Chpater 7- Old memories

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"So, where are we going flower?" Steven asked as I turned left, cars barely littered the street. "Where I always wanted, Season City." I replied.

The road was a little crowded, mainly by trucks, which made me a bit nervous. I usually don't see other drivers, so sometimes I'm confident in myself.

"It's, fall and winters coming soon. I know how much you like the winter" Steven said nudging my shoulder. I rolled my eyes as I smiled a bit. "Yeah, there are some houses there. There's one I was really hoping to find." I explained.

I turned left, seeing a red short bridge to drive across. There was also a sign the said, 'Season City is this way' with a yellow flower on it. I slowly went across the bridge and kept riding. "Were you watching space kids last night?" Steven asked holding my computer.

I stayed silent, not wanting to answer that question. Space kids was a kids show. I'm suppose to be a responsible teen, not a teen watching cartoons! I can't help it if some shows don't come to my satisfaction!

Steven's grin only got wider by the second as my face heated up. My foot almost stomping on the gas pedal as a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulder. "Awwww~.  You're still the girl I fell in love with~." Steven coed, his chin on my head.

How embarrassing!

I thought wanting to yell into a good fluffy pillow.

After a few moments, I spotted another bridge and behind the bridge was houses, stores and other random buildings. The sign on the bridge said,

          Home to the big mug'.

I smiled crossing the bridge. This was it, the moment we've been waiting for!

Even if it was November,  Christmas lights littered the streets, orange leaves fell to the ground as I saw a few guys about the same age as me and Steven, ride past the van with their bikes.

"Wow this place is cool." Steven muttered looking out the window while sitting in the passenger seat. I giggled a bit nodding. "Yep, my mom loved this place. She met my father here, got married here, but for some reason couldn't stay." I said, remembering all the pictures of my mom and dad spending time together in Season city. "I was born here, but after three years, my mom got cancer..." My smile was soon wiped off my face as the memory of my hairless and pale mother sitting in the hospital reading the book 'Two Angels'.

"The boy said, "I will see you in heaven, waiting at the golden gates". The girl cried through her smile. "Yeah, just wait for me." The girl exclaimed as the boy turned into thousands of red fireflies, floating up into the sky leaving two flowers. One had a firefly glowed inside of one of the flowers." My mom read as I sat in her lap. "Momma will I see you in heaven waiting at the golden gates for me?" The four year old me asked. Mom kissed the bream of my nose. "Yes you will... My little flower." My mom coed tickling me as I giggled.

That was the day before Christmas. The morning of Christmas I made a gift for my mom and practically raced on foot almost tripping a few times. I rushed up to the hospital stairs stopping at room 231. I opened the door to see my dad and a few doctors. "Momma?" My voice said as it echoed through my head.

I quickly shut my eyes, not wanting to remember that moment.

The girl I was not wanting to cry in front of Steven, changed the subject. "... Anyways, my mom lived in a house with a stoned statue that looks like her with a fountain and two fish inside. I'm gonna get that one." I exclaimed with a smile.

Steven smiled at me, kissing my forehead. "I'm sure we'll find that house." He reassured with a determined look in his brown irises.

Yeah and hopefully I can do my little thing when Christmas comes.

I thought.

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