Chapter 9: Faunus vs. Faunus

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(The next evening, Night's POV)

I was in the stands of the Colosseum with Resare and Krystal. We had chosen Dragon for the finals, so he wasn't with us. I had explained to the rest of my team what had happened with Cinder.

"Actually,  Cinder is pretty stupid!" Krystal told me.

"She messed up her plan on her own!" Resare laughs.

"Qrow was there and saw her do it. As soon as she attacked me, he went looking for Ozpin." I told her.

"But still, you still took big risks! We had to clean the room with all the blood you put everywhere!" Krystal pointed out to me.

I had bandages everywhere: on my head, arms, legs. Fortunately my jacket had nothing. As it is the only thing I have left of my father, I really care about it. There would have been another cut on it, I would have killed Cinder.

"And now for the moment you've all been waiting for: the one on one finals!" Exclaims Port, to the applause of the crowd. There were already students in the middle of the crowd, including Yang, Sun, Penny, Dragon and Pyrrha.

"Barty, why don't you explain the rules?" Said Port to Oobleck

"Uhh, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a braket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place." Oobleck replied.

"Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!" Port replied

"Ahh, yes yes. Now let's see who our first match will be !" Exclaims Oobleck. The draw is on, everyone is looking at the holograms that will announce the first fight that will soon be unveiled.

"Sun Wukong and Dragon Setsu!" Exclaims Port to applause!

"Destroy him, Dragon!" Shout Resare at Dragon.

"Would all other combattants please leave the stage." Asks Port.

(Dragon's POV)

All the other fighters have left the arena. Only Sun and I were left. We exchanged a look and approached slightly. I walked over to him and held out my hand.

"Good luck." I told him.

"You too." He answers me by shaking my hand. I returned to my corner of the arena. Only the central area was used for combat. The zone rose slightly and the spotlights came on. Sun and I got into a fighting position.

"Three ... Two ... One ... Start!" Exclaims Professor Port. We went for it and prepared our shots. Sun threw an uppercut and I threw a crushing punch. Our fists clashed. I smiled at Sun before brushing him off. He kicked me in the gut and he did a pike jump to get up. He tried to kick me back, which I dodged by bending down. He then tried to sweep me, which I dodged with a somersault. He tried to give me a right hook, which I parried with my forearm before kicking him back in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Ouch! That must hurt!" Commented Professor Oobleck. Sun got up and attempted to kick me back, which I dodged by bending down. I put my hand on the ground and put my two feet in his stomach before slapping his shin in the jaw and getting up.

He rushed at me and attempted to punch me straight in the face, kick back in the jaw, and hook. I parried all three of his punches before taking a knee in the gut and a returned kick in the forehead, knocking me to the ground. One of my submachine guns fell from my jacket. I looked at it before I looked at Sun.

"Oh shit !" He exclaimed. I grabbed my gun and shot him. He parried the shot with his stick before rushing at me. He tried to hit me on the top of the head, which I dodged before putting a handle on him in the jaw before getting up, turning my weapon into a saber and trying to strike it, which 'he parries with his stick before hitting me with it in the knee, then in the teeth! I tried to strike him with a sword, but he parried it again with his staff. This time I pulled out my other mini Uzi and shot him in the head with Fire Dust. Sun was propelled to the ground. He stood up before turning his staff into a nunchakus equipped with lever-action rifles.

"Oh shit..." I said.

Sun rushed at me and tried to hit me in the cheek before getting shooted, knocking me to the ground. I stood up before sighing.

"Okay." I said before turning my sabers into Uzi and pointing them in his direction. "Dust gonna rain!" I told him, determined.

We rushed at each other before ducking and shooting each other.

(Night's POV)

We watched the fight, while the whole crowd went into ecstasies at the spectacle that was unfolding.

"What do you think, Night?" Resare asks me.

"It might be tight." I answered her.

(Dragon's POV)

The fight continued. Sun and I spend our time dodging our shots. The dust was raining, it was a real show!

I tried to kick him back in the face, which he dodged before trying to put a brush on me, which I dodged with a somersault. I went behind him before pointing my gun at him, which he deflected as I fired. I deflected another of his shots before I knee him in the gut and kick back in the face, knocking him to the ground. I shot in his direction, but dodged my shots by doing somersaults. He returned to the charge, protecting himself with his nunchakus before attempting to shoot me. I deflected his rifle before firing my turn. The Dust grazed his hair. I attempted to give him a return kick, which dodged before I deflected another of his shots.

"My word! It's a real spectacle of sounds and lights!" Port comments, as I grab one of Sun's nunchakus and pass Sun behind me before shooting him. He deflects the shot again before launching a kick towards my temple, which I dodge with a macaco.

"I have never seen a fight with so much Dust in all my life! This fight will remain etched in the history of the Festival!" Comment Oobleck as I parry a nunchaku blow before I kick Sun in the knee, drop one of my weapons, grab him by the neck, lift him up and smash him to the ground! A good part of the crowd applauded.

"Destroy him!" Screams Resare! I was kicked in the head, right in the forehead, knocking myself to the ground. I got up from a pike jump before dodging one shot, then another. I turned my weapon into a saber before deflecting a shot. I kicked Sun's left wrist inside out, sending one of his nunchakus to the ground.

I kicked him back in the forehead, which he dodged before attempting to hit me with a nunchaku. I grabbed his weapon, kicked Sun with my knee in the gut and spun him around, holding the nunchakus firmly. He finally let go of his gun and begins to run wild. I grabbed my second gun and fired a round of Dust right in the forehead. He fell to the ground, unable to get up. The match is over.

"What a way to kick off the finals !" Exclaims Professor Port.

"Dragon Setsu wins !" Exclaims Oobleck. I put my guns away and went to see Sun, who was still on the ground. I reached out my arm to help him up.

"It was a great fight." I told him, smiling.

"Thank you." He told me, grabbing my arm and getting up.

"No hard feelings?" I asked him ?

"No hard feelings!" He replied, giving me a high-five.


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