Chapter 5- Steven

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I was in a field of pink flowers. My hand intertwined when another's, Steven's. We were staring up at the cotton candy sky, enjoying the peaceful view. Steven turned his head towards me and genuinely smile a big toothy smile. "There's no other place I would rather be, than sitting right next to you." He explained. I blushed and smiled. Before getting my sentence out, Steven got on top of me. "So get ready," he told me as horns and claws formed along with a tail and spikes that penetrated his jacket. He was pink again and so we're his eyes that had little white Diamonds. "Cause I'm gonna find you."

I shot up only to be pulled down by a strong arm. I deeply, but quietly inhaled.

It isn't.

I thought slowly looking to my side to see curly brown hair. Their face nuzzled into my neck as they hugged me like I was a teddy bear.


I tried getting out of Steven's grip, but to my luck, his grip got tighter and he snuggled me closer. I blushed, wanting to crawl under a rock and die!

I guess Connie didn't get to Steven in time if he's here... Maybe he finally decided to tag along with me.

I grinned at the thought. I have to stopped at a restaurant to eat, charge my phone, and call Connie about the good news.

Steven stirred in his sleep mumbling about rainbow donuts. I giggled as he slowly loosened his grip. I slipped out of Steven's bear hug and started the car. "Okay, now to find a restaurant and have breakfast." I mumbled driving back on to the road.

I drove around and finally spotted a place... that wasn't a restaurant. It was a gas station called 'Dash'. I pulled over to get some gas. "Mmmh, what are you doing?" A groggy voice asked, Steven. "I'm gonna get some gas and ask for a near breakfast place. Stay here okay." I replied. Steven pouted like a child, rubbing his eyes. "Okay." He huffed. I was in my pajamas, but I was the only one at the gas Station, so I can pretty much walk in wearing this and me slippers. I got out of the car and went into the store. Disco girls was playing in the background. I walked up to the counter and saw a bored teen named 'Paul'. "Um hello Paul, can I some gas on pomp three?" Asked as getting out ten dollars. "Sure cutie anything for ya." He said. Maybe walking in with jammies on was a bad idea. I thought walking out the store. "You got a nice rack!" Paul yelled. What did that mean? He hasn't seen my closet before. Geez my closet was a mess.

I rolled my eyes at the guy, I popped my cap open and filled the van with fuel. It was like feeding a giant baby a whole bottle of milk. I tapped my foot waiting till it was finally filled.

I then walked back into the store almost forgetting to ask directions. "Hey, me again, can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?" I asked. Paul's right hand touch my shoulder. "Yep, keep heading straight, there should be a place called 'Benny's breakfast'." Paul informed, his hand now on my waist giving me goosebumps. "Okay thanks gotta go bye!" I said at a fast rate, running out the door.

My face then collided my a chest. Is he just there all the time or is it some new gem power of his?! I thought. "Steven what are you doing out of the van?" I asked tilting my head. "I just went to the bathroom is all and saw you talking to that boy... Was he bothering you." Steven question as he darkly said the last part. "No, not really, let's just go." I stated grabbing the end of Steven's sleeve jacket and pulling him to the van.

"Um, stay here, I gotta change." I said getting in the back of the van and changed into some shorts and a shirt with a flower on it. I then put my hair in a ponytail.

I walked out of the van to see that Steven was still there as expected. I got into the driver's seat again as Steven got inside.

"I'm sorry." I heard Steven say. "Huh?" I said in confusion. "For trying to make you stay and putting a dent into your van." He confessed clicking his two index fingers together. "Oh, it's okay. I should be saying sorry for yelling at you." I explained. "I... I love you." Steven said hugging my side. "I love you too." I told him kissing his nose as he chuckled.

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