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Me and Charlie have been "dating" for a few weeks now. Our relationship doesn't even feel like one. I really miss Benny. I am actually sure this time. I am still on birth control and it's giving me acne and making me feel nauseous here and there.

It was the day we played with varsity, I sat in lunch next to Charlie, Julie and Connie were minding their own business.
"I think I can beat those big guys." He said talking about the varsity game.
I sigh, "Yeah..." All he would talk about is himself and hockey.
To change the subject I said, "You know I used to play baseball."
"Hockey is harder than baseball." He says making me annoyed.
"I guess..." I said. I want to get out of here.

At the dorm...
"Julie, how can I break up with Charlie?" I worked up the courage to say that. She smiled like she knew this was coming.
"You don't like him huh." She said chuckling.
"No, I miss Benny, I really do." I was beginning to get nervous. I am a kind person and just breaking Charlie's heart makes me feel bad.
"Well, he does understand that you still love Benny, so it isn't a surprise to him if you want to break up."
How is she always right?
"Ok, I feel confident enough," I say.
"You go girl, you and Benny are inseparable." She said smiling. I smiled back feeling even more confident.

During the game...
The game was really interesting. Everyone was getting along well and we didn't argue much.
The game went on for an hour and we won, which was really cool. We all gave each other a group hug.
(Author: Let's ignore the part when Luis was making out with the girl lol)
"Look at their faces," Charlie said laughing at the varsity team. He then walked closer to me and said, "I did good didn't I?"
Why is he so full of himself?
"Yeah but I did better," I say in a cocky tone.
He scoffed, "Okay." Then walked away.
I got him good.

The next day...
I was at the locker room when I was planning on breaking up with Charlie today. It was obvious I was being quiet, even my friends noticed.
"Amelia, are you doing alright?" Connie said sitting next to me as I packed my things. I snapped out of my thoughts, "Oh yeah, I'm just...tired." I said.
"Ok, if anything is wrong tell me." Then she walked away. My stomach was twirling in knots and I began to choke up as I walked closer to Charlie.
"Charlie?" I said.
He turned around.
"Umm, can I talk with you?" I said pointing to the exit.
"Yeah, sure." He began to walk to the exit.
Benny was giving me a confused look, like he was concerned for me.
Once we were outside of the locker room I got straight to the point, "I don't think our relationship is working out, well, for me," I said beginning to panic. He looked shocked, he sighed looking at the floor.
"Or is it because you miss Benny?" He said looking back at me. My heart began to start beating fast.
"Yeah, that also." I looked at the floor avoiding eye contact. I didn't want to tell him that he is also really full of himself.
"It's ok, I get it." He said calming my nerves. I was relieved he didn't seem mad. I made eye contact with him finally.
"Friends?" He said putting his hand out for me to shake it.
Smiling I shake his hand back, "Friends."
"I'll see you tomorrow." He said leaving.
"Yeah, bye." I said beginning to walk to my dorm. I felt so free.

So now I am focused on telling Benny that I miss him. I haven't been hearing of the blonde girl much, so they probably also aren't together anymore. I was in the rink, like always, skating around. I have gotten pretty good at it not gonna lie.

I was walking to my dorm when I heard noises coming from the skating rink. I walked closer to the entrance and looked in the windows. I saw a girl skating, she seemed like a professional. She also looked very familiar, I was waiting for her to turn around for me to be able to see who it was. I noticed that she had bangs, "Amelia," My stomach filled with butterflies when I knew it was her. Opening the door slowly, I caught her attention. She flashed me a smile making me blush.

I got excited when I saw Benny standing outside the door.
"Hey," I said walking closer to him.
He looked pretty shy and was blushing.
"Hey," He says back.
"Do you need me?" I say exciting the rink.
"Oh no, I just saw you skating. I didn't think you were this good." He sat down on the bench.
Chuckling I say, "You learn something new everyday."
He smiled, oh gosh, it filled me up with butterflies.
"Guess what," I sat next him.
"What?" He says with a calm voice.
The rink was empty, it was only me and Benny.
"Me and Charlie broke up, if you haven't noticed." I said avoiding eye contact, like always.
"Oh, I've noticed. You seem to not care." He elbowed me snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't know what to tell him, the reason I didn't care for the break up was because I decided to break up because I miss Benny.
"Umm... I wanted to break up with him, that's why I'm not sad like I was when me and you broke up."
"Shoot, I should've never said that,"
He remained silent for a few seconds.
"I miss us, like-" He said out of nowhere. Cutting him off I mumble, "I miss us too,"
We made eye contact for a few seconds before he says, "Does that mean we can get back together?" I couldn't stop smiling, "Yeah, we can get back together." I let out a chuckle because of how excited I was to get back with Benny. He gave me a hug and I hugged back, we stayed like this for a few seconds, he then mumbled while still hugging me, "We couldn't even last a year without each other," Me and him laughed at what he said. We then separated, "Sorry, this year was a mess." Benny said in guilt.
"I think I should be apologizing too, but it's better now, right?" I said as he looked disappointed in himself. He smirked, "Yeah, it's better now."

After a few months...
When sophomore year ended, me and the team got tired of the snobby preppy school we were in, so we went back to public school to finish our junior and senior year. Ham, Smalls, Squints, and Yeah-Yeah, are in their sophomore year now. They don't know that me and Benny will be coming back though. I moved back in with Andrea and Jaxon, I cleaned up my room because later I'll be going to the sandlot and will surprise the sandlot boys. I got ready and started walking to Benny's house. I felt nostalgic as I stood outside his house, remembering of the summer 3 years ago.
I knocked and immediately Sofia answered the door. She let out a huge gasp when she saw me.
"Amelia! I missed you so much!" She said giving me a big hug. She did grow a bit taller and has shorter hair now.
"I missed you too, it's been forever. How old are you now?" I said separating myself from her.
"I'm 10." Shyly she says.
"No way..." I mumbled. I still thought she was six. I forget that we get older throughout the years, I myself don't feel like I'm 16, I still feel 14. She closed the door behind me and walked me inside. Benny then walked outside the hallway holding a bat and his glove.
"Ready?" He says walking to the door.
Cutting me off Sofia says, "Can I go too? Please?" Benny rolled his eyes, "Fine, hurry." Sofia rushed to get her shoes on and she immediately opened the door to leave.
She turned to look at me as Benny locked his house, "Maybe we can make a flower crown like last time, and probably meet up with another spider."
I began smiling because she still remembers that day, "Yeah, probably."
"Ok, let's go," Benny said taking my hand and we ran to the sandlot in the middle of the street.

When we finally got to the gate we heard the boys yelling. Me and Benny exchanged smiles, I opened the gate and casually walked in the field, Benny walking behind me. The boys jerked themselves to face us, their face lit up and they ran to me, jumping on me and giving me hugs.
"Why were you gone for so long!?" Smalls said.
"It was a stupid decision," I said pulling myself away from the hug.
"Are you here for good now?" Squints said pushing his glasses up like he would always do.
"Yeah," Me and Benny both said at the same time.
"Let's play ball." Bertram said putting his glove on and ran to his position. Me and the rest did the same. It seemed that Bertram and Maya are still together cause he's always talking about her. I wish that instead of going to Eden Hall, I could've stayed here and continued with baseball, now I am so close to having to go to college, I shouldn't worry about that now....
The next chapter will be the last one for this story:( If you have any recommendations for Amelia and Benny's future feel free to comment! Byeee:)

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