Chapter 20: Destiny's Rude Awakening

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It's early spring and something is horribly wrong.

After eighteen years, Destiny likes to believe that she knows everything about her body. She knows when her aches and pains are from sleeping funny or when it's from the previous day's training. She knows when her bad mood comes from a crappy night of sleep or when it's almost time for mother nature's monthly visit. She knows herself, better than she knows anyone.

Something is wrong and she can't explain it away this time. These symptoms are new to her.

She's irritated, fidgety, and her senses feel like they've been kicked into overdrive. She's hyperaware of every movement her body makes, of the scents coming off her fellow lair-mates, and she has urges: horrible, painful urges that make her feel like she's a second away from devolving into a wolf and staying that way.

She has theories, but none of those theories ever stick around because whenever she thinks of them, the object of her irritation arrives.

It's all because of Leonardo.

She's known his scent for as long as she's known him. Incense, fresh air, always the nicest smelling of the turtle brothers because he's the only one unafraid of personal hygiene. To be fair, the others are fine, but Donatello has a habit of locking himself in the lab for days on end, Raphael insists that there is nothing wrong with his "natural musk" and Destiny is pretty sure that Michelangelo only discovered deodorant because of Annalise.

Leonardo's scent is stronger now, muskier, and it invades her senses anytime he comes near her. It goes straight to her brain, spreading through her body and making her feel hot inside. That heat lingers long after he's gone, follows her to her bedroom and reignites when she smells his presence on her pillow, on her blankets. It drives her loopy to the point that if he so much as tries to touch her, she wants to bite his hand off. At the same time, she wants him to come closer, touch her more. The dissonance does nothing to help.

She assumes she's being extra hormonal because her period is coming, despite all her common sense telling her that it's never been this bad before, but after two days of torture, she breaks. She goes to the laboratory the first chance she gets, slamming the door behind her and making Donatello and Sarina jolt up from their work. Metalhead II beeps in surprise.

"I think I'm sick," she says.

Sarina's eyes flash. "Ah, is this the supposed fever you mentioned?" she asks.

"Yes? Maybe?" Destiny growls under her breath, digging her fingers against her scalp. "God, I...I don't know, but something's wrong!"

Donatello's eyes widen a little. "Oh, you think this has to do with how you've been snapping at Leo when he gets near you?"

"That too."

Donatello and Sarina exchange a glance. Donatello groans and covers his face with his hands as Sarina exhales, her eyes flashing again. Destiny frowns and storms closer to them, fists quivering at her sides.

"You know something," she says, keeping her voice low. "What is it?"

" did not want to have this talk with you," Donatello mutters into his hands.

Sarina smiles apologetically at Destiny. "Please understand, we've noticed your...condition. We couldn't help but look into it."

"Would you tell me what it is already?" Destiny snaps, her tail spiking up as she bares her teeth.

Donatello slowly lowers his hands. "Okay, okay, please calm down," he says. He sucks in a breath. "I, ah...guess I'll keep this short and sweet, but it's highly likely that you're in heat."

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