Locked in

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Dream was worried, worried i'd run off, back into the woods with L'manburg. He did't want that, he did't trust L'manburg. Clay thought they would hurt me. And i knew that he only wanted me to be safe, so he put me on his team, but i trust L'manburg with my heart. More than i would with Clay. I know Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy and Eret wouldn't hurt me. Dream walked me to my room once we arrived home, and shut my door. I was confused until i heard a click. I jumped forward and pulled at the door handle, it wouldn't budge. It was locked. I turned to my window, but before i could run any further towards it, i noticed a seal on the window. I was locked in.

I understood that Clay did't trust me, but he took this too far. Locking his own sister in her own room? What was i supposed to do in here? This is ridiculous! I don't understand why he would lock me in here?!

Half an hour later, i heard a knock coming from my door. I expected it to be Dream, so i yelled out, "Fuck off Clay!" "Y/N? Its me, Sapnap." I heard back, the embarrassment kicking in. I got up from my desk and stumbled over to my door. "What." Sapnap looked sad. He obviously did't agree with how Dream reacted. "I'm sorry Y/N, i don't understand why Dream would do this! Its not like him. You'll be let out of here soon, i promise." He says with a calming voice. "Its probably just all of this war stuff getting to his head." I trusted him but also doubted that this was because of the war. "I don't feel like talking." I reply, and continue to close the door on him, but he stops me. "Y/N, maybe you should talk to him?" Sapnap says, pushing the door open again. "Hes being a dick, as per usual, tell him to fuck off because i don't want to talk to him." I say, already sitting at my desk again. Sapnap sighs and closes the door. But i notice no click.

I decide not to check whether the door is locked or not, because i don't want anyone and 'actually' lock it, if its not already. Time passes and i notice another knock coming from my door, but when i look over, i see a note that was passed from under the door. I walk over, collect the note, and bring it back to my desk. While i observe the outside of the note, i notice some writing on it that says, "Y/N, from Sapnap." I was confused but opened it anyways.

"Dear Y/N,"
"You may of noticed that I purposely did't lock you door. You know that i don't agree with Dream and i am fighting for your freedom, but for now, i have left your door unlocked, so maybe you can sneak out for a bit while i negotiate with Dream."
"From, Sapnap."

My eyes widen, Sapnap DID leave the door unlocked! I was delighted, but of course, i had to wait till night faded in, and also figured out how i could ask Tubbo and Tommy to meet up with me. I had so many ideas of what to do tonight that i just HAD to make a list!

1. Sneak out of the house
2. Take the seal off of my window
3. Get to L'manburg
4. Find Tommy and Tubbo

Some of the ideas i had come up with were 'pretty ridiculous' so i decided not to add them to list. I folded Sapnaps note and my note and shoved it into a white leather backpack. I grabbed the clothes i wanted to wear tonight from my closet and hid them in my bedside table draw. It was only 7:30 by the time i had everything set up, and George knocked on my door with my dinner. I hurried over to my door to greet George. "Hi George!" I said, grabbing the bowl of pasta from his hands. "Thanks!" I quickly shut the door. I could tell George was confused on how i was acting, because i could here him talking with my brother in the room next to me. "Yeah she seemed like she was happy in there? Too happy.." "Let it be George, shes probably just found something exciting to do, plus, she did't want to be part of this war. Shes probably happy about that as well."

I already had enough of all their bickering and tuned out to focus on finishing my food fast. I wanted to go to sleep early so that i wasn't so i tired when my alarm woke me up. I ate up the creamy pasta and left my desk to jump into bed. I was too energetic at first, so i couldn't get to sleep, but around 8:00pm i could feel my eyelids getting heavier, and harder to keep open. And before i knew it, i was fast asleep!

Of course my alarm woke me up at 12:30. I was extremely tired. I grabbed the clothes from my bedside table and changed into them quickly. Once i grabbed my leather bad, the realisation kicked in.. George must of locked the door after he handed me my dinner! I was ready to start sobbing, but my mind still thought that there could be a chance, since i did't remember hearing any clicks coming from my door. I slowing approached my door, waiting for reality to hit me, and it did. My door was locked. George had locked my door! Great, of course he did! I quietly scattered to my window, dropping my backpack and tears forming in my eyes. It was too dark to tell wether the seal was on or off.

I was scared, i did't know if Clay could here me crying or not. I pulled at the window, but it did't move. So i just guessed that the seal was still on and started sobbing. I dropped to the ground, tears slowly soaking up my dark red jumper. Of course life treats me this way! Because Dream always gets what he wants! I sobbed even more, knowing i could be stuck in my room for days, even weeks!

Hours passed of me, crying, and my back pressed against the wall. Black circles appeared under my eyes. I knew that if anyone walked into my room, and saw me in these clothes, they would think i was trying to get out ( which i was ) and i would be stuck in my room for even longer, so i slowing got off the ground and changed back into my pyjamas. I picked my bad off the floor and hid it in my closet, along with my crinkled clothes, covered in tears. I immediately fell into my bed, falling asleep straight away. Leaving me with only a few hours of sleep.

Just as i expected, i heard a knock from my door at 8:00am. The knocking woke me up and peeked over to my door, but i was way too exaughsted, so i just ignored whoever was at my door and snuggled back into my bed. "Y/N?" I heard from my door, i could tell that was Georges voice. I did't reply, i was annoyed and mad at him, but i obviously couldn't express that, because then they may know i was trying to escape my room last night. "Y/N!" I heard again. George repeated my name a few more times until he decided to just unlock my door, instead of waiting for me to reply like he usually does.

I clearly did't like him just storming into my room without me allowed him to. I shot up from my bed and stumbled over to him. "What?!" I shouted. He noticed the dark circles my eyes and asked, "What were you doing up so late?" My eyes widened. I did't want him to know that i WAS up late so i lied. "I wasn't, why do you ask?" I noticed a plate in his hands that had bacon and eggs on it. I wasn't feeling too hungry so i had to decline his offer. "Also, i'm not hungry." "Oh, okay.. Well i just assumed you staying up late because you seem tired and you have dark circles under your eyes. Not to mention, you are always up at the time!" He had a point, but them locking me up in here gave me some great opportunities. "Sorry, but i thought that if i was going to be locked in here i could sleep in." He stared right at me. "Its only fair!" I added.

He back up and started closing the door. "Okay, fair enough. Its... just not like you." He stuttered, locking the door. I was obviously tired, and he could tell, so i took advantage of what i said and fell back asleep in my warm, cosy bed.

(Words: 1514)

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