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The next day...
I ended up talking with Andrea and Benny's mom about going to Seattle last night. Luckily, Benny is allowed to go with me. I bought tickets for both of us with the money I earned from babysitting Sofia. We will be leaving tomorrow and come back in three weeks. We were both really excited. This morning I received bad news though. It's Saturday and I'm supposed to spend the day with Benny. Instead, I walked in the hallways of a hospital to see one of my best friends who got shot. It happened yesterday when we ran away from the police. Liam said that the police tried to fire at him, but Bertram decided to take the bullet instead. Benny walked next me holding my hand. Entering the waiting room I saw Maya crying in silence. She noticed me but didn't do anything. I sat next to her.
"Do you think he's ok?" She said whipping her tears away.
"Yeah, I hope he is." I said not making eye contact with her.
Benny sat next to me not saying a word.

It was our turn to visit Bertram after his parents. They didn't seem to care as much as I did. He looked so pale as he slept. Me and Benny sat on a sofa, watching Maya carefully cuddled next to him. I couldn't even glance at Bertram, he looked awful. Benny was resting his head on my shoulder, I bet it was hard for him to look at his best friend in this state also.
The limit for how long we can be with him was 15 minutes. We talked about different things to make each other feel better.

When we left the hospital the walk back home was quiet. I kept overthinking. Benny saw how silent I was.
"It'll be ok." He gave me side hug. I started to choke up. I took a deep breath before crying. I let the tears go down my cheek. I didn't sob or anything. Benny stopped walking and took his time to wipe the tears off my face.
"Don't think negative things, otherwise they will come true." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and hugged me tightly.
"I love you." I said sniffling.
"I love you more." He responded.
We separated from each other and continued walking.

While holding a small conversation we finally reached his house.
"Well, I should start packing." I felt better now.
"I'll see you later?" He said putting my hair behind my ear, which made me get butterflies.
"Yup, I'll see ya." I gave him a kiss and walked to my house.

Connors car wasn't here. In the morning before going to the hospital I saw boxes pilled up in the corner of the living room, if we were moving or something. I walked inside. The boxes weren't there anymore. I looked for Andrea until I heard sniffling in her room. Opening the door I saw her sitting in her bed, she looked at the floor. Andrea noticed me standing there. She didn't look very sad, kinda relieved.
"Sorry, did I interrupt something." I backed away.
"No, no. It's fine. Come." She patted her side for me to sit. I sat next to her awkwardly.
"What happened?" I asked.
She smiled letting out a small giggle, "I kicked Connor out, he's now living in Nevada."
"What? Really?" I was so confused, I thought I'm supposed to be with him sense he is my father.
"What about me?" I asked.
"I've been waiting for you to ask me that." She stood up walking to her dresser, she took out a small wooden pink box.
"I should give this to you before you leave." She handed me the box. I opened it, it was filled with confetti and a canvas. I removed the confetti so I could read what was written on the canvas.
                         My adoption date
                             July 29 1994
                      I am now Amelia Foxx
"What? You adopted me?" I began to choke up. Andrea started crying even more. We hugged for a few minutes.
"Does that mean I can stay here forever?" I stopped hugging her to wipe my tears.
"We can stay here for as long as you want." She responded with a smile.

I rushed to get ready to go to Benny's house to tell him the big news. I changed my outfit, ate a bigger meal than usual, I'm still trying to recover little by little, then I brushed my teeth and walked to his house. Before I could knock he opened it.
Smiling I say, "Hey."
"Why are you so happy?" He let me in and closed the door behind him.
"You won't believe thi-"
Benny cut me off by saying, "Woah, let's go to my room." He took my hand and brought me to his room.
"Ok, what is it." He said sitting on his bed.
I was too excited I began laughing. Benny looked at me like if I was on something.
"Andrea adopted me." I mumbled.
"Who's that." He said.
I slapped my forehead.
"Jaxons mom." I chuckled.
"Oh! Wait... Adopted?" He was so clueless.
"Yes! Connor moved and now she's my legal parent." I explained. This topic was also confusing for me.
"Oh, so she's your mom now?" When he brought that up I sat next to him thinking about what he asked me.
"Umm... I haven't thought about that." I got silent.
"I should've never brought that up, sorry." He said with a disappointment look on his face.
"I don't think I will call anyone else my mom." I said looking at the floor.
"I wouldn't either." He says trying to make me feel better.
After a few seconds of silence I say chuckling, "When we go over there you can visit my moms grave?"
"Am I aloud to laugh?" He said smiling.
"Go ahead I don't care." I began to laugh to not make him feel bad.

The rest of the day I spent my time packing and helping Benny peck also. I am so relieved that I got adopted by Andrea. If I didn't I'll have to move with Connor and leave Benny behind.
This chapter is so short lol. I don't have the energy rn to write much lol. Nothing much is happening rn. Byeee:)

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