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"Come on guys, she's probably way different than Philips." Squints defended me.
"Yeah, I am." I said trying to change the boys minds about me.
"What does he say about us?" Kenny asked.
All the boys tuned in.
"Well we barely talk to each other. Let's just say we don't have the best relationship." I said looking down playing with my fingers.
"Oh." They said in disappointment.
"Pancakes?" A waitress came to our table holding a tray. The boys raised their hands except for me and Benny. We kept making eye contact.
"You don't want anything?" Bertram asked.
"Nah. I'm fine." I said waving my hand.
"She just said she wasn't hungry. Remember?" Kenny said in a sassy tone.

As they ate we talked about a lot. They were really welcoming and made me laugh a lot. They even invited me to play baseball with them. That Benny kid is a little mysterious though. It's always the cute ones that never want to do anything with you. Or maybe it's because I'm his enemies sister...
After eating, the boys thought it was a good idea to invite Amelia to the sandlot. I wasn't really happy about this, sense she is Philips sister. Even if she claims that she is the total opposite doesn't change my mind. I was walking a few feet behind Amelia, Kenny, and Squints, watching their bond grow bigger and bigger. I felt betrayed. Bertram walking next to me said, "Isn't she cool." I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"What are you so mad about?" He pushed my arm lightly.
"Are you dumb? She's Philips sister." I whispered so she won't hear me.
"Ok, and? She literally said that she hates him too." He claimed. I forgot that she said that, which made me change my mind a bit.
"Give her a chance, man." Bertram said in a convincing tone. I shook my head and walked with my head down.

"Benny finally! We've been waiting!" A chubby red headed boy came running towards us. He slowed down when he saw me. More boys came running after him, staring at me.
"Oh um, I'm Amelia." I put my hand out for him to shake it. He shook it back. I introduced myself to the rest of the boys and they introduced themselves back. Most of them were short and lanky.
"Are you new here?" A tan kid with green eyes that goes by the name of Yeah-Yeah asked.
"Yeah, I moved in last month." I nodded.
"Do you have siblings?" A blonde boy asked.
I looked at Kenny and Bertram. They had a worried look on their face.
"Um...Philips is my brother. My half brother. Not biological." I started playing with my fingers again.
"Philips!?" The red headed boy yelled.
"She hates him as much as we do." Benny said as he walked past me making his way to a dugout.
"You do?" The youngest of the group looked up at me.
"Yeah, a lot." I was looking at Benny as he walked away. How did he remember my exact words? I thought he didn't like me (as friends).
The boys shrugged and followed Benny. So did I.

Some of the boys were walking next to me as we made our way to the dugout.
"Do you play ball?" Yeah Yeah asked.
"" I think the boys didn't think to mention about my sports skills. I'm so bad.
"What do you do?" The red headed boy said with an attitude.
"I play the electric guitar in a band...and I'm the lead singer." Their eyes went straight to me.
"Wait, are you famous?" Yeah Yeah said excitedly.
I chuckled.
"No, not yet. I just preform at parties." I was looking at the floor.
"Can you bring your guitar here one day?" Ham the red head boy asked.
The sandlot was pretty big and good for concerts. It had a very chill vibe. I can be here all day if I could.
"Yeah if you want me to, I can show you some tunes." They both smiled. They treated me like a celebrity haha.
"Amelia I don't want to sound like im flirting with you but, you are the coolest girl I've met." Ham said in between laughs.
"Oh...thank you." I smiled.

I had mixed feelings about Amelia. She was good at batting and throwing. She is also in a band and is extremely talented. But also she's my enemies sister. Still she has a part of him in her.
"I'm just being dramatic..." I thought to myself.
I'll give her chance I guess.
"But what if she switches up on us, or Philips sent her here to trick us. There's no way he sent her here, it was coincidental." Overreacting was something that I barely do. I was just so worried for no reason.

I stood in second base while Amelia was up to bat.
"What if she stops here, what do I do." I got so nervous.


"Woah!" I followed the ball with my eyes. It landed on Mr. Mertles yard. Without even noticing she was already at third base.
"Yeah!" Bertram yelled clapping his hands. He looked at me from first base, giving me the "I told you" look.

"Sorry, I can get the ball back if you want me too." She yelled from home base. The fence got knocked down last summer by the beast. We weren't scared anymore, so it wasn't a problem for her to go get the ball.
"I'll get it." Smalls yelled from center field.
"Let's take a break!" I took my hat off and walked to the dug out. Amelia was behind me, I didn't even have to turn around to see if it was actually her, the smell of vanilla was so familiar that I immediately knew it was her. I decided to stop ignoring her presence and gave her a water bottle.
"Here." I handed her the bottle. Her eyes went to the bottle then to me, she looked shocked.
"Thanks." She smiled then sat down next to Squints. She isn't that bad.
Ouuu okay Benny I see you 😏. This story will probably the last one when I finish it for a while cuz I need to focus on school instead of writing wattpads at the same time lolll. But yeah that's it. Byeee:)

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