1. Status Follow-up Update: Bad

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Hey everyone, new chapter, yay :D enjoy your read and please comment and vote! Also picture above is Gerard in this story.


Five years later

Gerard scrambled up to his feet, the metal shackles bounding them together clanking as he did. His legs felt weak and shaken underneath him, he didn't like the fact that they were what was keeping him up, falling never ended well.

He lifted the empty silver tray and put it in its place in the kitchen cabinet. Dusting his pants he existed the room, walking (limping, more accurately) down the halls until he reached the two lines of servants; one for humans, one for elves.

Gerard took his place in the line of elves and waited silently, his head bowed, for the guard to check his body for weapons. He didn't have any—not that he would know how to use them if he had—elves weren't allowed to possess any weapons, and the fact that all of them were slaves didn't quite help.

It was a simple safety measure though; the Prince, had returned from his year long journey and was expected to arrive at the main entrance of the castle in a short amount of time. All residents of the castle and citizens were ordered to come and greet him as he returned to his home.

And it wasn't as if any of the guards that were put for the mission of searching for weapons complained: they got to grope a large amount of pretty elves that couldn't do anything about it but keep their mouths shut and let it happen.

It wasn't like the guards (or any other person that wasn't an elf for that matter) didn't do so at other times if they felt like it anyway; it just simply gave them an excuse.

That didn't happen to the human maids and servants though, maybe light flirting, but that was it. The humans of course weren't treated as objects, Gerard thought bitterly. They had rights, they had voices, they had freedom and the ability to choose. They weren't considered worse than the dirt you step on.

And more than once and twice had Gerard seen them molest and force themselves onto elves they deemed pretty enough. Heck, more than once or twice had they groped him and forced themselves onto him.

No one in the castle seemed to know of any boundaries except for the elves, not that it did much for them to have ones. They couldn't even voice those or they'd be hurt, in multiple ways. No one even cared if the elves consented to anything, they did whatever they wanted to them, whenever they wanted to.

It was always about the humans, always for their pleasure. And it wasn't like Gerard even cared for his own pleasure. For him pleasure would be to not be touched for at least one whole day. But he would never get that, and he had made peace with that years ago. It didn't change the fact that Gerard was miserable though.

And although Gerard dreaded what was to come, even for the smallest fact that he would be around so many humans; saying he was curious was an understatement. Because he was really curious. He wanted to see the Prince, the Prince that everyone seemed to talk about.

The: "He's so handsome and rich, and he's the Prince! I hope he'll be looking for a bride soon, I mean he is old enough. When he looks for a bride I am so doing my best for her to be me!" Prince. A human girl maid's words, not Gerard's. He has never even seen him.

Slowly, the guard came closer to Gerard and he could feel the oh–so familiar nausea swirl in his stomach as he gulped.

The guard seemed to be around thirty, and as he groped him, Gerard—who tried to stay as still as possible in his uncomfortable state and bit the inside of his cheek so hard he tasted blood—saw a glint of gold and felt a rough metal ring dig into his skin through his ragged clothes.

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