. Steven mentally sighed, he couldn't let you find out.

That was two weeks ago.

Y/n was now walking from the pet store carrying fish food. "Hope Connie gets her phone back. There's so many things I want to tell her." Y/n mumbled looking up at the blue sky that was covered in clouds.

"Hey, hot babe." A blonde boy called out to Y/n. Y/n looked behind her seeing the boy riding over to her on a skate board along with a few others who riding their bikes. Oh how she wanted to keep walking. "Ya seem new, why don't I show you around?" The guy suggested. "I have a boyfriend, he can help me around hopefully." Y/n said with a small smile. The boy laughed, Confusing the small girl. "Oh please, you have a fish at home. You're definitely single." A red head chuckled. Y/n felt an imaginary arrow strike her heart. She teared up a bit at the hurtful words. "Why would you say such a thing?" Y/n asked shakily. 

Suddenly a shadow loomed over Y/n. It was non other than Steven. He wore a creepy grin and his fist callided with his hand as he popped his neck. "Hey guys, what do you think you're doing to my girlfriend?" Steven asked, venom laced his voice.

The group of guys looked at Steven in shock and slight fear. "S-Steven, ha I-I told you I h-have a boyfriend." Y/n stuttered hugging the brown curly haired boy. "Yeah we totally believe you now." The red head spoke. "Totally, come on guys." The blonde exclaimed running down the street.

The was the last the duo ever saw them.

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