Chapter 17

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Your honeymoon was going great. It's almost been a week now that ya'll have been here. You wake up, "Good morning baby." You gave Saeko a kiss and she opened her eyes. "Good morning." she said in a tired voice. Ya'll got up and did your routines. As your brushing your hair Saeko comes up behind you and hugs you. "We're leaving tomorrow right?" she asked. You replied with, "Sadly, yes." She sighed, "I miss our home." You gave her a kiss, "I do too. We'll be back tomorrow." She nodded and finished getting ready. Ya'll wanted to spend the day just touring again. The day went by great, walking around and eating at places. During dinner, at a nice restaurant, Saeko looks at you. "What?" you ask. "Im just so happy your my wife." she said. You both started blushing, "Aww. Im so happy too." You gave her a kiss. Saeko loved getting affection. Even if you aren't the most affectionate, it was easy to be with Saeko. You ordered slices of cake to celebrate the wedding. "Aw babe, my favorite!" she said. You smiled, "Yeah, I love you." "I love you too." she said and started eating the cake. Ya'll finished and went back to the hotel. "We get to go home tomorrow!" Saeko said. You smiled, "Yeah... you wanna have some fun before we go?" She smirked, "Of course." Ya'll started making out and got undressed. Just imagine what you'd like😸. You guys finished and cleaned up. "Let's sleep." Saeko said all worn out. "Yeah." you said in agreement. Ya'll changed and got in bed. It was the next morning and you guys packed your stuff and left. "Im gonna miss this though." you said. Saeko turned to you, "It was nice. But now we can go home!" You smiled at her and kept walking. Ya'll board the plane and get home eventually. The boys came to pick you girls up. "SIS!" Noya yelled once he saw you. He ran to you and gave you a hug. Tanaka did the same to Saeko. "Wow, you guys missed us? We had a blast and didn't miss you guys at all!" Saeko said, in a joking tone of course. The boys rolled their eyes and got your bags. You drove to your house and dropped off the boys to your families house. As your walking through your door you say, "YAY!" Saeko ran and plopped on the couch. "I missed this couch!" she said. You laughed at her then sat next to her. "It's good to be home." you said. She gave you a kiss, "I love our home." Ya'll got unpacked and showered. You cooked dinner for the two of you. "Thank you babe, i'm starving!" Saeko said and started eating. You said, "Your welcome babe." "Do you want me to call you something else?" she asked you. "What?" you said. "Like a different name? Instead of babe." she said. You didn't put much thought into it, "I like babe. You've called me that forever so I like it. Do you want another name?" She thought for a second too, "Call me babe or honey. I like honey, it kind of matches my hair." You smiled, "Ok honey." She smiled back and kept eating. Ya'll finished and went to the couch of course. "Let's watch hunter hunter." Saeko said. You smiled at her, "Of course." HunterxHunter was both of yours favorite anime. You guys watched hxh and fell asleep cuddling on the couch. A week later was the boys graduation. You and Saeko got up from bed, REALLY tired though. "Do you think the boys will mind if we go late?" you asked her with your eyes still closed. Saeko rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at your face, "Yes babe. This is important, GET UP! You need to get ready!" You finally opened your eyes an actually got up. She forced you in the shower and that really woke you up. Lets say... ya'll did some stuff in the shower. Not for too long though. Ya'll finished and got out. "Now can you get ready?" she asked you. "Yes." you said and gave her a kiss. You both had breakfast and got ready. You both looked pretty in your casual dresses, then left. 

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