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Finally waking up, with my pjs on I walked around the castle looking for everyone when I ran into Coran.

He turned towards me and smiled.

"Yes Dean?"

"Where is everyone?"

"Well Shiro and Pidge are recovering the remains of the old ship reck and everyone else are staying with the Arusians! We decided to let you sleep today!"

"Well that's greatly appreciated but can you do me a favor and make some more of that Paladin lunch food?"

Stars shined in his eyes as he saluted before dashing off in a cloud of smoke. I blinked a few times then shrugged it off as I went to change and meet him in the kitchen when he was just finishing off.

"Thanks Coran!"

"No problem young Paladin!"

As he leaves I eat my food in peace before the mic I had made for me to connect with the Voltron coms went off in my ear.


I sigh and quickly eat all the remains and dishes before skipping the armor and getting into my lion as we speed off to help black and green attack whatever the heck that thing was.

It was a monster with a glowing orb, sounds fun!

"What I miss boys?"

"Oh great Deans here! Listen you got to ahhh-"
Green took critical hit. -3 pts.

Oof was all I can say knowing that must've hurt.


"Anyone call for some back up?"

Finally everyone arrives and we form voltron as my lion spent no time WHATS so ever piercing my arms from the elbow down.

I held back a hiss of pain as Voltrons power levels spiked as we fought it.

Well they did I say there and looked pretty.

Also keeping a close eye on things.

However that glowing orb somehow knew where my cockpit was on Voltrons chest and kept hitting that exact same spot on voltron making red lights go off as my breathing was heavy having banged my head against my chair from getting flung back without a helmet.



Just like That we were on the ground with Shiro moaning in pain as well.

"Wait... I remember fighting him! Guys I know how to beat him!"

"Great.. do it already will yeah?"
I say as my ears were ringing as my body repaired itself.

If I was a normal human I would've been dead having my head cracked opened like that.

Fortunately the only thing that can kill me is dead mans blood. Yep, if I drink the blood of a dead man it's like poison.

#I watched all 15 season of Supernatural x8

"Finally getting on our feet we successfully dodged and fired a lazor at the beast but it still wasn't enough! If only I had drunk human blood then we would be x10000 stronger! But noooooooo I have morallsssss thats gunna killl my friendsssssss!

"Guys last time I had a sword!"


"My lions telling me what to do!" He said at the same time as me as we suddenly got a cool lookin sword.

"Ahhh sweet."

Back in the game we were as we blocked all the hits as the third shot destroyed our shield but it was enough to provide us an opening to attack and strike down the beast!


"Dean Shiro you guys ok?"
Awe Kieth cares.

"Yeah I'm fine here."

I say while Shiro responses the same.

"Let's go home and sleep yeah?"


"... and?"

Walking around the corner I stopped and went back as I eavesdropped on my comrades conversation.

"You did it to save him! Thank you thank you!"

Aperently Shiro attacked Matt to save him from the arena. The place that I was suppose to free them from.

Walking away angrily I had only one thought in mind.

"What the heck was wrong with me... what happened last year!?"

Next Chapter: The fall of the castle of lions / The truth breaks free

[ To be Continued ]

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