Chapter 8

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A couple of months later now, and todays your graduation! You were getting ready while Saeko helped. "Im so excited!" she said. You laughed, "FINALLY!" You looked really pretty in your cap and gown. "You look amazing, and your moving home!" she said. You gave her a kiss, "I cant wait!" You guys went to the place where the ceremony was and your family was already there, with Tanaka too. He became like your little brother, he already was but even more now. "Im so proud of you!" your mom said. You smiled and gave your family a hug. Now it was time for the ceremony. Everyone sat down and started calling names. Your name was called and your whole family with Saeko and Tanaka were shouting "WOOOOO GO Y/N!!!!" You were blushing and embarrassed as you were walking across the stage. (Im sry if college graduations aren't like this, I rlly don't know so i'm guessing) The ceremony was over and you went over to your family. Saeko gave you a big hug and kiss. "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" she yelled. You smiled at everyone, "Thanks for coming guys. Im finally done with this!" You and your family packed up last of your things from your dorm. Then they drove with you home. You were staying at your parents house for the time being, but you knew you needed your own place. Saeko stayed that day and night with you. She wouldn't let you go and ya'll were just cuddling. "Saeko." you said. "Yes?" she responded. "Do you wanna get a place together?" you asked her. She was surprised from you asking the question. You were surprised at yourself too. But her expression went from surprised to super happy in a second, "OF COURSE! Where do you wanna move?" You thought for a second then said, "Somewhere here. Maybe near your shop?" Saeko now owned the motorcycle shop. She smiled, "Sound's amazing babe!" Next day you guys started looking for apartments and small homes in that area. You met up with Saeko at her house at night. As soon as you got to her room she showed you a place. "LOOK!" she said. On her phone were pictures of a cute apartment. "It looks perfect." you said. She smiled, "So.. you like it?" "Of course." you responded. You hugged her and she said, "Then should we?" "Yes." you said. You guys went to sleep and in the morning contacted the seller. You guys even went to tour the place and it was good for you guys. Through the process, you guys got the home. "YAY!" Saeko yelled once ya'll got the news. You couldn't hold in your happiness, "I love you baby." Saeko started blushing with a smile, "Love you too babe." You guys moved in two weeks later from finding the place. You brought some of your rooms decor because you and Saeko both liked them. You guys got some furniture and both of your moms helped y'all. It was the cutest little apartment for you and her. Now ya'll were living together, each with great jobs, and you were happy. Spending everyday with Saeko is amazing. Every so often, ya'll would go back to your old houses just for fun and visiting family. But mostly, ya'll would stay home together or invite people over. This one day, Karasuno won a practice match against Date Tech. For fun, you invited them over to celebrate. Noya and Tanaka were really happy because they loved the place. And having two, cool, older sisters made them look cooler. The team all loved you guys. They came over and you had a bunch of food waiting for them. They ate that food like they were starving. Knowing those boys, they always are. Later on you guys decided to play some games like twister, charades, etc. You and Saeko were always a team and kept winning. The team eventually didn't let you guys play anymore because of that. Overall it was a fun night with the kids. Two months go by and everything is still great for you. You decided to dye your hair your ombre f/c and Saeko dyed a strand of red. One day ya'll decide to go to the club. "Let's go please!" Saeko begged. Clubs weren't that much your scene. But you wanted to make Saeko happy. "Ok fine, let's get ready." you said. She smiled and got up. You guys dressed up and looked stunning. You wore a dress that's the same color as your hair. It was tight and short with a v slit down your chest. Saeko wore a tight, short, red dress with a slit in the leg. You guys put on your heels and went out. 

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