Chapter 2

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You realized how much you liked being home. And since your college was sort of near, you just drove every other day home and back. It was a couple days after Saeko came to your house. Your home and hear knocks on the door and go to open it. You open the door to see Tanaka and Saeko. "Hey! We're here!" Tanaka says while coming in. Saeko laughs and walks in as well. "Hey. I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to hang with you again." she says. Your heart went crazy while your thinking, "She wants to hang with me?" "Yeah, I did too. Let's go upstairs." you say. You guys start talking again and she says, "I think we should go out." "Go out where?" you ask her. She takes a second, "Let's go to the park!" You agree and get ready to go out. You guys tell the boys ya'll are leaving, then head out. Saeko wanted to go with her car, so you hopped in the passenger seat. She started driving, and it was crazy! The whole time you were just praying ya'll don't crash. She drove to the park, then parked. "We're here!" she said. Ya'll got out and went to the slides first. Literally you guys just played like five year olds. Chasing each other, sliding, etc. Then you guys sat on the swings. After playing and just having fun you got some confidence. "So do you have a boyfriend?" you ask her. She laughs, "Not really, no." "Aww why not?" you ask her. She takes a minute, "Well, i'm not really into guys so.." Your mind starts going off. "Oh ok." you say. She smiles at you, "What about you?" "Oh, um.. i'm not dating anyone right now." you reply. "Why not?" she asks. You think about what to say, "There's not really any girls that like me so.. nothing I can do." Her eyes kinda glow for a second. "Really?" she says. "Yeah." you say. You guys swing in silence for a few minutes. You guys get off the swings and go back to the car. During the car ride she lets you play music. So you just play some music you think both of you would like. Which ya'll did, both of you were just singing and having fun. She pulls up in front of your house. "Ok well i'll text Tanaka to get his ass down here." she says. "Yeah, I could get him if you want?" you say. She thinks, "Nah, my brother will annoy you. I'll just text him." You giggle, "Thank you, i'll see you some other time maybe? Bye!" As your walking away she starts talking, "Hey wait, I got a question." You turn around and walk back to the car. "Yeah?" you say. She seemed to have a blush, but she was still confident, "Do you wanna go out with me sometime?" You stand there a little shocked. "Y-yeah. That's cool." you say blushing like crazy. She lets out a little giggle from how nervous you are right now. "Are you free tomorrow?" she asks. You say, "Yeah, I can do tomorrow." "Cool, I'll pick you up at 5 then." You smile at her and walk into your house. Tanaka comes crashing down the stairs, "Bye y/n!" Noya was right behind him waving him and Saeko goodbye. After you guys closed the door, Noya noticed how lost in thought you were. "What's wrong?" he asked. You came back to reality, "What?" He rolls his eyes, "Is she mean to you or something?" "Saeko? Of course not." you reply. "Then what's wrong? You seem weird." Noya says. "Shut up poop face." you say and throw a pillow at him. He throws the pillow back and you guys start a pillow fight. Later on you get tired and get ready to go to bed. You go to sleep kind of nervous, just excited for the date too. You wake up and go down to eat breakfast like normal, and do your morning routine. As your brushing your teeth you text Saeko, you got her number yesterday, "Hey! How should I dress today?" She replied back pretty quick, "Hmmm, i'm gonna wear a simple dress. But wear whatever you want to and feel good in :)" she texts back. You smile and text back, "Ok, it'll be a surprise then :)" You start prepping your outfit. You find a simple black dress in your closet, then paired it with black mini bag and low heels. You wait to get ready until 4 and then you do. It's 5 now and you get a text from your phone. "Im outside <3" Saeko texted you. You replied, "Coming!" You get down and leave without letting yourself be seen.

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