Chapter 16

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Not too early because it's around seven and half in the morning, Rosè stretches out her arms, eyes open, "Am I early".

Take a look at the clock, "No, it's 7:30 am".

Rosè sits up, fresh morning view already showed at the window, it seems like someone didn't close the curtains, soft yawn, turn her head to the right side, "Where is Chim, is he taking shower".

Rosè gets off the bed, walk to knock on bathroom door, "Chim, are you inside".

There is no sound of water inside, she frowns, "Is he downstairs, whatever, I have to wash my face first".

She does morning routine, suddenly she remembers something, "Wait, my stuff hasn't brought here yet, what I suppose to wear now".

She gazes down to herself, "No it can't be, this shirt I can wear only for sleeping".

Twisting mouth, pondering about the clothes, "Or should I borrow Chim's cloth another one, he probably doesn't mind, when I came downstairs I'll tell him".

Smiley face and stepping out the bathroom, Rosè straightly drags her feet to the closet where Jimin's clothes are.

She is astonished at what she saw after opening the closet door, "They're all about work suits, does he have any clothes besides them".

Put one hand on hip, stroke her chin searching for proper clothes which she can wear.

Her eyes landed on an orange quite big box, hiding behind the suits, "What is this".

Curiosity pushes her to the core wanting to see what inside the box, she looks left and right, after that pick up the box, "Is it okay, I just want to know what's in it, if it's proper clothes, let me borrow them one day Chim, after then I'll do laundry for you back".

Rosè carries the box to the bed, put it down, bite her bottom lip and raise head to see if Jimin might come in unexpectedly, "Sorry Chim".

She is about to lift the cover up, but hesitation stops her not to open it, "No, I shouldn't do that, I should ask Chim first, it's rude".

Going downstairs, quick glance to living room, no presence of Jimin, Rosè turns to the kitchen, her eyes captured two pieces of stick note pads on the table next to a lunch box.

Rosè picks a green note pad

Good morning Pasta!☺
I'm sorry for not able to accompany you to the hospital in this morning because I have an urgent problem at the factory which really need me to solve it, but that's okay I called to delay the appointment with doctor to evening already, your stuff might send to the condo late, around 10 am I guess, so then you can borrow my clothes again, are you okay to wear them, you can design whatever you want with my clothes

Afterward Rosè picks the other orange note pad

Sorry again Pasta!
Could you wake up Ryujin, bathe and dresss up her to go to school. Also sending Ryujin to school today before 8:30 am, I and Jungkook are now at the factory, don't worry I told my chauffeur to drove for you and Ryujin already, besides the lunch box on the table is for Ryujin, and you two breakfasts are in the microwave, just heat it before eat okay. Last, I finished preparing Ryujin's bag and left her uniform at the edge of her bed, see you in the evening

Soft smile comes across Rosè's lips, "He's such caring father and husband".

Putting stick note pads back to their position, she goes to Ryujin's bedroom.

Lovable morning kiss is placed on Ryujin's forehead cause the little mochi awake from peaceful and comfortable sleep, "Eomma".

Rosè greets with a beautiful smile on her lip, "Good morning honey, it's time for school".

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