Chapter 6: Internal conflict

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(In the evening, Emerald's POV)

Cinder summoned Mercury and me to her room. She was very angry about what happened this morning at the Colosseum. She was sitting on her bed, and we were standing in front of her.

"You two disappoint me a lot. I tasked you with dissuading them from poking their noses into our business and you got beaten up by these two amateurs." She told us, unhappy.

"We're sorry, ma'am," I replied, looking at the ground.

"You're sorry? It's a joke?" She asks me.

"I was sure he would fail! He couldn't hold a sword two years ago!" I defended myself.

"So either you don't know him well or you lied to me." She replied. "Most of all, I would like to know how he knew our intentions. Did you... tell him?" She asks me, getting up from her bed, walking towards me.

"No !" I replied. "I know I talk to him a lot, but I never told him about it!" I defended myself.

"I would just have to explain to me how he did it, then. But I'm willing to bet you had something to do with it." She growls at me.

"What do you mean ?" I asked her.

"It's simple: Nobody gives a fuck about him, except you!" She replied, angry

I cut ties with him! I left him without news since you came to get me!" I continued to defend myself

"Maybe he just did that just to pressure us." Mercury told her.

"Just to pressure us?" Cinder asks him, angry.

Well, I guess" Corrects Mercury shrugged. Cinder sighs.

"Hey, I have something to show you." She told him, holding the piece of paper Night left us in her hand and putting it on the desk. She grabbed Mercury by the hair and leaned his head against the desk, right in front of the piece of paper. He moaned in pain.

"Can you read what's written, dum-dum? That means what it means." She growls. "And the fact that he recognized me in the communication room makes it clear that it's not 'just to pressure us', as you may claim, Mercury." She continues. I started to back away.

"And I'm not done with you yet, Emerald." She growls at me before letting go of Mercury and turning to me.

"Listen, I'm telling you the truth, I didn't say anything to Night!" I defended myself. We heard someone knocking on the door.

"Go and see." Cinder orders me. I approach the door and open it. It was Glynda, and she had a package in her arms.

"Cinder's here?" She asks me.

"Yes why ?" I asked her. She hands me the package.

"I have this for her." She told me.

"Okay." I replied, taking the box.

"Have a good evening" Glynda told me before she left. I close the door with my foot.

"It's for you." I say to Cinder, handing her the box. She takes it before she feels it shake. She let it go. When it hit the ground, a Seer came out. I quickly backed off. Black smoke began to flood the room, revealing Salem. She was really terrifying, she was the kind of woman who took hell with her.

"Your Highness ..." Cinder whispers, bowing to her. Mercury and I also bowed.

"I'm very disappointed with you. Especially with you, Cinder." Said Salem, unhappy. "It seemed to me that we had agreed that... discretion was essential." She said, unhappy

"Yes indeed...-

"Silence!" Salem interrupts her. "Running around the rooftops and being spotted by the ONLY student who recognized you is not very discreet." She told her. "Now Ozpin and the general are aware of our presence in Beacon. And Emerald's brother's team are also on the spot, ready to act when we go on the attack." Grumbling Salem

"I know." Cinder whispers.

"You know?" Salem asks.

"Well, I know this student ... signs his deeds, he leaves ... his brand." Cinder replied timidly, showing the piece of paper, which Salem took and looked at.

"A brand? Are you talking about a brand, it's a Picasso!" The queen is offended, showing us Night's signature. "What else do you know?" Ask the queen to Cinder.

"Actually, not much, except that he is gifted in battle and can turn into smoke." She replied.

"What about you, Emerald, being that you're his sister, you must know your brother well, right?" Salem asks me.

"Uuuh ..." I sighed.

"Aren't you going to tell me that you don't know much about him either, too?" Salem coldly asks to me

"Not really no. In any case, not from that angle." I replied. "The Night that I knew was a nice person, very naive, and who avoided problems as much as possible. And above all, he didn't know how to fight." I replied.

"Except that there, we have in front of us the total opposite of what you describe to us: A cold young man, tough, and ready to take all possible risks. Maybe what you described to us was not than a facet, or a mask. " She replied. A silence intervened. "I don't think it's necessary to ask you to be more discreet. And when you take action, get rid of these troublemakers" she orders us. We simply answered with a nod.

"Oh, and Cinder: Don't hurt those kids anymore." She orders her coldly before disappearing. We saw another piece of paper right in front of the door.

"Another message?" I wondered. Cinder walks up to it, takes the piece of paper and unfolds it.

"She didn't say anything to me, that's the conclusion where I've come to."

Cinder showed us the piece of paper, signed with Night's mark.

"Even knowing that you are his opponent, he stands up for you. Your brother is such a hell of a dumbass." She told me, frowning before throwing the piece of paper in the trash.


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