Chapter 13: Resare and Mercury, Rematch

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(15 minutes earlier, Resare's POV)

I had left to clean up the amphitheater area. I rushed into a Beowolf and knocked it down with a dusted fist in the jaw before doing a somersault to dodge another Beowolf and shoot it in the back I looked up and I saw a griffin, I shot it in the neck and he fell to the ground.

"The amphitheater area's cleaned." I communicated to Krystal via my Scroll

"Perfect. Good job." She replied before the ground began to shake.

"Shit! What's going on?" I asked her.

"I don't know!" Krystal replied. Suddenly we heard a roar, and looking above us, we saw a dragon-shaped Grimm flying towards the academy.

"Oh shit !" I exclaimed before I saw big black drops falling, causing more Grimms to appear.

"I didn't say anything, the area isn't cleaned, actually." I groaned.

A Beowolf jumps on me, I slide under its stomach and shoot him, causing it to collapse. I get up and kick another Beowolf with a crushing kick before grabbing it by a leg and throwing it towards an Ursa, who falls before getting up and rushing at me. It tries a claw strike, which I dodge with a side jump before shooting it. It tries to crush me with its paw, but I dodged before jumping onto its back and punching it in the neck. The Ursa has fallen. I turned around and saw more Grimms.

"Looks like I still have some work to do ..." I sighed.

(20 minutes later)

The area was finally cleaned up, and for good. I grabbed my Scroll and report back to Krystal. I call her but do not answer me. There is clearly a problem. I manage to find her GPS position and head for it. I contact Dragon.

"Resare? What's going on?" Dragon asks me, worried

"Krystal isn't responding! She must be in trouble!" I answered him.

"Shit! Where is she? Do you have her position?" Dragon asks me, worried.

"Near the kiosk!" I answered him.

"I'm not far there, i'm coming!" He replied.

(10 minutes later, Narrator's POV)

Krystal was in really bad shape. She was on the ground, seriously injured and unable to get up. Mercury laughed at her.

"So? Is that all? I thought you were going to make me pay for what happened to your mother." Mercury mocks by crushing her leg, making the young woman scream in pain.

"Fuck you ..." she growls at him. Mercury kicks her in the gut, causing her to lie on her stomach.

"You don't need to moan anymore, you'll be joining your mother soon." He growls at her before lifting his leg, ready to crush the young woman's face.

"BASTARD!" Yells a voice. The murderer's son turns and takes a dusted punch in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"Resare ..." the young woman whispers weakly to the one who saved her. Dragon rushes to his team leader.

"Hey, boss, stay with us!" The lynx-eyed faunus told her worriedly.

"Dragon, make her safe. I'll take care of that motherfucker." Grumbling Resare. Dragon stands up carrying Krystal in his arms and begins to walk away.

(Resare's POV)

There was no one left in the area. Only him and me. I couldn't digest the fact that he harmed my friends and hurt my team leader. It's time to finish this. I'm going to blow his face off!

"Look that! The rabid dog is back!" Mercury told me, laughing at me.

"I'd rather be a rabid dog than a murderer's daughter without honor." I growled at him.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but your friend tried to play with fire and she got burned, poor thing... It's unbelievable how dangerous it is to want to be a hero." He scoffs.

""And apparently, stupidity makes you blind. You don't give a fuck that you're just a pawn for Cinder." I growled at him.

"I already know that." He replied slyly.

"So you're dumb to stay with her. Was it your father's beatings that made you so stupid? Did he make you lose some neurons?" I provoked it.

"I think you lost some too, to dare to face me. You know very well how it ended, the last time." He replied coldly.

"Expect it to end differently." I answered him by giving him an icy look. We rushed at each other before launching our attacks. Mercury kicked, as my Knuckle hit the sole of his shoe. He walked away from me doing a back somersault before coming back to the charge and attempting to kick me in the face, which I dodged by jumping over him and shoot him in the back, he's advancing two steps.

"Eat this!" I yelled at him putting a right swing in his elbow before grabbing him by the neck, lifting him up and smashing him to the ground.

"Did you really think I was going to let you go? You don't know me well!" I growled at him before picking him up and throwing him 10 meters away from me. He shot in my direction and I dodged his shot by rolling sideways. Mercury rushed at me and attempted to kick my legs, which I parried, before attempting to punch him in the face, which he dodged before stepping back. I tried to punch him another dusted punch, but he deflected it with his leg before putting his foot in my face. He did a front somersault while taking a crushed kick at me, which I dodged by doing a macaco.

I kicked him back in the face before I got up. He tried to shoot me, but I dodged his shot. Mercury walked away from me doing several back flips before shooting me three times. I dodged his shots before rushing at him. He tries to kick me in the face, I slipped under him before kicking him in the back and tripping him. I tried to punch him with a crushed shin in the face, but he dodged by rolling to the side before putting his right foot in my teeth, knocking me to the ground.

"Looks like you failed again." He growls at me before crushing my right hand with his foot. Making me moan in pain.

"You're just all upset. You are nothing ! You don't even reach my ankle!" He shouts at me before putting his foot in my stomach, putting me on my back. I put his foot on my neck and start to press on it.

"Any last words, before you die?" He asks me, coldly.

"Yeah ... let's go for round 2" I growled at him before shooting Dust right in the face. It took off before crashing to the ground. He's starting to get up, so I rushed him over before I kicked him in the rib cage, he slammed into the wall behind him and I put a right hook in his face. I dodged two punches before grabbing his left arm and punching him in the gut, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up. He kicks my leg, knocking me down to my knees before kneeling in my teeth, knocking me down. He tries to crush my head but I dodged his blow before getting up and putting a dusty uppercut in his jaw, making him lift off the ground before him a dusted punch in the stomach, throwing him on the ground, unable to get up.

"Ooooh ... Fuck ..." he moaned in pain. He tries to stand up, but I knocked him to the ground. I had some doubts about his legs, so I grabbed his left leg at the pants and tore it. He had robotic prostheses

"Oh? Looks like you had a little advantage on your side ... It would be a shame if something happened to your prostheses" I said slyly before putting my knuckles on his prosthesis and to shoot in. The prosthesis is out of usage.

"Now you'll don't fuck with me anymore." I told him coldly before I started to leave.

"Do you think that will be enough?" He growls at me, kneeling down. "Do you think you're going to be able to stop us !? You're just some poor asshole! You hear me, you rabid dog!?" He yells at me. I turned and kicked him in the forehead, knocking him out.

"Don't call me that, you rat." I growled at him before I left.


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