Feelings [13]

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Days went by and things weren't the same between Kennedy and Jon. She noticed that he wouldn't linger after meetings to talk like he use to. They rarely ran into each in the halls, and they only really talked during their promos or segments. She wondered what happened and if maybe he was growing tired of her.

Kennedy frowned as she stood in her office all alone. Usually she would have Jon keeping her company, but it sounded like everything changed between them. Of course she still had feelings for him. Only interacting when cameras were on was her sole chance to talk, but it was brief. After they wrapped he was off doing something else.

"Ms. Levesque, your dad and Mr. Good are waiting in the ring to go over the spots for tonight." A tech peeked their head in.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, just let me get changed." The tech nodded and closed the door.

Tonight was the night the storyline really kicked off. Sadly, this was the part where she could potentially get hurt working with Brock. For a full three weeks she and Brock and Heyman went back and forth arguing in the ring and even backstage. Now he would finally get his hands on her and she was a bit afraid, but she knew she was in good hands. They had talked a bit backstage a week prior discussing what would go down. Brock didn't want to hurt Kennedy and potentially lose his opportunity at TLC.

Kennedy changed into leggings and a sport bra, she threw on a pair of old workout shoes and headed out. She didn't feel like her ordinary self and people were starting to notice. In meetings she wasn't animated like she always was, and she kinda just said hi and bye to everyone. It was the thoughts of Jon weighing her down.

"Hey Kenny. You okay? You look down." Her dad said as she came in the ring. She just nodded her head and listened to what her dad was saying.

"After Brock does his thing, you're going to land right here." Her dad pointed at the spot in the ring that was closer to commentary.

"Jon is going to run out first, then the rest of the locker room after. He's going to pull you to the apron and carry you around. Once he reaches a little less than halfway, I'm going to run out and take you from him. Brock will come back and push us, then run through the crowd. Medic will come out and put you on a stretcher and roll you to the back. Then we'll cut to the backstage segment. Let's have you and Jon run through it." Her dad said exiting the ring.

Kennedy laid out on the mat just like her father said she would. She felt Jon slide into the ring and flip her over. He cupped her cheeks and said a few words before stepping away to get out of the ring. He carefully dragged her body to the apron and picked her up bridal style.

He brought her to the ramp, then Paul was there. They acted out how they would compete to try to grab Kennedy, then her dad would snatch her out of Jon's arms.

"Okay, that's good. If you're hurt, we need some sort of code word." Kennedy nodded and stayed quiet, letting the men handle it.

"Uh, code word could be Hartford." Paul nodded.

"I'm going to head to my office now. Bye guys." Kennedy said dully walking up the ramp and going backstage.

Jonathan and Paul stared at each other questioningly they noticed Kennedy start acting differently but they couldn't tell why. Even her grandpa Vince and mom caught on too.

"Do you know what's up with her?" Paul asked Jon, and he swung his head.

"Well, that's weird of her. I'll ask her about it when she's feeling a little better." Paul said.

"I'm going to go see her, bye Paul." He shook his hand before running after Kennedy. Thankfully, she didn't make it too far, she was walking out of gorilla into the main corridors.

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