The Revolution?

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Even after resting for another night, my stomach felt worse. I did't know wether it was the guilt of leaving my own brother's side, or the giant wound in my stomach. I guess they both caused the same amount of pain. "Y/N!" I bounce a bit from my bed, shocked from the loud voice coming from the left of me. "Ay! Its the women! Shes back at L'manburg!" Just by hearing that sentence, i could tell that it was obviously Tommy and Tubbo. I must of fell asleep yesterday or something, because they were supposed to come and visit the day before.

"Tubbo, Tommy!" I say, with a bubbly expression on my face. I stumble out of my bed, pulling them both into a warm hug, one by one. "I missed you guys, i'm honestly so glad i'm not stuck with my brother anymore!" "Yeah, Dreams a bitch." I laugh at Tommy's statement, but i knew he did't mean it as a joke, for the most part. He used to be 'pretty' good friends with Dream, that never changed the face that he called Clay a bitch, but this war has changed a lot, and their friendships will mostly likely never be the same.

"Y/N, are you joining L'manburg?" Tubbo asks, looking at me innocently. "Well, i'll stay as long as possible! I'm not quite sure how my brother is going to react to this whole situation." I calmly explain to him, making sure i don't say anything to make him too upset. I knew Dream was going to do SOMETHING about this, but i wasn't sure when and WHAT he would do. I was good at guessing what his plans were, but lately its been backfiring and he's been trying new things. This could be a good thing, for him, but it really depends what it is, and it better not hurt my friends.

As soon as i was about to speak again, Wilbur bashed through the medical house's doors. "THEY'RE HERE!" Wilbur yells, grabbing Tommy and Tubbo's wrists, pulling them out of the building and nodding his head at me as if to say, 'follow us!' And, i did. All of us ran over to the hotdog van and met up with Niki, Fundy and.. Eret. Eret just looked at me. He wanted to say something but did't know the right way to say it. "Y/N..." Eret stutters, looking and the floor of the van, and then back at me. "Yes Eret?" "I'm really sorry. I don't know what i was thinking, we used to be best friends, and i really want that back." I could tell Eret REALLY meant what he said. "Its okay Eret! Don't worry, i'm fine. And this shouldn't affect out friendship at all!" A smile grew on Erets face as he looked back at me. "Thank you, Y/N."

"Guys! Enough talking, we have a big problem." Wilburs yells, surprising both me and Eret. "Dream has said he's planted TNT around L'manburg." A look of shocked turned on everyones faces. "He said we either give Y/N back, or he sets of the TNT." I could feel disappointment and fear fill my brain, my thoughts. This was terrifying, but i did't want to leave L'manburg! I just got back!

"Its okay.. L'manburg is in danger right now and the best thing to do is for me to go back to Clay." I explain, a sad expression growing on my face. "No." Wilbur says, his head returning from facing the ground, blush appearing on his cheeks. "Y/N shall stay, we are not giving up our independence." I'm of what Wilbur said, very proud, but that did't change the fact that i was super scared. Wilburs stands up. "We'd fight if independence is gained through revolution." Wilbur takes a deep breath, and steps out of the van, and of course, me, Fundy, Eret, Niki, Tommy and Tubbo all follow. Wilbur walks towards the gates of L'manburg where Dream, Sapnap and George are all standing.

"Independence or death, if we get no revolution, then we want nothing." Wilbur just stares at Dream. "We would rather die than give into your rules and give up our revolution. And we're not giving Y/N back."

(Words: 751)
Ahh yay i don't have writers block anymore! :)
Although the only time i have to write is at midnight, haha.
Hope you like this chapter, sorry its so short! I will work on making longer ones.
Byeee! :D

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