Chapter 1

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Today your little brother, Nishinoya, has a volleyball tournament. You've been meaning to go to one of his games, but college has kept you busy. But his highschool team, Karasuno's boy team, made it to nationals. You got up and got ready to go. Suddenly theres a ring from your phone. You pick it and answer the call from Noya. "Your coming today right?" Noya asked. You laugh because he sounded like a little kid, "Yes of course bro." "Cool! I better see you there. Are you coming right now?" he asked. "Yeah, i'm heading out. I'll see you there, don't wanna be late. Love you bro." you say. "Love you too!" he replies. You rush out to not be late. You drove to the stadium, which was huge! You go inside and start looking for the team. You haven't seen Noya in a while, and haven't gone to one of their games in a while, so you were excited. As your walking around, suddenly someone gives you the biggest hug ever. "Y/N!! Your here!" Noya says. You hug him back, "Of course bro, I told you i'd be here!" He leads you to the team. "Hey guys! Look, it's my sister!" Noya tells the team. The boys say hi and some stare at you. You say hi back then go to talk to coach Ukai. "Noya's good right?" you ask him. He chuckles, "Yes. He's just excited your here." You tell Noya good luck and head up to the bleachers. You sit and watch the game against Inarizaki yourself. Noya was doing amazing! He's the best libero ever of course. But the team in whole was doing a little bad because of the other teams fans. The pressure was really building up and you were getting worried. All for a sudden, you see a Taiko team come in. They start playing their drums and the team seems visibly calmer and better. Your watching the team, but your eyes cant say off a girl on the Taiko team. She was kind of short, and she had blonde, short hair. But she was really pretty. You continued watching the game as best as you could. It was a hard game but Karasuno won in the end! After the game ended, you ran down to the court to congratulate the whole team. As your down there talking with Noya, you see the girl come down. "Who is she?" you ask Noya. He looks over, "Thats Saeko, Tanaka's sister." "Really.. I see it." you say. Noya grabs your arm and pulls you over to Tanaka and Saeko. "Tanaka, I got a big sister too!" he says. Tanaka rolls his eyes, "Mines cooler!" Him and Noya start arguing, but in a fun way. You watch them but then Saeko starts talking, "Hey, i'm Saeko." You look at her, "Hi, i'm y/n." You guys shake hands. "You did really good." you told her, talking about her drumming. She started blushing a little, "Ah thank you. I just really wanted to help the team." You guys kept talking until Tanaka and Noya were done. Noya turned to you and asked, "Y/n can you come home today?" "Yeah, don't worry i'm coming." He smiled and turned to Saeko, "You can come too, Tanaka's coming over too." Then he turned back to you, "You guys can be friends!" She agreed to come over. They all came into your car to get to your parents house. You guys got there and the boys ran straight to Noya's room. "We can go to my room?" you say to Saeko. "Sure." she says. You guys head up and she plops onto your bed. "You tired?" you ask her. She takes a second, "Not really. Just what should we do?" You think, "Im fine with anything. Whatever you wanna do." You heart was racing just being around her and talking with her. You guys just sat in your room talking a bit. "What college do you go to?" she asks you. "I go to (name of some college around there idk)." "Oh cool." she replied. You ask her back, "Do you go to school?" "Nah. Not really my thing." she says. And you guys just keep talking until its time for her to leave with Tanaka. You wanted to ask her to hang out some other time, but you were way to shy. Her and Tanaka said bye, then left.

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