Chapter 14

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Wrinkle brow, eyes open slowly, white ceiling this what Rosè's blur vision captured after unconscious for 2 days ago.

She swallows her saliva to make her dry throat a little wet, move her powerless hand and her raw voice asks for water, "Wat...ter".

Even though her voice is hoarse, but her hand moving so it causes Jimin who sleeps sitting up able to aware of her, "ROSÈ, YOU awake".

Jimin gasps excitedly, he presses a small button near the bed, "Doctor, please come to room 1311".

He returns to her, "What did you just say".

He leans over to listen her voice clearly, "Water".

Jimin quickly raises his head, he grabs a glass and water jar, pour water into glass. He moves to lift Rosè gently, he holds glass for her and she drinks it.

Finally, her dry throat becomes wet again, he lays her down on the bed, "Are you feel better now".

Rosè scans around, "Where am I".

Jimin responds quickly, "You're in the hospital, you had a car accident, that's why".

Her eyes spots his face, "And who are you".

He drops his excited face, "Rosè, I'm Jimin".

She cups her head and knit her brows together tightly, "I don't know you".

Not so long after, Jin arrived in the room with a nurse, "Excuse me".

Jin walks to check Rosè's condition.

After that, Jin turns around, "Her vision, heart rate and blood pressure are back to normal now, there's nothing to worry about".

Jimin blinks eyes rapidly, he strangles, "But doctor, why she didn't know me".

Jin exhales deeply, "Can I have some talk with you outside". Jin and Jimin comes out the room.

Jin puts hands in his lab coat pockets, "After the surgery, I didn't want to tell this case to the patient's relatives yet, because I wasn't sure that a chance of the patient's memory loss might occur or not, I want to wait until patient regained consciousness, so we'll be able to confirm".

Jin carries on, "See right now, the patient is conscious, we'll do test to verify to know how much of her memory left, please contact to your relatives".

Mr. Seojoon and Mrs. Minyoung, Mr. Goonyoo and Mrs. Jihyun, Jin, a nurse and Jimin are standing around, Jin is the one who tests Rosè.

Jin says to Rosè, "I'm a doctor who in charge of your condition, I want to do a test on you by asking some questions, please look up to me".

Rosè stares at Jin, "Before we do the test, I want you to breath in and breath out slowly three time to calm down". Rosè nods and follow what Jin told her.

Jin small smiles, "Okay, let's start".

Jin asks Rosè basic questions such as what's her name, how old is her, does she remember who is her, about her parents' name, and one more question related to her memory, about last thing happened.

All these questions are answered by no, Rosè didn't even remember her name.

Mrs. Jihyun walks to Rosè, sit on the edge of the bed, cup Rosè'a face, "Darling, your name is Roseanne Park, but we called you as Rosè for short, sometimes we called you Chipmunk, you've just graduated from New Zealand recently, and you returned to South Korea because we asked you to help our business".

Mrs. Jihyun inhales a bit, "By the way, I'm Park Jihyun is your mother, and he is Park Goonyou is your father".

Mr. Goonyoo walks with smiles.

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