Chapter 14: Killing isn't playing

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(Dragon's POV)

I ran as fast as I could to get Krystal to the airship platform. It was hard for me because I had to avoid the Atlesian robots and Grimms. The white Fang ran away when this giant Grimm landed. Despite these complications, I finally got there. there were injured students who were being treated.

"Hey, is there a doctor here?" I called in a panic. A woman with short brown hair got up and approached me.

"Yes. Is your friend injured?" She asks me.

"Yes! Help her, please!" I begged her.

"Okay, put her on the ground." She told me. I put Krystal on the ground and let the doctor check her out.

"She has a fractured femur and knee and badly damaged stomach. I can give first aid to her, but she'll have to be taken to the hospital and operated on." She told me. I sighed and looked at the others. My gaze fell on two students in particular. Blake was stabbed and Yang lost her right arm. I stood up and walked over to them before seeing Blake crying and Yang was unconscious.

"Shit ..." I whispered.

"Dragon!" A voice shouts from behind me: It was Resare. "So ? Is Krystal okay?" She asks me, worried.

"She needs to be operated." I answered her. Resare sighed in disappointment.

"Did you find Emerald?" I asked her.

"No. I don't know where she went. But we already know that Cinder is in the ballroom, all that remains is to search the rest of the academy and dislodge Emerald." She replied.

"You talking about Cinder? The dark haired beauty? She's not at the ballroom." A voice tells us behind us. We turned around and saw Onyx, from the team MOTN (Mountain).

"What do you mean ?" I asked him.

"I saw her, she's at the CTT." He replied.

"What !?" We asked in unison, unsure of what was going on.

"You got it right. But I did see someone heading for the ballroom." He tells us.

"What did this person look like? Describe it to us!" I ordered him. Onyx sighed, putting his hand on his chin.

"Shit... I haven't seen much... Just two long green locks, white and brown pants, and black heels." He explains to us. We understood very quickly.

"EMERALD!" We exclaimed while looking at each other.

(Night's POV)

I finally arrived in front of the ballroom. It was more complicated than expected: The arrival of this gigantic Grimm brought in other, smaller Grimms. The moment I was waiting for has finally arrived: I was finally going to be able to face Cinder once and for all! I could see myself killing her already, and what I imagined was ... satisfying, although I wouldn't tolerate the murder. But there, it's not just a desire, but also a necessity for the common good.

I sighed and put my left hand on one of the large ballroom doors.

"Be careful." A man's voice told me. I turned around very quickly and looked around: There was no one there, as if that voice came from my mind. At first I thought it was Fox talking to me with his telepathy, but I quickly gave up on that assumption, thinking that he didn't give a shit about me. I just had to hallucinate. I turned and put my hand on the door to the ballroom.

"Let's finish this, Cinder." I said determinedly before pushing the door open and entering the great room.

The room was completely empty. The building was intact and there was no light except that of the moon that came through the windows. I enter the room and close the door behind me. I walked around the room looking around, but no sign of Cinder. The room was totally empty, but despite everything, I felt a presence.

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