Chapter 15

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Saeko and you left to start getting ready. Your parents and brothers were helping with setting up and everything. You gave Saeko a kiss, "Today's the day baby. I'll see you later ok?" She gave you a kiss back, "Yep, I love you." "I love you." you said and hugged her. You guys went to different places to get ready. You guys also went dress shopping separately so you had no idea what she would look like. You were getting your hair and makeup done. They did such a good job and then it was time for your dress. You stared at your dress, it was your dream dress. You put it on and it still felt as perfect as it did when you first saw it. You were almost ready and your family came in. "Hey guys." you say. They stare at you and your parents start tearing up. "You look so beautiful." your dad said. You gave your parents a hug. "Don't cry mom, your makeup will drip." you said. She laughed, "I cant help it." You looked over to see Noya crying as well. You hugged him, "What happened bro?" He spoke up, "Nothing. Just i'm so happy for you sis, and you look amazing!" You started tearing up, but didn't cry cause of your makeup. "When your up there, don't be scared ok?" your mom told you. "I wont be, I'll have the love of my life with me." you replied. They said some other things and left. You finished getting ready and now were just waiting. Your dad came to get you, "It's time." You got up and your legs felt like noodles. You were so nervous and excited. You walked out in your dads arm. You look over and there was Saeko. You gasped at her beauty and she did the same to you. Her dress was just, amazing! She looked like a goddess. Her hair was beautiful as always and her eyes were glowing. You guys walked down the aisle together with your dads. You guys stood under the altar and held hands. Tears started forming at the corner of your eyes. It was just so much and you were so happy. A few tears started slipping our of her eyes, which caused yours to fall as well. The officiator started talking. You guys did all that ceremony stuff. Now it was time for the vows. "Y/n, you may start your vows." the guy said. You started, "Saeko, you are the love of my life. I met you at our brothers volleyball game about 3 years ago. I remember when I first saw you. I thought to myself, wow, she's stunning! And just look at you right now, you look beautiful. These last two years with you have been pure happiness. When i'm with you, I think how lucky I am. And I think about how amazing you are. I love you so much and cannot wait to call you my wife." She started crying a little more than calmed down to talk. "Y/n, I love you so much. It's indescribable. You mean so much to me, I wouldn't want anything else than you. You make me happy. The time you came home after being in college, was the best gift ever. I treasure every moment with you. And I cant wait to keep having all these amazing moments with you. Every second I spend with you, make's me happy and love you even more. I've been looking forward to this day so much, and I love you so much!" she said. You started crying more. The guy said whatever else. "Y/n, do you take Saeko to be your wife?" "I do." "Saeko, do you take y/n to be your wife?" "I do." The he said, "You brides may now kiss." You guys kissed and it was amazing. Such a happy moment. Everyone was cheering especially Karasuno. You guys did invite the team. A few hours later, dances started. First you and Saeko had your "first" dance. The ya'll danced with your parents. The everyone got on the dance floor and the music picked up. Saeko was dancing forever. You got tired and sat down to drink some (alcohol of your choice). Saeko came over and sat next to you. "Come on baby! Let's keep dancing!" she said. You rolled your eyes and got up again. You guys danced forever. Eventually the wedding ended around 2am. You and Saeko got home. She picked you up at the door. "What are you doing babe?" you asked her. She smiled, "Im gonna carry my wife into our home." You helped her open the door cause her hands/arms were full carrying you. She walked in and set you down. You yawned, "Let's go to sleep baby." You walked to the bedroom and got changed, so did Saeko. Ya'll got in bed and went to sleep. 

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