Chapter 10- Time to fear, Connie's here!

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Steven unnoticeably flinched as his head snapped towards the door. It must be Connie, but how did they find them so quickly? Was the van obvious? Did she run into those boys? How?

"I'll answer it." Steven said quickly running to the door. Luckily, he had a few things planned up. He put a ruffie or basically just some sleepy medicine inside of Y/n's juice. She should be-... Steven turned his head after hearing a small thud. Y/n was knock out, head resting on the side of the table.

Steven smirked before slowly opening the door. It was indeed Connie. She held a serious expression. Lion... Lion was gone, probably wondering around the City somewhere. "Oh hi Connie-..." "Cut it Steven, where's Y/n?" Connie interrupted Steven. "Oh She's asleep." Steven replied, remaining calm. "Move over, I have to-" "No, in fact, you were suppose to stay in that little hole, but thanks to Lion, I have to deal with you." Steven growled glaring down at Connie. The girl flinched and inched towards her sword with stealth.

Steven used his gem abilities to slow down time. He took Connie's swords and threw it in the closet. Steven then found some rope and tide her up putting her in the luckily sound proof basement. Time then resumed and found herself tied up with a gagged in her mouth. "Even though this place is sound proof, I really just wanna double check." Steven said tying Connie to the wall.

Steven walked over to the stairs. "Now that no one's in the way... I can do whatever I want." Steven said darkly, his eyes were pink before decending up the stairs.

Connie groaned loudly through her gagged. Maybe Lion was still in season City, he was her last hope.

Steven sighed, locking the basement door. Not much was down there. Just a table and a some dust.

He walked over to the kitchen seeing the sleeping girl. He only chuckled at the nonsense, but hey, he did drug the h/c haired girl after all.

Steven grinned, maybe he could keep doing this. After she eats the drugged food, she falls back to sleep. That would be easy peasy.

I would just tell her she's really sick.


"St-Steven?" The small girls voice croaked. Her body felt heavy, there was a small headache but everything was fine. It was gonna be fine. The pressure on the bed told her that Steven was there. He came into view with a smile. "Hey sweetie. You're sick, but don't worry I'm here to help." Steven cheered. He kissed Y/n's forehead and her headache faded away. She sighed in delight, snuggling into the warm thick covers.

Steven loved this, she mostly never questioned anything, she was perfect and too pure for the dangerous outside that they call world. Here... Here she was safe and by his side no one to bother them... To take her away.

"I'll make you some soup and tea and you can go back to sleep." Steven said getting up a walking away.

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