Chapter 7

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You've been dating Saeko for a year now. Today was your anniversary, so you wanted to go home. You told Saeko you guys couldn't see each other today cause you had to go to school for a project all day. She was upset but understood. You got ready then went out to drive home. You got to your house and there was Noya. "Y/N, your here!" he yelled. You smiled and hugged him, "Yeah bro, i'm here for Saeko though." He smiled, "I know, Tanaka said she's pretty sad today." A frown grew on your face. "Go surprise her right now!" he said. You put your stuff down and went out to go to her house. You get there and knock on the door. Tanaka opened the door in shock. "Y/-" he yelled but you covered his mouth with your hand. "Im gonna surprise Saeko." you said. He nodded and you moved your hand. He let you in and you walked to her room. You peeped in and there she was just laying on her phone. But you notice that she was looking at pictures and videos of you and her. You opened the door and jumped on her. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Saeko yelled. She saw that it was you and hugged you. "OMG OMG OMG YOUR HERE!" she yelled. You kissed her, "Of course baby!" She hugged you and spun you around the room. "I missed you so much!" she said. Both of you giggled and blushed. "I missed you too!" you said. You guys hung out in her room for two hours. "Let's go out!" Saeko said. "For?" you asked. She rolled her eyes, "What else? Our anniversary." You laughed, "Ok. But let me go to my house to get ready?" Saeko nodded and you left. You went to your house and got ready. You wore a (fav color) dress with matching heels. You did your hair and makeup. You walk downstairs and Noya sees you, "Where are you going y/n?" You smiled, "Me and Saeko are going out. I'll be back later." You were gonna leave but then Noya said, "Im really happy for you y/n." You couldn't hold in your smile. You went over to him and hugged him, "Thanks bro." You left and drove back to Saeko. You texted her you were there and she said she was coming. She came out and wow. Her hair looked perfect as always and the dress she wore, was stunning. She walked over and got in the passenger seat. "Where should we go?" you asked. "Let me think while you get gas." she said. You looked at your fuel tank and it was empty. "Alright, lets go." you said and drove. You guys got gas and when you got back in the car she said, "I have the perfect idea!" "What is it?" you asked. "We should go to (a restaurant) then go to the park near my place." she said. "Ok sounds good to me. As long as i'm with you." you respond back. She smiled and you started driving. You guys got to the restaurant and it was pretty empty. The hostess sat ya'll down and took orders right away. While waiting for your food Saeko was just hugging you. "I can't wait until you graduate. Maybe you'll move here." she said. You giggled, "I wouldn't want to move anywhere else. Graduation is just a few months away." "I know, so I cant wait!" she said. "Yeah i'm excited." you said. She looked at you, "Can I come to your graduation?" You smiled at her, "Of course babe, I wouldn't want anyone else to be there." The food comes and you guys eat and share each others meals. You guys finish the food, pay, and leave. "Ok so now the park!" Saeko says. You smile and giggle. You guys get there and she drags you out. "Ok just follow me. I know the perfect place!" she said. You held her hand and followed. You guys walked to the other side of the park where there was the prettiest pond. There were beautiful flowers around and cute frogs in the water. You guys sat on a bench and you said, "This is really pretty." She nodded, "I used to come here a lot. I like the little froggies." You guys got back up and went to the side of the pond. Saeko tried to get frogs to jump in her hand. You were laughing just watching her. "I GOT ONE!" she said. And she really did. There was a small frog in her palm and both of you were petting it. "Is this safe?" you asked. She laughed, "I think so, I used to do this all the time, nothing's happened to me." You guys let the frog go and sat back on the bench. You put your head on Saeko's shoulder. "I love you babe." you said. She kissed you, "I love you too." You guys spent some time there just talking and then went back home. 

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